Tripoint troy signature grounding device

Audocrack, I know high price stuff regularly gets flamed here, often by me, ha ha! But despite me baulking at prices of stuff I can't really ever afford, I'm sufficiently broad minded to get past this, and salute SOTA performance. I'm sure this applies to most of the nay sayers. So I'd urge you to reveal your experiences w/Emperor.
My issue re Troy and price is not so much the absolute amount, but that it doesn't lend itself to incremental purchases - I mean at $70k for the Emperor Grounding Box, and $70k for the Emperor AC Power Conditioner, and upwards of $3k for each Thor grounding cable (maybe 6-10 in total), as an up front cost it's Hellishly prohibitive. Entreq doesn't sell for chump change either, but can be built up layer by layer, each subsequent one building upon the previous one, and hence is like building up our main systems. Troy/Emperor is a one-off purchase, and this precludes a good many potential purchasers.

In addition to having truly enjoyed learning and benefiting from the work of both Per-Olaf (Entreq) and Miguel (Tripoint), I can also say for those who have experienced the benefit of Stillpoints (and equally find themselves getting more and more Ultra 5s!)...these grounding units have a similar affect on my system. Just greater and greater the point where I am really slowing down on thinking about anything on speakers. The signal has just continued to become more delineated, more natural, more effortless, more understandable, better able to articulate micronuances, as well as really (REALLY) keep multiple musical lines going at once. (A great example is listening to a heavily layered deep house track, and realizing that every single new line of sound effects they add as the track goes actually another beat that plays off all the other beats on the track.

There are tracks where things like rain in the background or crumpling metal noises (which I always thought were just sound effects) are actually perfectly timed with other obscure beats buried deep in the mix...but its only when you get a low noise floor...AND the benefits I somehow managed to get with all this grounding, that it becomes obvious that those noise effects are adding further and further beats/layers to the music. Its quite cool.

Has it cost a 1 year's work and a very meaningful investment as Spirit suggests? Yup, but I cannot think of any component that could have delivered this...noise is everywhere, and only by eliminating, eliminating, has all of this come out. So 'worth it' (for me).
I hope you guys are happy! All of this lunatic raving about Tripoint and Entreq has weakened my willpower to the point where I've had to contact Miguel again. You're a very bad influence.
I hope you guys are happy! All of this lunatic raving about Tripoint and Entreq has weakened my willpower to the point where I've had to contact Miguel again. You're a very bad influence.

;) hehehehehe...good luck with that...

in all seriousness, let us know if you decide to try it. happy to help if I can, and I am sure that goes for Barry2013, Spiritofmusic, Audiocrack, Jazzhead, Audioblazer and others who have some experience with this...
;) hehehehehe...good luck with that...

in all seriousness, let us know if you decide to try it. happy to help if I can, and I am sure that goes for Barry2013, Spiritofmusic, Audiocrack, Jazzhead, Audioblazer and others who have some experience with this...

I was was all set to give him an order about 5 months ago when I ran into some electrical problems I had to deal with.
I now have an isolation transformer and he had told me previously that the Troy SE and isolation transformers don't mix well. He has asked how far the transformer is from my system and I do have to get back to him.
So Lloyd, how far are you prepared to go? In my case, I need to ground 7 components, and my mains/balanced transformer. Assuming the effects of Atlantis cables prove their worth, and allow the Atlantis add on box to be wholly effective, I will end up with, at a first stopping off point, 7 Atlantis cables to components, 2 S. Tellus', one for pre/phono/cdp, and one for my SET monoblocks and Zu sub amps (sticking to Guillame's, and Barry's advice to separate power and non power components), and 1 Atlantis add-on box (Barry says one Atlantis can happily support 2 S. Tellus'). This will necessitate another 2 Atlantis leads from each S. Tellus to the Atlantis box. To ground the mains (ie my hardwired 10 socket balanced transformer), I'll need a Cleanus which will plug into a spare socket and then ground via another Atlantis lead into the source component S. Tellus. Hence 4 Entreq boxes and 10 cables, and my balanced transformer.
Ok, this is relatively straightfwd, pricey but likely to be wholly significant. The complication comes if I consider a Powerus noise reducing passive multi socket filter. Firstly I already have a superbly performing 10 socket transformer, and I don't really want to duplicate functions, and also there may be some issues running the two together. Additionally if I do run both, I'll need another Cleanus/Atlantis cable, one combination for the transformer, one for the Powerus. When you then further factor in up to 8 Receivus', each w/an Atlantis Cable, this number of extra cables will necessitate another S. Tellus (3 total), and prob another Atlantis box, since I think it will be a stretch to use a single Atlantis box to add onto 3 S. Tellus'.
So, in my system at least, simplicity gives way to complexity if I go beyond the "first stage" 2 S. Tellus/Atlantis box/Cleanus/10 Atlantis leads/balanced transformer set up, to the "second stage" 7 boxes/19 leads, pretty much more than doubling "first stage" costs and equipment sprawl.
Sorry to all if this is a bit rambling, but the way progressive grounding works from Entreq it's entirely feasible to consider it.
And there's always the "third stage", where you ground chassis plane via screws a la Troy style, needing in my case another 8 Atlantis leads and prob another S. Tellus.
At this point, your family have to call in a psychiatist/priest, since you can't help y'self anymore :(!
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So Lloyd, how far are you prepared to go? In my case, I need to ground 7 components, and my mains/balanced transformer. Assuming the effects of Atlantis cables prove their worth, and allow the Atlantis add on box to be wholly effective, I will end up with, at a first stopping off point, 7 Atlantis cables to components, 2 S. Tellus', one for pre/phono/cdp, and one for my SET monoblocks and Zu sub amps (sticking to Guillame's, and Barry's advice to separate power and non power components), and 1 Atlantis add-on box (Barry says one Atlantis can happily support 2 S. Tellus')...

