Rob-I understand that tube happiness, I really do. It wasn't all that long over that I had over 50 tubes in my system (pre-preamp, preamp, amp, and Ampex 350s). I just got to the point instead of wondering what the next record will sound like to wondering when the next tube was going to blow or go noisy.
The biggest difference sound-wise to me between SS and tubes is the apparent sense of three-dimensionality that tubes can provide. There also seems to be more harmonic information present with tubes which detractors would say is a result of harmonic distortion, but I don't think harmonic distortion numbers of today's better tube gear would explain that away. In measurement comparisons between SS and tubes, tube amps suffer the most. Tube preamps can measure very well, but they are at the mercy of how quiet the tubes are that are installed and how well matched they are if they are dual triodes. Most of today's tube preamps and power amps use JFETs on the input in order to raise gain and lower the noise. To name a few companies, VTL, ARC, and CJ all use JFETs in their preamps and I believe that at least CJ and ARC are using JFETs in their tube amps as well for the driver stage. So that really makes their gear hybrid designs though most tube lovers seem to be ignorant of that fact or choose to ignore it. If you look closely at any piece of modern tube gear, you will find some SS devices lurking under the hood in the form of rectifiers, voltage regulators, and input stages. The days of "pure" tube designs are pretty much over. I have a pair of musty, dirty, nasty Dynaco MKIII amps lurking in my workshop. Even though this design is from the 1950s, it still has a SS device in the bias supply.