Smokester, hi, are you new here?
Welcome anyhow...
Hi Spirit of Music,
Thank you.
I retired, sold my stereo and left wbf about five years ago to go sailing. Now I am back, at least temporarily, and thinking about a new system.
Smokester, hi, are you new here?
Welcome anyhow...
+1 Very good advice... waiting for the nu Zu's to come out when taming the cabinet might also take out some of the tonal density that you like in your Zu's. Sure there might be less of a veil but there might be less juiciness as well... and taking the box out of the equation means you'll hear more of the drivers and crossover and that may not be a completely good thing. The Magico approach of taking the box out of the equation has required a lot of driver development to respond to how exposing their cabinet design is.Since I'm a source of the "report", I think you should just wait for the new Zus
All systems have weaknesses - the Rockports dynamically imo. Its up to the individual what is the best compromise for his system and particular budget. Very few have infinite budgets here. Your OCD is getting the better of you.
Remember when Magico Q series was "colorless" and totally transparent? Read the new M3 reviews (which don't sound like Q series at all ime). Heck, JV's version of transparency changes monthly.
Also, your Zus are a 10k speaker which you are comparing to 40k ones. Remember that.
I've made a bit of a decision, with the input of Diapason and my good audio buddy Blue58, to indeed stop "chasing my tail"
What I have after two decades upgrading and along the way coming across the magical synergy of high efficiency/zero crossover/full range driver Zus with full bodied NAT 211s is a sound that makes music so much more communicative and visceral than the flat frequency response/medium efficiency/multi driver speakers with muscle SS amps that I was settling on a decade ago
Now, moving to vastly improved acoustics and power, with cable loom and isolation products that are truly augmenting and revealing my system strengths and (perceived) weaknesses, I realise that I am unecesarily nit picking apart my sound
Remaining colourations and ultimate lack of that final shade of transparency are having no bearing on my true enjoyment of the system, and I'm enthusiastically working at balancing things more with some upgrades to cables (power cords from Sablon Reserva to Elite spec) and further Stacores in time, prob also SR Black fuses
If funds open up to allow investigation of Zu flagships I'll look into them
But the realisation that my sound is so satisfying and the understanding that this hobby can bring out the worst in OCD over analysis is giving me an overdue dose of reality check
That's a great place to be.
My $0.02: many folks in this hobby are chronically unsatisfied because they don't have a good handle on what they are chasing. By analogy, if you are in London for the first time, a map can be quite useful. But if it's a map of NYC, you are likely going to be worse off than with no map at all. My second observation is that we tend to overlook that a high end stereo is complex system with many variables; the better you know the system, the better sound you will likely obtain. Time spent understanding what you own and doing the inexpensive things to optimize it is often better than chasing a new shiny toy.
Like you, I've reached a place better than I thought possible; in part serendipity; in part a lot of hard work. Funds are now better spent buying music.
Absolutely fascinating day's listening today
Second Stacore in the house plus Sablon Elite Reserva PC
This Sablon PC on cdp plus effects of passive Stacore isolation under both transformer and cdp/preamp is a cumulative stripping away of grunge and plummeting of noise flr
And further revealing of system positives
Perceived bottlenecks in quality fast receding with these changes
The act of disappearing is dependent on the high resolution of the system on a whole,not just the speaker. Cables,grounding and room placement has a lot to do with it. personally I think the speakers in a system are the most important item. If you can't live with the Zu speakers start only live once.