It's been a few years (how time flies), but I am back in the quest, and thought I would continue on this thread instead of starting a new one.
But first, an update:
I ended up with the Nagra 300p and after years of trying to make it work, gave up and move to an -- surprise, surprise -- Accuphase SS integrated; which really made this speakers sing.
Was thoroughly enjoying this combo until an offer came up that I couldn't refused and I welcomed a Shindo Vosne Romanee preamp into the audio stable which changed everything: it was the sound I had in my head all the while (blogged about this event here:
While the Shindo VR into the accuphase integrated pre-in produces a heavenly sound, best I have ever had in my room. I would love to get a dedicated tube stereo power amp. I have sold the Nagra 300p and the Accuphase E-650.
I decided on a Cortese F2a last month, it was due to be delivered last week but was dead on arrival. And there are no Shindo amps in 230V that I can find anywhere. So I am back on the quest for a new power amp.
The Luxman MQ-300 is no longer in production. So now my only contender in the ring is the Air Tight ATM-300R (I have ruled out Wavac, too expensive and impossible to find out if it works well with Devore O/96).
Was wondering if anyone has other suggestions for me to try out. I was thinking adding the Luxman MQ-88 and the Thoress F2A or 845 in the race. Also wondering, if anyone has tried a Shindo + Air Tight combo, I only one poster on this forum that has asked the same question, would love some more posts on this combo.