Tripoint troy signature grounding device

. . . I want to state that I do believe in creating a star ground system for your components. Ampex Roger on our forum motivated me to try this for my system. I don't need an African Bubinga wooden enclosure with laser engraved metal plates on the top and front of the box though. I just used a chunk of copper bus bar with some holes drilled and tapped for screws and ran a 10 gauge wire from each of my components to the bus bar and connected them with spade lugs to the bus bar. I ran one ground wire from the bus bar to the center screw of the outlet where my preamp is plugged in. My noise floor has never been lower and I'm quite happy with this arrangement. It's not as sexy looking as a polished Bubinga box with "classified" parts, but it does a damn fine job.

There is no doubt that star grounding is the way to go. I have used that for years. If I get some free time, I might get a copper block, drill and tap some holes and see if it makes any difference over the less elegant arrangement I have now, which is a collection of wires connected to a barrier strip, soldered to a single wire and grounded.
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wouldn't it be better to run a dedicated audio room sub panel from the house main supply bypassing the main home circuit panel ? I bet it would cost far less too.

I have a separate 80 amp sub-panel for my system that comes off my main panel. I didn't think to tap off the main supply before it goes to the main panel. Since all the circuits in the sub-panel come off one leg of my main panel, all the circuits are in phase. I have no noise complaints.
Strapper, my experience with the Entreq Silver Tellus mirrors yours with Troy/SE. Initially I ran an Apollo earth cable from my preamp to the Silver Tellus. This was a revelation, noise floor receding away to really allow the soundstage to deepen, but more importantly, stabilise. My analogy was that listening before was like the effects of heathaze in the evening, a shimmering in the soundfield, after install of Tellus, like listening on a crisp, still morning. This then has the benefits of greater detail retrieval and air/ambience. Recent install of a couple more Apollos from my Straingauge energiser unit and cdp continue and extend this trend.
But in the last 48hrs I've installed a couple more Apollos from the dedicated ground posts of my SET monoblocks, now a total of 5 grounding leads. I'm well and truly gobsmacked! The effects have just taken an exponential jump. Listening to a cd I thought I knew backwards amazingly proved I didn't know it all! The soundstage is just layer after layer, ambience around voices and instruments is all enveloping, and tangibility is reach out and touch. I listened to this cd as a new experience. God only knows how the rest of my music collection is going to sound - count me as one ecstatic listener.
What I particularly love is that all the positive attributes of equipment I've bought in the last couple of years are now not present just in isolation, but are synergising to produce an across the board quantum leap upwards in SQ. And importantly, if you already are sold on the basic character of your system, Entreq grounding will not only preserve it wholly, but enhance it to the max, for a fraction of the cost of the relentless swapping out of expensive components that audiophiles are so prone to do when shortcomings in system sounds become apparent over time.
My next ports of call are likely to be the Atlantis add on box, with a connecting ic btwn this and the Tellus, possible ground leads from distribution blocks I may buy in future, and the fascinating possibility of grounding the equipment racks themselves to form a Faraday cage effect. I have NO idea what this will bring to the party, 'though.
Sounds like Spirit is becoming Mr Grounding! I am definitely a fan of what the Silver Tellus does, and like what i hear/read about Troy...not one person I have read about, spoken to, who has heard one has been negative to performance (only price...and even then, those who have heard have simply said it is what it is, and many felt it was worth it).

The Silver Tellus distributor offered to leave it here a bit longer after we took it out...and we shall see when he can get Atlantis in. Stay tuned...
I was reminded by certain members that I should disclose that I am a Tripoint dealer.But to be honest I was looking to add the best noise reduction/ac conditioner I could find and I could have picked up probably almost any line but after hearing the Troy and Orion against the others,I was more than happy to become a dealer.In my honest opinion with Tripoint,you get what you pay for,performs the best,case work is like a fine piano,expensive yes,overpriced no.

Just to let you know I am also a HRS dealer,Elrod dealer and the Lotus Group.

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I was reminded by certain members that I should disclose that I am a Tripoint dealer.But to be honest I was looking to add the best noise reduction/ac conditioner I could find and I could have picked up probably almost any line but after hearing the Troy and Orion against the others,I was more than happy to become a dealer.In my honest opinion with Tripoint,you get what you pay for,performs the best,case work is like a fine piano,expensive yes,overpriced no.

