I have 2 Typhons
Sorry Al, I don't know a thing about any of your system's pieces...
Hey. I appreciate interaction without the pointed barbs and sarcasm. A great deal can be accomplished by simply calling or e-mailing us. If you feel harmed, frustrated or at a sum loss with something we've done, we have proven time and again to be responsive. Richard Rogers (factory) and I manage customer service, sales, world travel, trade shows and marketing along with Caelin. Its a short list of accountability and we work 24-7 to make sure customers are not alienated or feel they have been let down.
It looks like you received exceptional re-sale value on the Alpha power cords you re-sold (in your sales history). I understand you may be worried about the value of the Typhon based on our promotion. I get calls every week from people looking for some way to own our products at a price they can afford. Call or e-mail me, I'll try to help. I have been the point person for 17 years with everyone that has contacted us, Richard for 7 years. We are still here for a reason--great performance products, real science, responsive customer service and better re-sale value.
Confrontational posts on forums is not the best way to resolve your issue. We are in fact, approachable.The rest is up to you. I can be contacted at grant@shunyata.com