This Corona Virus Mania is Just Too Much, We All Need to Chill!

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Is it my imagination?
I am sure that my FM radio sound from BBC Three via my Magnum Dynalab 109 tuner is sounding better than I have heard it ever before.
I am awre that astronomers are having a field day as a result of the cleaner atmosphere resulting from the Covid 19 shut down on flights and road traffic so I suppose it could be having simlar beneficial effects on radio transmissions.
Is it my imagination?
I am sure that my FM radio sound from BBC Three via my Magnum Dynalab 109 tuner is sounding better than I have heard it ever before.
I am awre that astronomers are having a field day as a result of the cleaner atmosphere resulting from the Covid 19 shut down on flights and road traffic so I suppose it could be having simlar beneficial effects on radio transmissions.

I think it is your imagination. VHF FM radio is terrestrial and line-of-sight.

I could imagine that ionospheric communications (high-frequency/short-wave) are adulterated by pollution.
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Since we are stuck at home, we decided to do a small acoustic driveway gig - just Nanc and me.
Video sucks, but at least the audio is ok.
Music is our therapy to this crisis!!

No hype. The numbers actually exceed the projections. No one expected such a tepid response from the U.S.
While there may be some errors in diagnosis not on a significant level. Our country is number one with a bullet.
Still no cohesive national response.
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No hype. The numbers actually exceed the projections. No one expected such a tepid response from the U.S.
While there may be some errors in diagnosis not on a significant level. Our country is number one with a bullet.
Still no cohesive national response.

What does this crisis have to do with bullets? Not everyone agrees that the US Govt. response is tepid, and how would you know what everyone expected?

I find the disparity of opinions to be astonishing. While one side celebrates that perhaps the estimated 100K-240K death count seems to be going down, and they turn their attention to the damaged economy and figuring out ways to get people back to work, the other side keeps talking about how our government is in disarray and completely incompetent, that there are lots of shortages, the number of cases keeps climbing, that the worst is still ahead, and they advocate for extending the lock down, keeping the economy closed, and advocating for massive new spending to support an indefinite closure. And all the while, the bickering continues.

I am noticing that as the corona news starts to improve, the talk of blame and accountability is increasing. I had hoped this crisis would bring us closer together toward some kind of a common purpose and goal. Instead, I am disappointed and perplexed.
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What does this crisis have to do with bullets? Not everyone agrees that the US Govt. response is tepid, and how would you know what everyone expected?

I find the disparity of opinions to be astonishing. While one side celebrates that perhaps the estimated 100K-240K death count seems to be going down, and they turn their attention to the damaged economy and figuring out ways to get people back to work, the other side keeps talking about how our government is in disarray and completely incompetent, that there are lots of shortages, the number of cases keeps climbing, that the worst is still ahead, and they advocate for extending the lock down, keeping the economy closed, and advocating for massive new spending to support an indefinite closure. And all the while, the bickering continues.

I am noticing that as the corona knews starts to improve, the talk of blame and accountability is increasing. I had hoped this crisis would bring us closer together toward some kind of a common purpose and goal. Instead, I am disappointed and perplexed.

What does this crisis have to do with bullets? Not everyone agrees that the US Govt. response is tepid, and how would you know what everyone expected?

I find the disparity of opinions to be astonishing. While one side celebrates that perhaps the estimated 100K-240K death count seems to be going down, and they turn their attention to the damaged economy and figuring out ways to get people back to work, the other side keeps talking about how our government is in disarray and completely incompetent, that there are lots of shortages, the number of cases keeps climbing, that the worst is still ahead, and they advocate for extending the lock down, keeping the economy closed, and advocating for massive new spending to support an indefinite closure. And all the while, the bickering continues.

I am noticing that as the corona knews starts to improve, the talk of blame and accountability is increasing. I had hoped this crisis would bring us closer together toward some kind of a common purpose and goal. Instead, I am disappointed and perplexed.

Peter, I don’t see how anyone could use those models as a basis to declare success. They are based on very rough guesses of rates of infection. There was no real basis for them. I am not blaming the modelers but those estimates were, and still are, unreliable. Accurate models don’t change by 25% in 1 day like these have.

Regarding the way the US federal government has handled this crisis I am trying to figure out exactly what they have done. It seems to me that the governors are the ones who have determined the fate of their individual state. They are the ones the shut down their states. Maybe that is the right answer. I don’t know, but I would have liked to see more guidance from the federal government. They should have recommended that all states shut down 5-6 weeks ago. I know both Florida and Georgia delayed and waiting for guidance. Unfortunately, their wave will happen later which will delay when the whole country will be past this.