Good question...for any audiophile!!! Personally, I now have 5 Receivus' which cover 5 components, plus signal grounding of both Zanden DAC and CJ GAT, plus 4 chassis. For me, that is plenty. As you know, I ended up playing around with the Entreq AC wraps which for a lot less money made a nice collective change I would say is the equivalent of 1-2 Atlantis cables. Darn good for less money.

In truth, that is me done. Its kinda like isolation...other than the possibility of a custom mass-damping solution for the X1s...isolation for me is now done. I kinda like going thru these projects and finishing them.

On power conditioning, I use the Transparent Ref Power Conditioner and Nordost QX4...a nice combination...probably not the last word in conditioning by a long shot...but when I come onto that project it will likely involve separate lines so not for now anyway.

In your case, I think you owe it yourself to trial 3 options to see which your system responds best to: 3-5 Receivus, a chunk of Powerus-related stuff and 2 Atlantis cables. Then decide which of the 3 paths you like best...and you can always go back to the well for the others at some point in the future.
So Lloyd, how far are you prepared to go? In my case, I need to ground 7 components, and my mains/balanced transformer. Assuming the effects of Atlantis cables prove their worth, and allow the Atlantis add on box to be wholly effective, I will end up with, at a first stopping off point, 7 Atlantis cables to components, 2 S. Tellus', one for pre/phono/cdp, and one for my SET monoblocks and Zu sub amps (sticking to Guillame's, and Barry's advice to separate power and non power components), and 1 Atlantis add-on box (Barry says one Atlantis can happily support 2 S. Tellus'). This will necessitate another 2 Atlantis leads from each S. Tellus to the Atlantis box. To ground the mains (ie my hardwired 10 socket balanced transformer), I'll need a Cleanus which will plug into a spare socket and then ground via another Atlantis lead into the source component S. Tellus. Hence 4 Entreq boxes and 10 cables, and my balanced transformer.
Ok, this is relatively straightfwd, pricey but likely to be wholly significant. The complication comes if I consider a Powerus noise reducing passive multi socket filter. Firstly I already have a superbly performing 10 socket transformer, and I don't really want to duplicate functions, and also there may be some issues running the two together. Additionally if I do run both, I'll need another Cleanus/Atlantis cable, one combination for the transformer, one for the Powerus. When you then further factor in up to 8 Receivus', each w/an Atlantis Cable, this number of extra cables will necessitate another S. Tellus (3 total), and prob another Atlantis box, since I think it will be a stretch to use a single Atlantis box to add onto 3 S. Tellus'.
So, in my system at leat, simplicity gives way to complexity if I go beyond the "first stage" 2 S. Tellus/Atlantis box/Cleanus/10 Atlantis leads/balanced transformer set up, to the "second stage" 7 boxes/19 leads, pretty much more than doubling "first stage" costs and equipmentstage"

