The marvellous Martin Logan CLX ART – is definitely a work of “ART”

Roger, sorry, so what are you recommending? Not clear from your sentence. The BF 210 or 212, and these are much better than the descent, I assume. For me the 80 to 200 or whatever the region, where the baritone's voice is, and where tympani and bass drum strike, is very important. When your Subs are off is this absent, and when BF subs are on, is this present?
Kedar, For my part I find with several less base challenging genres of recordings that I prefer to run sans Descent I as I feel the mids and upper on the panel's to have an additional quality where those regions are more prevalent in the recording I have however measured down to 48/9 in my own room, the base retaining pretty good presence, tonality and very fast.

Needless to say that for grand scale music pluming the depths the new BF series are pretty seamless with great depth of tone, the built in ML room correction coming into play here.
Wow, thanks for all of the great comments; and Kedar's thoughts, we both learned a lot last week, esp the importance of single area's of the whole, i.e in this case the Allnic psu rectifier. I knew it was influential, and have a collection of approx 6 options, but the KR 5U4G is the real tube for this piece, it transforms it. Needless to say, I have a KR Lampi Anniversary (white base) installed since yesterday. As Ked has said, image density has flourished, with real 3d pop to the stage. Rachmaninov's Symphonic Dances has now such scale it's almost scary. My friend has CLX + subs, full ARC etc, and that is really something else. ML's can be real Jekyll & Hyde speakers in some ways, but really they only tell the listener that something in the set up is wrong, not that they are wrong.

This was the first time I had a Lampizator (Kedar's GG) in the system, and it is extremely impressive; I can only imagine what the Pacific could bring. Bear in mind actually, that we (rather embarassingly) used a 15 year old £99 panasonic dvd player as transport that day as my MBL and Esoteric are elsewhere at the moment, again some learning!
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ack, I wonder whether you might quantify a few points that you have recently made in response to bonzo's excellent review of Pauls system.

Have you spent time with the recently released ESL13A or ESL15A models either in your own system or under very well set up private or dealer conditions? as many Logan owners and now Kedar can attest, depending on all the many variables ML's may perform from poorly through to the phenomenal with everything in between.

We're the factory CLX's you heard sporting the older generation Descent Subs or the Latest generation BF210/BF212? As still currently the owner of the former the BF series in my friends CLX system are notably improved in all areas ergo when running the subs so are his factory CLX's.

Whilst I enjoy reading about after marked modifications I do find it slightly disingenuous to compare modified equipment, often extensively as in yours and Pauls case, with stock factory products, which should we follow the local may in almost all circumstances benefit from extensive modification themselves, I cannot see the point other than perhaps comparing the exact same models of ML speaker..


Hi, yes I did spend a little time with 13A, but not the 15A; they were in a local acquaintance's home (I don't think the dealer carries these two models yet) - ML has improved on their designs quite a bit, and they are very good speakers. The CLX with the Descent subs that I also heard at the dealer made great sound, but not what I have. The CLX without subs is just not tolerable to me, because I listen to full orchestral, though nice with vocal and midrangy music. Of all the MLs I've heard to date - including mine, Ron's Pordigy's, the older Monolith, the CLX, 13A, Spires, Summit, Summit X, and perhaps one or two more - I would say the CLX/subs is probably the best of them all.

While I can understand that talking about modified equipment does not help anyone but a few, it is nonetheless another data point, and I hope somewhat intriguing
Greetings maties from down unda...

Well reading the subsequent posts, I must say that obviously everyone has different tastes and preferences, which we must all respect and hopefully learn from.

One new thing I learned reading these posts is that some don't even like to sit in a particular spot and listen to music, they get bored... Wow! never came across that type of character. In which case, perhaps no system would ever meet your expectations or something such as a merry-go-round multi-channel sort of set up would be best, certainly beats me.
When someone says that they get bored, to me that simply means they are not listening to the music, rather the system. And not only is the musicality lacking but also the system cannot produce what sort of sound they're after, again in which case no perfect system exists. I think the best in this case is to design your own mate.

When I also hear statements made such as "killer bass" and killer this and blown out of the park and so on... and the best they had ever heard until some tweak was used, also means they had not heard the best as yet... in which case there is still room for improvement and we can all certainly learn by being patient without jumping the gun...

The Melbourne Int'l hifi show is heading this way during Nov 3rd-5th. I will finally be there for once after nearly 20 years of absence, as I felt most of these shows simply didn't do justice to good quality sound. They were rather for awareness building not really decision making.

Another interesting thing I have come across is the sound of Apogee's. These are old dinosaurs and no longer in production. There are now new groups of enthusiasts re-building Apogee ribbons, and coming up with better ribbon elements, making the panels stronger and more tolerable to higher levels. However, these are not original designs and will never replace the original legendary sound of Apgoee's such as the Diva's, Studio Grands or the FR Apogee's.
I finally did get a chance to listen to the re-built Duetta signatures coming out from QLD which is upstate from wear we are. Very nice I must say, and very open and superb weight to all frequencies. However, I still prefer the CLX's, that's just my preference and doesn't mean that the CLX is the best, it's just the ultimate listening experience for me.

