QSA - Lanedri and the Audiophile Version of the Philosophers’ Stone


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
I guess most are familiar with the fable of the Philosophers Stone…..essentially the tale of the ancient Alchemists’ search for a stone (ingredient) that would turn base metals into Gold. Well apparently QSA-Lanedri have found the audiophile equivalent, which I believe is worthy of some discussion.

I have been an audiophile for over 50 years, with the last 4 spent developing a dedicated digital streaming system. Up to 4 years ago my experience with digital was that it consistently proved inferior to analog, but thanks to the inputs from 3 fellow audiophiles (DIY gurus) and 2 hi-fi designers that has now changed. Having implemented a number of their suggestions I came to very much rely on their inputs and advice, so when 2 of them began messaging and posting about QSA fuses and later about QSA-Lanedri cables, I immediately became interested. Both these guys have lucrative careers while hi-fi is their passion, so my belief in their findings is 100%. Neither has any financial or business relationships with QSA-Lanedri and get no financial reward for promoting their products. My conclusion is that QSA-Lanedri really have discovered something remarkable with the potential to revolutionise the hi-fi industry. This thread is intended to provide a place to discuss actual experiences with the products, to discuss your take on their perceived value and to ‘speculate/hypothesise’ on what the process may be that brings such spectacular results in terms of improved sound quality. It is based on the assumption that the products do what they claim and seeks to come up with possible ways of how they achieve this.

Let me provide a few observations to get things started

1. The ‘treatment’ is applied to fully confected cables and plugs, so must be fully compatible with all the soft plastics used in plug and cable manufacture
2. The treatment is not patented, so either it’s extremely unlikely to be discovered and therefore not worth the patent costs (which are considerable) or the treatment itself isn‘t patentable ie. Isn’t non-obvious or novel
3. The treatment can be applied to any cable or plug so isn’t product dependent
4. There appears to be no outward signs of any modifications to any treated products
5. There’s a scale of products, so it seems the process can be either tuned, adjusted or dosed to modify/enhance the effect on the treated cable
6. Listeners have observed that the effect of the treatment is greater on less pure metals i.e metals with greater level of impurities
7. Listeners have observed that the closer the treated product is to the ‘end point’ the greater the effect i.e downstream untreated conductors reverses some of the benefit
8. Its claimed that over 22 years of R&D went into the process but my own key-word searches revealed no related or relevant publications, so its likely the R&D was performed either in a private or commercial capacity rather than as part of a research institution e.g university that depends on publishing results to justify its funding.
9. Humans have studied the structures and behaviours of metals and their related molecules and atoms for well over a century, but not as they apply to their ‘sonic qualities and attributes’ .
10. QSA- Lanedri claims that the treatment occurs at the ‘molecular or atomic level‘ and is ‘quantum‘ in nature
11. QSA-Lanedri list the following technologies as key attributes:
- Metal Molecular Activation Technology
- Musical Metal Molecule Alignment Technology
- Skin Deep Compensation Technology
12. The cables themselves start out life as complete $50 - $100 Blue Jeans and Iconocast cables that following treatment sell for $2,500 - $6,000. Power cables are based on Sablon Prince ($3,250) and Sablon King ($3,950) which following treatment sell for $6,000 - $9,000 and $8,000 - $12, 000 respectively.
13. Iconoclast and /Blue Jeans cables are themselves made from bulk off the reel Belden and Canare cable
14. Listeners have observed that the greater the metal content of the cables and plugs, the greater the effect of the treatment
I've been loosely following the QSA products. Thank you for the well put together summary!
My thoughts as someone very unlikely to buy these and thus with no skin in the game, what you might call curious if a little skeptical.
Prices are crazy in this hobby. Yes, "upgrading" cables for 100x their "base" cost is an eye opener. Yes, a claim that a QSA cabled bog standard streamer can not only approach the Extreme but surpass it is a bigger eye opener.
I've spent a tidy sum on Entreq grounding and I know the base costs are pennies compared to the RRP, so "stones and glass houses" apply to me if I criticise QSA. And I know that many overpriced looms (no need to mention brands) have a street price over base at multiples the same or more than QSA's.
My only reservation, exacerbated by not knowing what's been done to these cables, is whether the effects are time-limited or permanent. I'm not sure even Entreq has an unlimited shelf-life.
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The OP is a good systematic summary.