That is obviously a substantial shopping list but as we have both noted it can be done incrementally. Atlantis is the best but the Apollos and even the silver are very effective in my experience and would allow for an Atlantis box and a couple of the Receivus. I am sure such a combination would make a tremendous difference pending further upgrades over time. The Atlantis box comes with the Atlantis leads to the Silver Tellus boxes. I have no experience of either the Powerus or the Cleanus so can't comment on them. I use an Audience Aspect passive power conditioner which has eight sockets and works well in my system. As your current transformer is performing so well it does not appear to be a problem.
I am guided, and sometimes consoled, by the old saying that the best is often the enemy of the good.
Frank, you may set a new standard on noise treatment running 3 schemes: balanced transformer, Shunyata and now poss Troy. Pretty much every option covered, pricey but thorough.
Lloyd, I like the idea of mega signal grounding via doubling up S. Tellus boxes and maxxed out Atlantis box/all Atlantis leads, and then finally grounding the mains/transformer via Cleanus. I really could easily see myself stopping there. I suspect Powerus might bring in a law of diminishing returns, since it's probably aimed at audiophiles who haven't gone for overkill on the mains installation side (I'd consider my 65kg 8kVA balanced transformer pretty overkill!), but an audition might prove me wrong. 2 S. Tellus' and 10 Atlantis leads would leave some capacity for maybe 2 extra Atlantis leads and I could certainly then connect these to 2 Receivus' and site these judiciously.
I hope you guys are happy! All of this lunatic raving about Tripoint and Entreq has weakened my willpower to the point where I've had to contact Miguel again. You're a very bad influence.

Frank750 , give it a shot . You will not regret it , there's no going back once you experience it !
You ...Gone man , solid gone !!!

Perhaps only a matter of time ? I have a habit of resisting products that defy my common sense...not that good grounding defies my common sense. I trust Frank's ears, so Tripoint still makes me ponder. Entreq will be the loser in North America....their cheaper price may get more people interested, especially if a demo can be arranged. Their marketing plan is still frozen in a Swedish glacier...;)
Christian, I agree w/you re Entreq marketing in the US. From my communication w/the UK rep, they're in the process of setting up new Stateside rep'n, but are taking their time to find the best individuals to provide a good service. One is still able to get an audition on a no quibble sale or return, but unfortunately the potential buyer would have to cover carriage/sales tax costs themselves if returned, and I know if I was a potential customer I would pass. Additionally, this is an item that more than most needs dealer input, the improvement being of a diffent kind from a simple component a-b.
Christian, one thing I would say is that the major bang for buck/maximum potential initial positive impression to be had from Entreq, is a Silver Tellus and a single Apollo grounding cable (c.£2k UK/$3k US) which you would fit into a spare input/output jack on your preamp. If you were to take a punt on on a no quibble sale or return, buy it from the UK rep at full price/sales tax/carriage. Install it, leave the system for a while to allow it to integrate, listen to 2-3 tracks. Take a pause, keep it in the system, and make a serious audition the following few days, and then over the next fortnight. It seems to make a small difference after a couple of songs, more major in 1-2 days, then most in 1-2 wks.
Obv, you'll be hit for a few hundred $s on carriage/sales tax, if the rig doesn't do it for you, and I realise you'd have to be adventurous enough financially (aka financially foolhardy :cool:) to go down this route. I will admit I wouldn't have experienced Entreq if I couldn't get a UK trial, so could never criticise anyone for passing, esp w/Troy providing US trial options.
But if it does do it for you, you'll be truly amazed.
I'm onto the UK rep to highlight the fact you guys in the US have real issues re exposure to Entreq. I wouldn't do this for any other manufacturer - take this as a measure of how crazy I am about grounding, and how positive I feel twds Entreq as a company, and my UK rep who is the most excellent person I've come across in the audio world.
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Christian, one thing I would say is that the major bang for buck is to be had from a Silver Tellus and a single Apollo grounding cable which you would fit into a spare input/output jack on your preamp. If you were to take a punt on no quibble sale or return, buy it from the UK rep at full price/sales tax/carriage. Install it, leave the system for a while to allow it to integrate, listen to 2-3 tracks. take a pause, keep it in the system, and make a serious audition the following day. It seems to make a small difference after a couple of songs, more major in 1-2 dys, then most in 1-2 wks.
if it really doesn't float your boat, return it. Obv, you'll be hit for a couple of hundred $s on carriage/sales tax, if the rig doesn't do it for you and if you're adventurous enough (aka financially foolhardy :cool:).
But if it does do it for you, you'll be truly amazed.
I'm onto the UK rep to highlight the fact you guys in the US have real issues re exposure to Entreq. I wouldn't do this for any other manufacturer - take this as a measure of how crazy i am about grounding, and how positive I feel twds Entreq as a company, and my UK rep who is the most excellent person I've come across in the audio world.