Respect to all that have various systems and have discovered new improvements with upgraded tweaks etc, good on you! And do enjoy the music.
As for me, I look for openness, natural tones, extended airy highs, fast & tight bass to capture most low note recordings, smooth open palpable midrange, and a sort of sound that allows me to relax and listen for endless hours and not get bored... be immersed in the sound and most of the music- that my friends is the most simplest system to have, but very hard to achieve because many of us still compare it to lacking in some areas... who cares!

In a realistic world, with realistic budgets- acquiring a system with all the right components, keeping in mind other important priorities (family, home & kids education), if the system put together has reached a level of synergy, and effortlessly delivers what your ears are fond of, that's about all that matters to me.

Cheers, RJ
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Roger, sorry, so what are you recommending? Not clear from your sentence. The BF 210 or 212, and these are much better than the descent, I assume. For me the 80 to 200 or whatever the region, where the baritone's voice is, and where tympani and bass drum strike, is very important. When your Subs are off is this absent, and when BF subs are on, is this present?

Greeeting Ked and Ron

I agree that naturally there is an issue with the CLX in 100-200 region

I have measured this in room, and it’s a definite dip

In my case I am running 5 subwoofers and adjusted the bass panel crossover

The timpani, Drums and plucked double bass are outstanding

On Blow up, the drum roll at the end of aquamarine hits you in the chest

Also you need amps that love the impedance of the bass panels

This includes tubes, 211, el 34, and I am told Conrad Johnson

In solid state it seems to be less , I am told pass labs, though no personal experience

I use Goldmund which is great match and big el34 amps

I will try on my return to Europe the Lamm 1.2; but my issue with the lamms before was clipping in my largish room even the 2.2 I had before clipped

CLX set up is critical to get the bass coupled to the room, and normal speaker set up is all wrong for the CLX

Also the axis of the listener to the two panels to get the correct power factor between the mid panel and the bass panel

Since I put the CLX back into the system after 18 months

I have been shocked by the sound I am getting

I put this down to the Goldmund’s, better room positioning and the DA2

Just my 2 cents...
Having taken a sabbatical away from the world of High Fidelity audio I thought that I would resurrect this thread by way of touching base with the ML owners on the forum, in particular fellow CLX aficionado’s, Brad...Big Dog... microstrip...Kostas...awsmone

Having taken a sabbatical away from the world of High Fidelity audio I thought that I would resurrect this thread by way of touching base with the ML owners on the forum, in particular fellow CLX aficionado’s, Brad...Big Dog... microstrip...Kostas...awsmone


Awsmone moved to horns, Altec. He has quads though. Microstrip is Wilson XLF with soundlabs in some part of storage. Saw you navigating down the thread yesterday. Was thinking of greeting a fellow wammer but couldn't think of a wind up post. What kept you away
Having taken a sabbatical away from the world of High Fidelity audio I thought that I would resurrect this thread by way of touching base with the ML owners on the forum, in particular fellow CLX aficionado’s, Brad...Big Dog... microstrip...Kostas...awsmone

Welcome back Roger,
Nice to see you back, especially those who are passionate about stats!

Enjoy those fine tunes!
Cheers , RJ
Still dragging Scheherazade around with you Ked ;0)

Oh.....An increasing and fundamental indifference to the Madness that is the quest for HiFidelity, coupled with the need to take a break From it all.

Thank you RJ, It was in part reading of your most recent exploits in your CLX journey and reading through this and your other thread that made me consider a come back...when I have time to pen a little more I would like to appraise Brad, Kpstas and yourself of my recent move from GAIA No1’s to Townshend Podium platforms....
Ah! The move from Gaia's to Townsend podiums must be an interesting thing... let us know all about it.

Infact, I tried a few accessories before finalising on the Gaia II's, that seemed to work well. Not easy placing them under CLX's and having to lift back up... I wonder how you managed with placement on the Townsend platforms?

Enjoy those fine tunes!
Cheers, RJ
Are you contemplating laying in a reserve set of panels RJ ?... I was all set to pull the trigger before a fork in the road of life took me in another direction for a while. For my part I am giving it some serious thought once again.
Are you contemplating laying in a reserve set of panels RJ ?... I was all set to pull the trigger before a fork in the road of life took me in another direction for a while. For my part I am giving it some serious thought once again.
You mean a reserve set of Panels for the CLX's?
In which case over here, I've checked with the Aus importer and according to them, Anthem has plenty of spares... so nothing to really worry about. As you're probably aware, just after ML pulled out the last order for the CLX's (they were making only 7 more pairs), they wanted to stop with that and offer plenty of spares for their owners in case the need arises. The Aus importer also stocks a few Panels, so before anything is low on stock availability, they'll let us know. Not too many CLX's owners down unda... I guess it's easier for them to track down the required serial numbers if needed.

I will use the CLX's for long as I possibly can, that is after warranty service, parts required etc., to keep them going. However, if the time comes to a complete dead end then I'll slightly deviate towards refurbed Apogee's. They're doing pretty well since we have Graz based upstate. So not too far away.

