Todd's AG Trio G3 System -- it's about time

Part of the Spacehorn's range is horn loaded, but the deep bass is not. Years ago when I visited Jim, Smith at his home near Atlanta I asked him how such a small horn could play deep bass. He replied, "lots of equalization."
I think perhaps you haven't understood the Avantgarde Trio options.

Until the G3 version was introduced, the Trio system consisted of the 3-horn structure with the option of bass units. The SUB 231 (borrowed from the Duo / Grosso) has twin 12" drivers with no horn loading. Next was the Short Basshorn, also with twin 12" drivers but some attempt at horn loading (borrowed from the Mezzo system). Top of the pile are the Basshorns that are truly horn loaded. Which of these bass drivers you saw at Jims Smith's I don't know, but presumable the SBB231 or Short Basshorn.

The new G3 system seems currently to offer only the Spacehorn bass system that is a development of the Basshorn and fully horn loaded. It could be that the other bass options are still available as less costly / less bulky options, though AG's current somewhat unhelpful website makes no mention of these smaller bass options.
though AG's current somewhat unhelpful website makes no mention of these smaller bass options.

Agree with that. The AG website is flashy but not really all that helpful for those looking for actual, useful information.
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Agree with that. The AG website is flashy but not really all that helpful for those looking for actual, useful information.
Since their G3 series was announced, their website has become rather unhelpful to the extent I've been worried about the business as a whole. At first the website only featured the new Trio with all the earlier G2 series removed and no mention of Unos, Duos, etc.

Also they had no UK distributor, so this added to my concerns and their biggest US dealer, Suncoast Audio dropped the brand. Was it on the point of going the way other well-established brands have gone? How could they keep their cash flow going with only one very costly offering that was still not fully developed (no streamer ability yet)?

Let's hope that all is well. I've still seen no review or even preview of the G3 Duos or Unos - everything we read seems to be from AG press releases - no actual hardware has been seem as far as I know!

I may be in the market for the Duo GT, but I’m hesitant to say the least, until they get an established UK distributor with demo models at their dealers and a worthwhile review or two. It was Robert Deutsch’s Stereophile review from about 2000 that introduced me to Avantgarde and I’m presently on my third pair.
Curious, You don’t consider Roy G’s review worthwhile? TAS recently gave yhe G3’s a golden ear award. It is my understanding that the full review is forthcoming. Maybe in the next issue??
Ditto. If anyone knows how much?
Curious, You don’t consider Roy G’s review worthwhile? TAS recently gave yhe G3’s a golden ear award. It is my understanding that the full review is forthcoming. Maybe in the next issue??
I've not seen a REVIEW from Roy - only a PREVIEW despite what it was labelled as. At the end of his description (apparently based on press releases and his obvious ignorange of the more recent G2 versions) he said "Ultimate judgment will need to wait for the full review" so he was looking forward to actually testing the G3 Trio himself.

There has been chatter about the G3 Trio, but nothing about G3 Unos or Duos - unless I've missed something. There hasn't yet been a meaningful REVIEW of any G3 speaker as far as I'm aware, but please point me towards any that are worth reading. Thanks
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the exciting about the Devors is their radiation pattern
they don´t excite room nodes as normal subs
in fact I stood behind the Devor 16 playing pretty load in Rainbow studio in Oslo and there was almost quiet behind it
so more of a direct sound that "hit"you
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I believe the AG basshorns are too short to be truly horn loaded all the way down
They are not short anymore, the length of the new entire horn reaches 1,898mm, which is a full 40% increase compared to the previous generation. The body size remains unchanged, and a larger and stronger woofer is used. The overall bass performance is deeper and the energy is greater. Its efficiency in the key 40-150Hz frequency band is increased by 5dB, and the sound pressure output can reach Six times as much.
my "pre Devor 23s" with single 21" are 4m, one fold
I think horn in present model is about same length just curled up in a "snailhouse"
In fact I recommended them for Bill and he ordered a custom white Devor 30 to match his PNOE and he just loves it
Hipasses PNOE with Marchand XM-46 made to order at 60, will possibly go even lower
He might even get another one
Bill’s Pnoe System now plays like they have been on bodybuilder steroids for months :D
In fact I recommended them for Bill and he ordered a custom white Devor 30 to match his PNOE and he just loves it
Hipasses PNOE with Marchand XM-46 made to order at 60, will possibly go even lower
He might even get another one
Wow! That’s pretty cool.
Anybody got a cross section or something. I am curious how these work. Might work well for me on the sub 35Hz range.
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I just looked up the specs on the devor 16. 5’x5’ and 441 lbs. that would take some effort.

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