Just to let you know I am also a HRS dealer,Elrod dealer and the Lotus Group.


Thanks Robert

If you would kindly place those affiliations in your signature line per our TOS
I was reminded by certain members that I should disclose that I am a Tripoint dealer.But to be honest I was looking to add the best noise reduction/ac conditioner I could find and I could have picked up probably almost any line but after hearing the Troy and Orion against the others,I was more than happy to become a dealer.In my honest opinion with Tripoint,you get what you pay for,performs the best,case work is like a fine piano,expensive yes,overpriced no.

Just to let you know I am also a HRS dealer,Elrod dealer and the Lotus Group.


Thanks for the disclosure, Robert. Helpful to know, of course, though I have always taken your advice as sincere in any event.
Silver Tellus + New Atlantis + New Atlantis Grounding Cable

So I have no heard these...apparently the first person to hear the new Grounding Cable as well. Even the dealer said he had not heard the Cable he brought yet...just arrived.

The Atlantis + Silver Tellus + Atlantis Grounding Cable is much better than the Silver Tellus + Apollo cables. How much better? On the tracks we used, if the arbitrary score for Silver Tellus + Apollo was 100, I would rate the full new Atlantis + Silver Tellus setup at 155-160. However, you MUST listen to the Atlantis Cable is you are going to use the Atlantis box...if you listen to the Atlantis Box with the Apollo cable, I think the setup ranks around 115. Yes, better, but would I buy both just to have that bit? Not really. Adding the Atlantis cable (without the Atlantis box) put the system around 125...putting the Atlantis box back in really drove the system MUCH further forward...again more like 155-160. Is it 2x the price? I think that's about no its not 2x as good...but it was a great jump in performance and certainly one would think twice before automatically saying no imho.

- Silver Tellus + Apollo: Relative to NO Entreq at all, what you gain here is that notes become more distinct in expression and both technical decay, detail but also in the nuance of microdynamics which allow you to understand when the pianist took his hand off the keyboard and how he struck the next keys in staccato fashion...quite cool.
- Silver Tellus + Apollo + Atlantis Box: You get a bit more of the is noticeable on electronic deep house, but on Anne Bisson you would find potentially more change in the warm up of tubed equipment than in the performance of this system imho. Bear in mind my perspective is Zanden where the unit changes a lot in 10 minutes, improves very nicely in 30...and always seems to peak between 3-4 hours and then just sings from then onward
- Silver Tellus + Atlantis Cable: Now you're talking...there is a depth to notes, voices where perhaps as many as 20% of your notes start to sound different, stronger, more confident, or more nuanced...20% of notes is quite a lot and can make a big difference in your impression of a piece of music
- Silver Tellus + Atlantis Cable + Atlantis Box: Whoa...on deep house, smokes, you got GROOVE...that is the best way I can describe it...about 45% of notes started to take on greater strength, detail, nuance...I think at this point I began to realize the system was now delivering much greater microdynamic nuance...literally therefore the music ebb'd and flow'd more between notes (loud, soft, quick/slow, etc) and as a result, you literally found the music had more flow because the notes WERE more varied, with more pulse, pattern and musical elements in the ended up really emphasizing downbeats, etc.

...deep house music ended up with seriously more groove...and removing the entire system suddenly made the whole presentation flatter...not dimensionally, but in terms of that micro-groove/ebb-flow of the music that must have been microdynamic shadings...thus the deep groove/pulse of the music seemed flatter.

Final Thoughts
The entire Entreq system is now out and back with the is worth buying the Silver Tellus, or the entire Atlantis...i would say the Atlantis Cables are a worthy upgrade for sure...almost a no-brainer. But the Atlantis Box is ONLY if you are getting the Atlantis cables as well...otherwise, let it go. My two cents.

I am waiting for colleague to send his Tripoint over for audition, and will try for shootout if possible. Stay tuned...

The Troy SE arrived for audition today. So a shoot-out begins with Entreq which i have had in my system for 5 weeks...and i have taken copious notes on several specific albums (classical, jazz, soundtracks, hip hop, deep house/electronic). Troy SE has been in for 11 hours. I have no affiliation...just a consumer and an audiophile. I like both companies and distributors a lot. They are top notch.