Cheers mate, have a good one.
Still solidly in CLX camp.
Been traveling and didn't see resent posts. Internet is very sketchy.
As far as replacement panels. I'm 68 now with CLX being 3 years old. Short of a catastrophe I would think the panels will out live further deterioration of my hearing.
Given that, I would replace them short of starting again.

I bought a pair of Divas a number of years ago and was going to have them rebuilt by Graz guy Bill Thalman in NC. Kept them covered in my shop for 3 years and then decided I wasn't ready to invest $10,000 in them and not being sure I would be happy with them.
I sold them to someone in Venezuela.
Still solidly in CLX camp.
Been traveling and didn't see resent posts. Internet is very sketchy.
As far as replacement panels. I'm 68 now with CLX being 3 years old. Short of a catastrophe I would think the panels will out live further deterioration of my hearing.
Given that, I would replace them short of starting again.

I bought a pair of Divas a number of years ago and was going to have them rebuilt by Graz guy Bill Thalman in NC. Kept them covered in my shop for 3 years and then decided I wasn't ready to invest $10,000 in them and not being sure I would be happy with them.
I sold them to someone in Venezuela.
You would have been happy ;)
That sounds about right!
Way back then... when we were moving out, I had to repair our Diva's back in hometown and over there every so called panel speaker expert were just guessing. It never sounded right after several attempts, at the end we shipped them all the way to Spore and finally was restored by a dedicated Apogee chap who knew about these things inside out. When we received the final invoice, plus shipping and handling charges, plus CIF (cost, insurance - freight) we nearly fell off our chairs! And so the story goes, it was promptly sold to one of our very own dealers. Still has them running with a full line up of Pass Labs XS300 series (dual chassis huge affair...). So whenever I get a chance to visit, which hasn't happened since this wonderful covid, it's a fun experience to be able to listen to these legendary ribbons fully rebuilt. Driven with PL XS300 amplifiers is something else!

During that time when I decided to close shop and sell off whatever, we still had a handful of our personal favourites; the CLS IIz's, Infinity IRS 1B, and of course the Quads. Just before heading off to Aus (down unda) two of my very close dealer mates, purchased the lot! CJ ART preamp, the Premier 8A monoblocks, and all three of those speaker systems. Of course I wasn't going to haul any of those to Aus, simply because the cost was outrageous, and so I arrived with nothing and started from scratch since 2004..

Visited so many Aus importers for some great gear and systems but nothing was quite like the Diva's nor the CLS, and so my quest continued... went through a few things, Jamos, Infinity's, Wilson's, Maggie's, Quads... and then Sept 2018 oh wow! There it was, the awesome CLX Art. I've never seen nor heard anything like it before. Glimpses of those very fine CLS tonality traits were there but this was a completely radical concept. Triple stators, dual Mylars, with a separate CLS panel dedicated to mids & highs, and top notch parts inside, plus those superior EI core trannys, with special metal alloys used in the framework, pure stainless steel heavy duty locking collars, and the list goes on... From that first note I knew straight away this is it! And never looked back.

I guess at the end of the day, it simply is a very personal thing, hence I may never be more happier with anything else, might as well just sit back and enjoy those fine tunes!

Cheers Brad, I hear you!
Woofty woof! RJ
This weekend I found the time to connect a pair of Martin Logan CLX to my Amps.

Having had CLS for many years, I was surprised , how good and better the CLX is.

Looking forward to the next days, finding step by step the best place in my room!

Yes , this is the Anni Model with the more stiff aluminium frame. Took me a while to find in the used market.
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Nice one shakti! The anniversary model on those aluminium frames is a great one indeed, an outstanding find!

Hell yeah! A complete overhaul to the CLS, way different, such that the CLX's are a radical design. It's a real real shame ML discontinued it's design. This is one particular high performance full range stats that are capable of surpassing many top flight speakers, and at far less their cost. I previously had the CLSIIz's, those were beautiful stats and satisfied most tunes. However, when it came to sheer LF delight, the CLSIIz's would shy away, and matching them with subs wasn't ideal either. Now, ML's BF series subs and their new line, using the ARC (Anthem room correction) software set-up is a breeze with full range stats. A massive improvement compared to the past, sub & panel matching, very tricky icy business.

I reckon the first thing that will hit you, is how amazingly open and transparent these are. There's absolutely zero cabinet resonances, zero overhang of tone, bass doesn't linger..., zero smearing of mids to highs and virtually limitless HF extension, and zero artificial enhancements. Just pure tonality based on what's found on the recording, nothing more to add.
The top critical area for me is an absolute transparency in midrange. It's just bloody marvellous!

Provided the main power amps can keep up, and performing well to control the notorious impedence swing of these stats, you'll get an awe-inspiring experience. I'm sure you're amplifiers are well designed and have rock solid power supplies, that's pretty much the most critical aspect of proper amplifier design.

Like I've said before, I'm very passionate about these particular stats, there's no other speaker system I'd rather own, regardless of price.
The tooons are fine!

BTW noticed your post done since 2021... ah, it took you 4yrs to find a top performer!
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