I gave up analog too about the same time, long ago.. One just needs to look at a digital TV vs Analog to SEE how good digital can be.. Why do some People think the same can’t be applied to sonics ? I can understand how having a huge vinyl collection would keep Some from wanting Digital , or just for the pure nostalgia aspects.. Analog has improved along the way but is limited by it archaic design and is very expensive to do right.. Digital is just coming of age in the audio world and has fewer limitations than analog.. The best is yet to come, IMO.I personally have no interest in vinyl. Gave it up maybe 25 years ago and have never looked back. Way too much work (and money) to get it to sound decent compared to a competent sounding digital system. And far easier to use on a daily basis. Why this forum is having another D vs A discussion is beyond me.
It took almost 25 years of being patient and several Iterations of formats and equipment have come and gone in the process that were mediocre at best..
I have found equal pleasure in hearing vinyl done right vs a good digital setup.. Finally !!! I’m just glad I’m able to FINALLY enjoy my digital collection of music without feeling subpar.. Glad we have Choices !