I'm sure Todd is much more qualified to answer this question but I'll take a quick shot: the spacehorns might not "disappear" as a sound source if placed in all four corners.
Typically, when such an approach is attempted the subs are limited to low frequencies where sound is omni-directional, perhaps 50Hz or even lower, the frequency range where sound is more felt than heard. The spacehorns, however, need to integrate with the Trios' lower midrange horn in the 100Hz range where I suspect there is still some directionality. Probably wouldn't be a good effect to *hear* a sound source coming from behind you.
Not an expert by any means so hopefully more knowledgeable members will chime in.
My experience with 4 REL subs and Trio 26 LE ( much heavier and thus less resonant that the standard XD version ) is that the best place for the subs was the inner space - not outside - and just behind the big horn. The integration is not an easy task, I started with 2 subs behind the speakers and in the corners as REL recommends, but the best soundstage was with the speakers moved outwoard , just to make room for 4 REL Carbon Special.
As you point out there is probably some directionality with 60 -120 Hz range and the position of subs is more important for this range than for deep bass. My crossover point between the subs and the big horn is around 120 Hz. The tuning took almost 2 years, I was not in hurry , I don't use any measurement apart form some apps and cheap microphone for ipad , just on ears.
My listening position is around 3,5 m from the baseline between the speakers , forming almost equilateral triangle with the speakers. As the setup is in the living room with the nice view the sound is the result of many compromises , but I like what I hear.
Btw my former speakers were also Avantgardes - first Duo Omega G2 and then Duo Mezzo XD. We payed the visit to Lautertal with my wife before making decision about Duo Mezzo XD and the presentation of Duo Mezzo was for us better than Trio G2 with 6 basshorns but rather not tuned to their best ( as we have been told the tuning of Trios with 6 basshorns was suboptimal , done just the evening before our visit )
Now I follow this thread with a lot of interest , will try to audition Trio G3 when the opportunity appears.
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