I can say this, I had a Ref 5 (not se) before the Ref6. Ref6 was a large improvement. Deeper soundstage, greater clarity, like veil being lifted. For me a very good upgrade. I hope the Gryphon (either one) will be as dramatic. Will report back in a few months as room is not ready yet
Focal Grand Utopia driven by Rowland amps.
Martin Logan Statements e2 driven
by 2 sets of VTL Wotans (preferentially in your underwear).
MBL 101E’s with ML Statement e2 sub towers driven by by MBL 9011 amps.
I was thinking of trying the Bakoon 13r with my 107db Avantgarde Horns. AG's are mostly known for pairing with Sets, but I've been wanting to find a low powered ss amp that has the right balance of transparency and mass. I'm also looking at the Berning designed LTA Ultralinear.
Could you describe what you heard and liked about the combo of the Bakoon and Cessaro horns? Thanks
That's ok wil. Bear in mind that the demo was a few years back, and hampered by some anomalous room responses. And yet the sound was so good, it's lodged in my subconscious.
And the demo was right at my most fevered pro SETs/anti SS mindset.
So, the first recollection was of amazingly good speed. Not the enhanced leading edge that I've heard in Naim, Spectral and some Class D amps, more like natural pace unhampered by veils. The only thing I've heard in SETs that match is Thomas Mayer (but on 10dB more efficient full range driver horns).
The other main takeway was of excellent texture. Here, triodes deffo have the edge, but the combination of excellent speed and suprisingly good instrumental body, and zero noise, grain or glare, really allowed the Liszts to shine. And indeed this demo remains the most emotionally connecting horns demo I've listened to, beating by a wide margin Tron 211s and Mola Class D on Liszts, Tron 211s on Trios. Only Mayer 46 tubes on Pnoes and Azzolina Gran Sferas, and homemade 45 tubes on AG Duos comes close.
Have some other thoughts on the Amp-13R best left to PM, drop me a line.
I was thinking of trying the Bakoon 13r with my 107db Avantgarde Horns. AG's are mostly known for pairing with Sets, but I've been wanting to find a low powered ss amp that has the right balance of transparency and mass. I'm also looking at the Berning designed LTA Ultralinear.
Could you describe what you heard and liked about the combo of the Bakoon and Cessaro horns? Thanks
Wisons' claim to fame is the WATT Puppy.
The WATT was initially a portable studio monitor. It should be named the WATT Entec. Wilson never credibly denied using off the shelf parts. WAMM was also a mosiac of parts.
I am not saying Wilson does not make great speakers. I don't Alon and Magico would get away with that.
From what it looks like the master chronosonic is full of scan speak illuminator midrange.
i see it like this, its possible to make your own units but you better be good at it .
I think magico certainly is , but in the end its the overall Package what matters