Anybody thinking of stumping up multi-k on these products needs to give themselves a shake if they don't realise that the only empirical support for such purchases are subjective "ears". Third party ears at that. Your own if you can audition. All such "ears" are really "brain". Brains are hungry not just for musical enjoyment but will contrive any old s**t to justify our instrumental/operant decisions. Decisions always for reward. That reward can be anything: personal meaning, social belonging, sense of accomplishment, kudos, being right, being a leader - anything.

The OP includes the word "gurus".

At the very least, just the seller's use of the word "quantum" should send you running for the hills. It cannot be honest.

22 years. pfft. Most people in their 50s have been at something or other for 22 years.
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22 years. pfft. Most people in their 50s have been at something or other for 22 years.
Paying bills, a mortgage, having kids (God forbid, not me, but others), The Times crossword.
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Paying bills, a mortgage, having kids (God forbid, not me, but others), The Times crossword.

What perseverance. I finished the Times Crossword in 22 minutes once.

Seriously - of course people spend their hard-won money on what they like. I am saying that most people over the age of say 45 have become good at something. Developed flow. We know nothing first hand about the R&D germane. Only that its protagonist favours the word "quantum". I tell you straight: he is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
To add a little humor to the conversation is that say that I’m worried the Wakandas and the blue fish people are going to be looking for whatever vibranium QSA managed to get a hold of :)
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What perseverance. I finished the Times Crossword in 22 minutes once.

Seriously - of course people spend their hard-won money on what they like. I am saying that most people over the age of say 45 have become good at something. Developed flow. We know nothing first hand about the R&D germane. Only that its protagonist favours the word "quantum". I tell you straight: he is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Hi Iving,
As one Nobel Laureate physicist apparently commented, ”if you understand Quantum Physics, you don‘t understand Quantum Physics“. But that‘s the big picture, or better said the big sub-micron picture. There are some things that belong in the quantum domain that we understand pretty well; magnetism for example. It’s not all a mystery, just most of it! Frankly, i would take the Quantum reference as a clue rather than a dodgy claim.

The physical behaviour of metals is, to a great extent down to its electrons. Its reactivity with other atoms, its malleability, melting point, conductivity, magnetism all explainable at the electron level.
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Hi Iving,
As one Nobel Laureate physicist apparently commented, ”if you understand Quantum Physics, you don‘t understand Quantum Physics“. But that‘s the big picture, or better said the big sub-micron picture. There are some things that belong in the quantum domain that we understand pretty well; magnetism for example. It’s not all a mystery, just most of it! Frankly, i would take the Quantum reference as a clue rather than a dodgy claim.

It's a clue all right. But I think you are being kind.
The "uncertainty principle" in play here is all too obvious.
Other than to @romaz. And the other "DIY gurus" whom we so carefully respected until now.
Uncertainty - the bedfellow of wave-like behaviour - excepting the present tsunami of unhinged collegiate conviction.
A field day for aggressive Objectivists ...
... embarrassment for those of us who've stood on the Subjectivist hill, defending our right to enjoy our hobbies without having to "prove" every step and increment.
There are different ways to grow old gracefully. This isn't one of them.
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A similar company is www.gapower.co.uk?you can see the same technology .Coincidentally, it is the same agent as qsa in hong kong. All these brands are made by Hong Kong?for different markets
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to discuss your take on their perceived value and to ‘speculate/hypothesise’ on what the process may be that brings such spectacular results in terms of improved sound quality.

