Well, music is enjoyed from everyone in a different manner. When you hear something you like, it can be played via car stereo or MP3... it doesn't matter. Same with audiophile units...you find for everything raves and enthusiastic recommendations.
Next step is, when you think about technology and compare...it is normal that there are differences...brain is different too. Some have better solutions than others. Does it mean that they are automatically more successful? No. Not in the audiophile world. The reason is very simple, knowledge is replaced from marketing. It is much more easy (and cheap) to write a few lines than to develop something serious.
I wrote about the Sutherland Timeline 2012, when nobody did even know to spell it correctly and wrote about the differences in speed. Most Turntables are simply mediocre, even the most expensive ones.
Can you hear the difference? Yes, of course. But it depends on your knowledge, understanding and quality of System. A female singer with a guitar in the background sounds ok with 35.9 rpm too
Now, some may think, going back to old DD is the solution...well, they have a proper motor management but they are not able from construction to be named as "High End". Let's say, they work, they accelerate and that's it. You can compensate their problems with colored cartridges but at end of the day they are the way they are...rattling accelerators made for broadcast (with limited signal dynamics).
Their electronic corrects the speed permanently, "...accelerate--reduce---hold---accelerate--reduce---accelerate---and so on and on" based on that, listening Piano with it is a pain for me. There was a demonstration about that in the Munich High End Show 2013. All visitors rated the DD negative compared to a regular running belt Turntable...but that is only one technical point, there are much more necessary a good reproduction (let's say for High End reproduction Standard).
The Timeline should be used normally from Dealers to select a product before they buy it to sell it to their customers. Same for Manufacturers btw.
But it is ignored from all. All want to sell the stuff they produce and when no one asks for "quality"...well...then we get what we deserve.
It is much easier to shoot the messenger (I know that very well from the guys who think that black color with a few motors has something in common with quality)
Ah, btw, yes, I solved "that" Problem long time ago
There is a video about it (one shown in the darkness to see the light a bit better and another one)
that one was my first video ever, the noise you can hear is my breathing because I was too close at the microphone, but anyway....
it is a real difference among such "tools" while playing, with different VTF (the higher, the worse for the manufacturers, that one in the video has 2.5 gr btw.) and of course, there is also a huge difference in the groove modulation in some very demanding classic recordings...