Yep, thats the one. I have a copy of this music on vinyl, Berstein and New York Philharmonic (if my memory serves me correctly). While I am not a classical music lover, thats not to say there are not pieces I enjoy. A recent visitor who wanted to hear the Alsyvox Botticelli was a very enthusiastic and passionate lover of classical music, and easily the most knowledgeable person I’ve ever met regarding same. He was courteous to bring a selection that wouldn’t put me to sleep — I have new music to explore and enjoy.A well played and recorded choice. What selection process lead you to explore this piece among the multitude of choices?
I know you have smaller interest in Classical. So don't worry if it was something a visitor auditioned. Whether you find music prevalent before 1900 something becomes partially enjoyable is of no consequence to how we receive new interests in here. Just glad you decided to explore where we might offer the benefit of some larger interest.
If this is not the album you listened to please correct me.
I have tried to develop an appreciation for classical multiple times in my life — I keep coming back to jazz, blues and funk. No disrespect to classical composers—those dudes could really write a song. Sadly, more often than not, I don’t know what the hell the song is all about! But my visitor clearly did know, and he was into it. It was great fun for me to observe him enjoying the music. I’m all about following your passions and curiosities as I believe they are the well-springs of our lives.