Hey Spirit...I think we should keep at Kog to ensure the US guys get coverage...P-O is likely aware of this, but sometimes a little prodding from the market helps. Fraser is out on holiday but back next week I think.
Both this thread and the Entreq thread are full of rave reviews for the benefits of system grounding and yet it still feels as if we converts have still got a mountain to climb in terms of spreading the benefits more widely to our community.
I suppose that is not entirely something to be surprised about with something new or at least relatively new and we just have to keep banging the drum. Nevertheless I find it frustrating. I can understand that the costs and supply of Tripoint will be a constraint as is the current absence of an Entreq distributor in the USA which hopefully will be resolved ere long, particularly if we keep publicising their merits.
I am also disappointed at the failure to date of the mainstream audio magazines to undertake reviews of the Entreq and Tripoint products. If any family of products deserves being brought to the attention of audiophiles and owners of hifi it is these. To date only 6 Moons and more recently Roy Gregory's May review in Audio Beat are the only reviews I have seen.
Alan Sircom, the editor of HiFi Plus, I know is a WBF member and I hope he and any other media notables will find time to read and heed us and undertake some reviews of these marvellous products.
For me they are absolute no brainers as Emre has just posted on his purchase of a Silver Tellus.
As to any potential US distributor of Entreq I would say this is a real opportunity to add a real winner to your portfolio, It works brilliantly, is very user friendly, relatively easy to install, aesthetically attractive (as clearly is the Tripoint) and once people make the initial investment very likely to be followed by further upgrade purchases. That must put it in a select group of audiophile products.
In the meantime though I would certainly support Spirit of Music's advice to members in the USA who may be deterred from trying Entreq because of the need to order direct to give it a go. In my experience and that of other members including LL21 indicate that the likelihood of disappointment is vanishingly low.
So to all you doubters overcome your doubts and to all the converts keep spreading the benefits of system grounding
Nicely put, Barry. I think Alan Sircom is a contributor here, maybe I'll PM him. I think it's all really surreal that having pretty much completed my 4th and hopefully final system (comprising 50 component changes since 1997), I'm going thru a parallel upgrading path on cables, racks/isolation, power, and now grounding, which will number prob 50 changes, and in total the same cash as my main component count. Ouch!!! And there was me thinking at £9k spent in 1997 that would be it for me, never realising that 20 yrs later I'll prob spend 15x that amount finally!
Both this thread and the Entreq thread are full of rave reviews for the benefits of system grounding and yet it still feels as if we converts have still got a mountain to climb in terms of spreading the benefits more widely to our community.
I suppose that is not entirely something to be surprised about with something new or at least relatively new and we just have to keep banging the drum. Nevertheless I find it frustrating. I can understand that the costs and supply of Tripoint will be a constraint as is the current absence of an Entreq distributor in the USA which hopefully will be resolved ere long, particularly if we keep publicising their merits.
I am also disappointed at the failure to date of the mainstream audio magazines to undertake reviews of the Entreq and Tripoint products. If any family of products deserves being brought to the attention of audiophiles and owners of hifi it is these. To date only 6 Moons and more recently Roy Gregory's May review in Audio Beat are the only reviews I have seen.
Alan Sircom, the editor of HiFi Plus, I know is a WBF member and I hope he and any other media notables will find time to read and heed us and undertake some reviews of these marvellous products.
For me they are absolute no brainers as Emre has just posted on his purchase of a Silver Tellus.
As to any potential US distributor of Entreq I would say this is a real opportunity to add a real winner to your portfolio, It works brilliantly, is very user friendly, relatively easy to install, aesthetically attractive (as clearly is the Tripoint) and once people make the initial investment very likely to be followed by further upgrade purchases. That must put it in a select group of audiophile products.
In the meantime though I would certainly support Spirit of Music's advice to members in the USA who may be deterred from trying Entreq because of the need to order direct to give it a go. In my experience and that of other members including LL21 indicate that the likelihood of disappointment is vanishingly low.
So to all you doubters overcome your doubts and to all the converts keep spreading the benefits of system grounding

I'm not one who likes to jump through hoops to audition a manufacturer's product. The Entreq solution you suggest for those of us in the USA is just not feasible for me. Too much trouble. Tripoint doesn't have many dealers in the U.S. either at this point. An audition with Miguel's product is not that easy.

I'm afraid you guys will be singing it's praises to each other until both Entreq and Tripoint have product in the pipeline that people can audition without a lot of effort.

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