No, sorry for any confusion. i preferred Tripoint Troy Signature in my system to the Entreq Atlantis. But equally, i personally did not find Entreq to be entry level in comparison to Tripoint either. If one is 4-star, the other is 5-6 star. Neither was 2-3 star. Additionally, as with most things audio...there were characteristics of Entreq i like a lot...its midrange density and natural purity as well as the propulsiveness of its bass...hence, why i use the Entreq Atlantis signal grounding cables with my Tripoint Troy+Tripoint chassis grounding cables, along with the Receivus+Entreq grounding cables. Hope that's a bit more clear.
Hi Lloyd. No confusion here. Entreq is obviously a fine product and entry level simply in terms of potential $$ only. It allows people in the door. I have talked to Miguel about dumbing down his stuff for the commoners like me (for example using a cheaper box), but he refuses to compromise. That is his level of OCDness at work. I get that.
How does your system sound with the Entreq alone? Is it safe to assume that grounding technologies, much like power conditioning, are not necessarily additive but can often reveal the nature or personality of a given component? Entreq does not have midrange density. I have read similar things about the Troy which makes me think its simply revealing something about a "system" or component....