Just as background for those who may not have experimented with these OTT grounding boxes. I believe they tend to have huge slabs of solid copper, solid silver, etc in them and various other materials to try to create a common internal ground, supposedly balance impedances across the various system units its hooked up to, and possibly some other things as well.

With the Entreq over 5 weeks, the level of improvement to its full level (ie 100%) in my system came as follows:

- 5 Minutes: 10%
- 2 Hours: 40%
- 48 Hours: 85%
- 2 Weeks: 100%

(I disconnected the Entreq once during the 5 weeks, and it was the same both times. I also added the Entreq Atlantis Box and Atlantis Grounding Cable towards the end.)

- The difference of having a great grounding unit (Entreq or Troy SE) can be described as greater than the difference between a bad 1980s Police CD vs a Special Remastered Version by Bob Ludwig...or a poor Red Garland Trio 1980s Jazz CD vs the recent Remasterings.

- Lower noise floor, greater detail, but particularly microdynamic nuances grow so much that I think you literally ARE hearing how someone struck a that you get 'groove', 'verve' because you can get more nuance as to how beats are played, strings struck, etc

- Alternatively, having one of these units is about the equivalent difference between my old CJ PV14L and my current CJ GAT.

The Entreq Silver Tellus system with 'standard' Apollo Cables was placed on Stillpoints Ultra SS and Auralex isolation platform which helped a good deal.
The Entreq Atlantis was hooked up to the system for a few hours incl the Atlantis cable.
The Troy SE is on its own machined brass spikes on Auralex with a Thor power cable but otherwise 'standard Tripoint cables'.

Service from Entreq's distributor is first class...and I mean first class. They are also the Stillpoints Distributor, and as many know, I have had a great time learning about how these work, and found great success incorporating them into my system (in a somewhat unique way blending them with HRS). This was in no small measure due to the efforts of the Stillpoints Distributor...and they have been equally supportive with the Entreq as well.

Tripoint equally hard-working, straightforward and super-responsive. Dealer is great and much enjoy his passion for audio.

In a word, I have tremendous respect for both companies, both distributors/dealers...and I think anyone who buys either should be in for a real audio treat...these are special.

Many who are more technical than I might say a big chunk of copper would do the same...I am no techie and cannot say. All I can say is that these designers both know this obviously...and have gone thru great lengths to do even more. And one can hear this just using their upgraded cables, bigger boxes, etc. There are changes above and I personally am very satisfied. I tried grounding once on my own with wires, etc...absolutely no change...nada. maybe I did it wrong. All I know is...BOTH these designers are doing something fundamentally right.

In a few words, the Troy SE fairly quickly surpassed the Entreq Silver Tellus (ie standard Entreq at far less cost), and then surpassed the Atlantis + Silver Tellus (without Atlantis cable) after a number of hours. We are now passing the border where the full Atlantis system was in my system. Adding up the full monte Entreq and the Tripoint Troy SE, you end up about the same place monetarily. So in truth, for the money, I think Entreq is amazing...I think if you want it all...going either way is a winner...and you might just end up paying about the same.

Which is better? I am definitely leaning towards Tripoint...I will wait the minimum 48 hours til the Tripoint is fully engaged.

Shoot-out Prelim Observations


- Entreq Silver Tellus/Apollo Cables: 100...5 weeks or so
- Entreq Silver Tellus/Atlantis Box/Apollo: 115...briefer audition (few hours)
- Entreq Silver Tellus/Atlantis Box & Cables: 165...brief audition

All Entreq on Auralex Platform & Stillpoints Ultra SS.

- Troy SE: 165 (at about the same burn-in points as I was auditioning Atlantis)...and the score is still rising


Entreq Set up

- Entreq - Incredible Value for get to Tripoint Performance, you may need to spend close to Tripoint price
Full Entreq suite:
- Silver Tellus - weighs 46 pounds
- Apollo grounding cables sold separately
- Atlantis Box sold separately - same size as Silver Tellus...46 pounds...connects to Silver Tellus via a cable to double the amount of grounding mass
- Atlantis Cables - the upgraded reference version, also sold separately
- Stillpoints Ultra SS - optional and sold separately
- Silver Powerus (for single grounding plug outlet) sold separately
- Stillpoints ERS Paper (unit is not shielded)...Distributor suggests keeping it far from Equipment/Rack or possibly using Stillpoints ERS sold separately

