Very interesting post...I have read (I think from Mike Lavigne) that certain SET amps can be extremely linear within that first piece of the puzzle that forms to make SETs magical for many people. I also have read LOADS of tube are not linear.
Could you actually explain a bit more about where/how/under what circumstances tubes can actually be equally linear or perhaps more so than their SS counterparts (transistors, I suppose)? In 'dumbed down' terms for us non-techies? Very, very interesting.
Thanks for any 'idiot's guide' guidance here. This could be very educational for me (and hopefully for others).
What Mike was referring to was that 'first watt'. In SETs and Push-pull amps that don't have a dedicated phase splitter circuit, the distortion can decrease linearly to zero (unmeasurable) as power is decreased. Most push-pull amps (tube, solid state or class D) have a rising distortion curve as power is decreased below a certain point, typically around 5% of full power. So in many cases an SET can be **more** linear than a transistor amplifier with high feedback as long as you stay inside this window. This is one reason why choosing the right speaker to go with a particular amp is so important- if you are using a push-pull amp for example, you want to make sure that the amp is not too powerful such that you are frequently listening at the lower, nonlinear, portion of the power curve.
As far as the tubes themselves: triodes have been the most linear form of amplification for decades. There are now some low signal transistors that operate in the same region, but there are no power transistors that do. You might consider this to be the envelope to push in transistor design, but with the industry rapidly switching over to class D (if you will pardon the expression-
) such devices seem less likely to happen but we can always hope.
So why are tube amps less linear if the devices used to make them are *more* linear?? Its all in the design. For example. If the amp is single ended, the primary distortion component will be the 2nd harmonic. If an amplifier is push-pull with a single-ended input, the distortion component will still feature the 2nd, with some 5th thrown in. If the amp is fully balanced from input to output, the primary distortion component will be the 3rd harmonic at a lower level than seen in an SET. This, mind you, is all assuming zero feedback. Add enough feedback and the distortion can be brought to very low points. Futterman built amplifiers in the early 1960s that had THD in the neighborhood of 0.005%. The question is really 'does lots of feedback actually sound better' and that is a question worthy of its own thread.
(the short answer being no- most feedback applications are not done correctly, resulting in audible problems caused by the feedback itself, the most common being the introduction of RF into the circuit...)
Surely most tube amplifiers are flat when loaded with a 8 ohm resistor - but as soon as you connect them to a real loudspeaker thinks change due to the variable impedance of the loudspeaker versus frequency. I was addressing the reality, not the lab.
Many tube amps have a damping factor of 15:1 and even over 20:1. With such output impedances, the frequency response difference as compared to a solid state amplifier of 100:1 would be a difficult thing to measure or hear. *That* is the reality. This is accomplished for the most part through the application of feedback, which causes the amplifier to dynamically adjust its output power with respect to the impedance of the load so as to get predictable flat frequency response. This is the basis of the Voltage Paradigm which was championed by Electro Voice and MacIntosh in the late 1950s. You can read more about this at
The Voltage Paradigm is so effective that going beyond 20:1 in damping factor yields no further measurable improvement.
The point I was making was that in most cases, feedback is improperly applied, resulting in audible artifacts (brightness being the most common) due to added distortion and RF. This is something independent of whether the amp is tube or solid state. As a result, there is an argument that zero feedback amplifiers are actually more linear, not less.
For those interested, here is are two articles outlining what the problems are in the application of feedback: