@essrand After quite a bit of researching, getting some of John DeVore's impressions on various amps, and talking to dealers I went in a bit of an unexpected direction - I just picked up a Line Magnetic 805ia and am really enjoying the first 48 hrs with it! As low as the cost was I felt it was a good risk (even without listening first) and I admittedly got a great deal from an authorized dealer who had one already in stock. The synergy between the LM with it's 48 SET watts, 805 power tubes, and 300B driver tubes coupled to the O/96's is really stellar. The sound is almost intoxicating with its immediacy, wide open space, bloom, nuance, and rich lucid beauty of tone. Quite extended on bass but cohesive while using the 8 ohm taps, while the treble is very smooth with no sharpness. I do feel that the extra watts are helpful in controlling the 10-inch woofer. I think what Ralph has said about having headroom with SET amps is likely spot on.
I was prepared to spend 3X what I did. I suppose a bit of tube rolling will be in my future after ~100 hrs as I get even better acquainted with this amp.
I'm pretty sure I will dabble in a 300B amp sometime in the future but this amp has me quite engaged right now.