I think the federal government was late to react given they had 2 months warning from what was happening in China. But, at this point that is in the rear view mirror. They need to now be doing thing to help keep the supplies flowing to states and to get testing capacity higher so everyone can be tested quickly. In addition, society can’t open again until that happens and there is an antibody test so we know who is at risk. Otherwise the downward trend in infections will go back up.
No hype. The numbers actually exceed the projections. No one expected such a tepid response from the U.S.
While there may be some errors in diagnosis not on a significant level. Our country is number one with a bullet.
Still no cohesive national response.
The best case scenario was 100k-250k vs 1million plus deaths, they shut down the country based on these projections and we're nowhere near that! They're closing field hospitals in Washington state and California's dispersing ventilators. NY is still the worst but even there it's below all projections.

The entire country and economy has come to a halt and everything from pharmaceutical companies, retired healthcare workers, national guard, industry, navy, have been deployed, plus just passed a 2.2 trillion stimulus all in a matter of few short weeks and this is tepid response? What fantasy metrics are you using?

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Latest results show over 45400 cases. Even with a 10% error rate we are still the world leader.
Sadly a substantial portion could have been produced by very basic measures.
The best case scenario was 100k-250k vs 1million plus deaths, they shut down the country based on these projections and we're nowhere near that! They're closing field hospitals in Washington state and California's dispersing ventilators. NY is still the worst but even there it's below all projections.


Those “best case scenarios” were based on unsupported assumptions. They had no prior pandemics to base their assumptions on so they used a best guess. That’s why the numbers are changing so quickly. Also, coming in below the projections is related, in part, to how the states have reacted and shut things down. The assumptions and projections are influenced by the associated society behavior.
The best case scenario was 100k-250k vs 1million plus deaths, they shut down the country based on these projections and we're nowhere near that! They're closing field hospitals in Washington state and California's dispersing ventilators. NY is still the worst but even there it's below all projections.

I pray you are correct.
The fact is this far from over. We are currently an exponential path. Our response is to relax protections.
1 million is a worse case.
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I pray you are correct.
The fact is this far from over. We are currently an exponential path. Our response is to relax protections.
I don't know Greg but I still maintain that there's been an overreaction to this pandemic vs previous ones. I'm not diminishing the loss of life just that this isn't the first time nor the worst ones according to the numbers but the reaction is on a different level than any previous pandemic or disaster.

Since we are stuck at home, we decided to do a small acoustic driveway gig - just Nanc and me.
Video sucks, but at least the audio is ok.
Music is our therapy to this crisis!!

Thanks a bunch, helped to brighten a dreary situation !
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Those “best case scenarios” were based on unsupported assumptions. They had no prior pandemics to base their assumptions on so they used a best guess. That’s why the numbers are changing so quickly. Also, coming in below the projections is related, in part, to how the states have reacted and shut things down. The assumptions and projections are influenced by the associated society behavior.
You were defending those same numbers just a few posts ago! On the one hand you say that the government hasn't done enough or too late and then you say the states have done great. Leaving that aside the point is that countries are forced to shut down and people's lives ruined based on these false numbers and the word of hardly heard of "experts". I'm not denying that there's a serious pandemic out there but I still have an issue with many see as an unnecessary overreaction based on false and incomplete data.

The best case scenario was 100k-250k vs 1million plus deaths, they shut down the country based on these projections and we're nowhere near that! They're closing field hospitals in Washington state and California's dispersing ventilators. NY is still the worst but even there it's below all projections.

The entire country and economy has come to a halt and everything from pharmaceutical companies, retired healthcare workers, national guard, industry, navy, have been deployed, plus just passed a 2.2 trillion stimulus all in a matter of few short weeks and this is tepid response? What fantasy metrics are you using?



you need to understand that the models used to determine statistics are based on what info is put into them.Initially the prediction was 2-6 million deaths if nothing was done and if social distancing, self quarantine and masks were used that number "initially" was predicted as 100K-240K.But then as the models changed daily with new data fed in, the results changed. It is moving target that will change daily

I think you are looking at it as if the pot is half empty and I see it as the pot is half full. IOW the measures put into place has resulted in fewer fatalities and that IMO is a good thing

you need to understand that the models used to determine statistics are based on what info is put into them.Initially the prediction was 2-6 million deaths if nothing was done and if social distancing, self quarantine and masks were used that number "initially" was predicted as 100K-240K.But then as the models changed daily with new data fed in, the results changed

I think you are looking at it as if the pot is half empty and I see it as the pot is half full. IOW the measures put into place has resulted in fewer fatalities and that IMO is a good thing
I understand this Steve and if you go back a few posts I said exactly this that these models are as flawed as climate change ones used to instill panic and take over, the same thing has happened here. This has always been my point from the start.

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