- Troy SE
- Weighs 76 lbs...have been told having all the grounding mass in one box is better than in separate boxes...I'm no techie on this one.
- Comes with 4 standard grounding cables
- Comes with grounding power cable (no power drawn...just for ground to power conditioner or wall)
- Comes with 3 very heavy brass, machined spikes & discs
- Unit is supposedly shielded so can be used near other components

Stay tuned for more...both great products.
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Lloyd, perhaps you already described your basic electrical system, but if not, could you describe what your set up is, leaving aside the external grounding products for a moment?
Lloyd, perhaps you already described your basic electrical system, but if not, could you describe what your set up is, leaving aside the external grounding products for a moment?

Sure...standard apartment electrical service. One entire wall (I think a separate circuit breaker) for audio/video. Gryphon and Velodyne to wall. Everything else thru Nordost QX4 and then thru Transp Ref Power Conditioner. Someday, would love to do dedicated electronics, but probably not til we've got a dedicated room.
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I'm looking forward to your assessment. I agree it will take a little time for the Troy to settle into your system. At least several weeks, if not longer.

Last year, there was a period of time when my system sounded broken. I just couldn't get into the music. The sound was flat and out of balance. If someone else was to come listen, they would probably think everything was fine. But I could tell something had happened. After a week, I realized that a single Troy grounding cable fell off one of my components. I've got 10 components running to the Troy and the removal of a single component was the difference between impressive sound and involving music. I suspect that is why so few of the units return once installed.
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Tripoint v Entreq: And the winner is...

Actually, the winner is anyone who has good grounding in their system! Both designers make great products, and I have learned something about grounding, removing grunge from system. It simply makes the system sound less mechanical, and also allows all manner of microdynamic, low level information to surface easily. So that a long violin crescendo is no longer a straight hear super super subtle ways the violinist actually paused or held back just a shade while driving the if to say, I am STILL going higher...and higher...and...even...a...little bit...HIGHERRR!!!. And that is music to me.

But back to the Shootout: Conclusion? I have bought the Tripoint Troy SE with Thor Power cable.

Entreq Silver Tellus: 100
Entreq Sillver Tellus + Atlantis Box: 115
Entreq Silver Tellus + Atlantis Box + Atlantis Cables: 155

Tripoint Troy SE + Thor PC (standard Tripoint grounding cables): 180 and rising still

I unfortunately did not have time to allow the Atlantis Box and Cables to settle in for more than a short while...but in the same period of time, the Tripoint had already surpassed the mighty Entreq system.

The Troy SE is beautiful workmanship, in 1 box (vs 2) and totally shielded so I can place it close to components and keep the equipment together. This is a personal choice...any of the above are absolutely great...I happen to have a strong favourite. And as for price, adding up the various Entreq elements and boxes, I realized the price was about the same.

Hope that is helpful. While I have made a choice, and shoot-outs are fun...I hope people take away from this my enthusiasm for good grounding and more importantly the designs these two companies are making which (for me) have been a great ear opener.

many thanks for your efforts to compare both of these products in such a high resolution system as yours.

it's a great help to others here who may be looking at these products and trying to decide whether it's worth the leap to try. it's another valuable data point.

i know it causes me to ponder this question a bit more than before.
My pleasure has been a real ear-opener for me. In fact, I need to go back and find the post from someone who felt my comments were misguided about the incredible ability of the Stahl-Tek Vekian Digital setup to effortlessly keep all the instruments of a medium sized orchestral ensemble totally separate. He actually felt that I was hearing the benefits of the Tripoint, not the Stahl-Tek.

I went back to that exact track (Ref Recordings Vivaldi) along with my notes, and much of what that person had merit. I have to find that post and thank him.

With Tripoint, the individual musical lines of Ref Recordings Vivaldi were each kept individual...much like what I noted I had heard at Audio Exotics in HK, but where you could understand the counterplay of each musical line of each instrument relative to each other FAR better than my system had ever managed to do before. That was a whole level of the music I had not appreciated before.

I also noted that sometimes a single oboe on Sherlock Holmes 2 opening track seemed to shift too far to the right halfway thru the note. And now the oboe is a single sole instrument, set back and the entire note stays solidly together. lower distortion I can only imagine?

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