Worlds Best? New Soundstage Ultra Review of Hemingway Audio Power Cables


Jul 30, 2015
Washington, DC
As I've mentioned previously on this forum, my Hemingway Audio Z-Core Beta power cable, which is not the top of the line cable in this range, is the best sounding power cord I've heard at any price. Below is a link to a new review of Hemingway power cords at the Soundstage Ultra site.

From the review:

".....the Z-cores imparted a unique type of drive, energy, and thrust on the music...."

".....the Z-cores created unusually dense aural images that were firmly planted in the soundfield....."

"......With Glen Gould’s fabled version of Bach: The Goldberg Variations (24/44.1 FLAC, Sony Classical/Qobuz), the controlled Andante sounded so soothingly gorgeous and serene I was practically in tears......"

"......the Z-cores portrayed instrumental and vocal timbres in a stunningly accurate way......everything sounded gorgeously realistic and right in a way that I’ve never experienced before. Undoubtedly, the Z-cores parse timbre in ways other cords I’ve experienced don’t...."

"......Also, bear in mind that comparing the Z-cores to other power cords can be misleading as in my experience, there’s nothing else quite like them. And while they may or may not be your cup of tea, there are quite a few high-end cable manufacturers that will be forced to up their power cord game once word of the Z-cores gets around......'

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Just saw one of my primary audio distributors...who raved about Hemingway. (he is not at all an importer/distributor...just heard them, borrowed them to take home and really listen in his own system.) Rarely is he wow'd in this industry, he said, given that he is exposed to so many great designs. Hemingway is an exception for him...absolutely stupendous he said.

Now intrigued!
Just saw one of my primary audio distributors...who raved about Hemingway. (he is not at all an importer/distributor...just heard them, borrowed them to take home and really listen in his own system.) Rarely is he wow'd in this industry, he said, given that he is exposed to so many great designs. Hemingway is an exception, he said...absolutely stupendous he said.

Now intrigued!
Best sounding power cables I've ever tried in my system - in every parameter - no downsides.
Given what my distributor said (again not the distributor of Hemingway...just someone who borrowed it and took it home), I could believe it. He was particularly impressed by their philosophy of design...not something we delved into when we spoke about it. But he was clearly blown away.

Have you heard any of their signal cables? He was using their interconnects I believe.
Given what my distributor said (again not the distributor of Hemingway...just someone who borrowed it and took it home), I could believe it. He was particularly impressed by their philosophy of design...not something we delved into when we spoke about it. But he was clearly blown away.

Have you heard any of their signal cables? He was using their interconnects I believe.
No - just the power cords so far.
you said the magic words: " far..." ;)
@Cellcbern - May I ask if you tried the Beta on both your integrated amp as well as your SCAD player ; and can you provide some impressions? Also, may I ask what dealer you purchased from? Thank you.
No. I bought it specifically for my modified/upgraded Pathos TT. It was the PC I wanted based on what I'd heard and read to complete the project, and I lucked out, finding a used one on Audiogon at a great price. It replaced the Verastarr Grand Illusion PC (a very good power cord) I had on the amp, and the difference was immediately apparent. Everything improved - articulation, bass heft, dynamics, soundstage width, speed, timbral accuracy. The stock Pathos TT has been described by some as subjectively slow, in an SET sort of way. Not with the Hemingway PC. The Beta cable does PRAT on the Pathos amp like no other PC I've tried. At the same time it matches my (gold/silver/palladium conductor) Echole Omnia PC (I use it on the separate Modwright power supply for the sacd player) for natural, musical sound, free from etch ,glare, and any hint of electronic artifacts. If I had the disposalble income to add a 2nd one I would put it on my power conditioner.
Thank you for your response Cellcbern

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