my sonic reference is a tube amp, the original Tenor 75 watt OTL mono blocks. loved those amps, but.....back in 2001-2003 when i fell in love with them, they tended to grenade on a regular basis and take out the ceramic mid range drivers on my Kharma Exquisite 1D speakers. i loved the Tenor's since they had the linearity, low noise and bass agility of a solid state amp, but the mid range sparkle and breath of life of tubes.
so what to do?
i came upon the first generation darTZeel 108 stereo amp in 2004. it was the inverse of the Tenors; it had the the breath of life and mid range sparkle of tube amps, and all the linearity of solid state, as well as a tube like liquidity and extended smooth highs i had not previously heard from any amp. now 18 years later the darTZeel is still unique as an amp that does not sound like tubes or solid state, it sounds like music. YMMV
new or used, the 108 stereo, or big 468/458 mono blocks, they are still my reference. 4 years ago i brought in 2 sets of uber tube amps (Lamm ML3's and VAC Statement 450's) and spent 4 months comparing them to my darts. preferred my darts.
so why have to decide between tubes and solid state? you can have both.