Mark, oh my, where to begin is try not to take stuff too far out of context. i am answering about a debate about solid state vs tube power amplification and why someone might prefer one over the other.
Yeah, but you couldn't resist getting another jab in against stereo.
you got an audio club in your area you belong to?
Nope. I am surrounded by a bunch of hillbillies with loud pick up trucks though.
i know you were at chicago show. Did every room sound the same. did every rooms sponsers think they had "the" sound?
Yes, I was at the Chicago show. No, every room sounded different. Did every sponsor think they had "the" sound? I don't know if some of them are delusional. Bottom line is that guys like Gary go to shows and sometimes take speakers there that aren't anywhere close to representing their reference level speakers, but they bring them because they will work in the room they rented to use. I don't think that Gary comes to a show with a pair of his 7.whatever speakers and tries to convince anyone that they sound just like his big references speakers do.
the members of the audio club that i visit now and then all have differnt sounding systems and none sound bad and some better to me than others.
No surprises there. All rooms sound different and all gear sounds different. If you go to visit people and hear their systems, every room sounds different and all gear sounds different. Even if you had two audiophiles in your club that had identical systems right down to the last power cord and cryogenically treated wall-outlet, their systems would still sound different because of their rooms.
Some have old gear, some new, some processing digitally, some all tubes, some hybrids, etc. Are all these guys having improved sound systems over the years now, and they all sound different?
Yep, no surprises there either for all the reasons I just described above. Different topologies sound different, all speakers sound different, all tables and cartridges sound different, and on and on. Audio is equivalent to the Tower of Babel.
its quite possible that if my audio club guys came round and heard your "newer" system and my "older" system half of them would rate mine as better sounding possibly. but theres no accounting for taste...aha ahahahah
There is no accounting for taste Tom. God only knows what members of your audio club would think if they heard your system compared to mine. Maybe 100% of your members would prefer the sound of your system.
i dont hate stereo or my stereo at all, but i sure do love headphones these days.
You could have fooled me Tom. You never stop taking jabs at stereo. Your tag line while slightly modified from your previous anti-two channel rant still spells out how you feel about stereo:
It's impossible for stereo two channel mic/speakers to realistically replicate unamplified musical events. The resulting unrealistic reproduction must be accepted or leaves some desiring more. Some endlessly change components pursuing the impossible. With 10 being realistic replication, I generously give stereo a rating of 5 for "getting me there". I rate binaural via headphones 8. I pursue detail/tone over soundstage. Objectivists and Subjectivists debate an ILLUSION!