This thread has already gone off the rails. And, since the principle has already stated that he isn't going to answer questions, and Romaz has provided what insights he can what is the point of speculating on the process other than stirring the pot?
If the special process is a form of degaussing, then it’s permanent unless the object is modified. One thing I found interesting from the little research I did online is that degaussing changes according to what location you are in the world when performing the process. Different magnetic fields around the world. So if the cable is degaussed on one continent and then used on another continent it may not work properly. Also I discovered several types of degaussers available to the general public for diy trials. I’m not sure if this is truly what QSA is doing, but maybe? Here’s an article of the US Navy using this technique on entire ships and submarines: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degaussing
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Here is Steven's LinkedIn profile. Not much there except a few deleted youtube videos he posted (but later deleted) that I'd love to see if any of you internet sleuths know how to do that! Here's the blurb from his profile:

mat technology is to bring audio and video products quality to top level in short time.

The world 's first metal molecular activation technology
So that metal molecules into the "smooth state"
Reduce the resistance, enhance the electronic flow in the conductor speed,
@speed up electron running speed per second@.
So as to enhance the performance of any audio products
any audio products remain 70% potential come out ,even you are daily use of cable cooker.
our procession in.short time
just need a few second procession time.

Whatever they're doing, it doesn't appear to take much time. My hypothesis is that the "treatment" is just time in the specialized cable cooker (whatever that is)... I'm intrigued with the degaussing discussion and the high-ampere pulses discussed in the wiki article. I wonder how this impacts the cable. More googling to come.
Neither has any financial or business relationships with QSA-Lanedri and get no financial reward for promoting their products.
While you mention this I'd like to put things in perspective.

Romaz confirmed to have a 'friends' relationship with the sole owner of QSA. He used his name Romaz, known as an audiophile Guru as you say, for promoting QSA products and in exchange had acces to all or many types of QSA cables and accesoiries plus access to the process to treat his own cables.

According to Romaz his promotion is on '(...) a promoted thread in the Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers forum meaning @QSA-LANEDRI has paid money out of their pocket to WBF to run this thread as they see fit for the purposes of promoting their products (...)

Hopefully it is a great discovery.

- - -
Please see the exchange I had with Romaz regarding QSA here : QSA LANEDRI Series - post # 215
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Why has nobody brought up the possibility (likelihood) that the QSA "process" is a cryogenic treatment?
There are many variations of such and if done correctly it is highly audible and effective. Long ago I worked with a firm specializing in it. They offered their services and proprietary process (rate of cooling, final coldest temp., how long at that temp., then how long and rate of bringing back up to room temp.) to golf club manufacturers, cutting tool makers, drum kit cymbal and drum head/rim assemblies, and to audio manufacturers. It was great, but when done on cables (or capacitors) with Teflon insulation, it would double or triple the already exceedingly long time that Teflon takes to "burn-in."
I guess most are familiar with the fable of the Philosophers Stone…..essentially the tale of the ancient Alchemists’ search for a stone (ingredient) that would turn base metals into Gold. Well apparently QSA-Lanedri have found the audiophile equivalent, which I believe is worthy of some discussion.

I have been an audiophile for over 50 years, with the last 4 spent developing a dedicated digital streaming system. Up to 4 years ago my experience with digital was that it consistently proved inferior to analog, but thanks to the inputs from 3 fellow audiophiles (DIY gurus) and 2 hi-fi designers that has now changed. Having implemented a number of their suggestions I came to very much rely on their inputs and advice, so when 2 of them began messaging and posting about QSA fuses and later about QSA-Lanedri cables, I immediately became interested. Both these guys have lucrative careers while hi-fi is their passion, so my belief in their findings is 100%. Neither has any financial or business relationships with QSA-Lanedri and get no financial reward for promoting their products. My conclusion is that QSA-Lanedri really have discovered something remarkable with the potential to revolutionise the hi-fi industry. This thread is intended to provide a place to discuss actual experiences with the products, to discuss your take on their perceived value and to ‘speculate/hypothesise’ on what the process may be that brings such spectacular results in terms of improved sound quality. It is based on the assumption that the products do what they claim and seeks to come up with possible ways of how they achieve this.

Let me provide a few observations to get things started

1. The ‘treatment’ is applied to fully confected cables and plugs, so must be fully compatible with all the soft plastics used in plug and cable manufacture
2. The treatment is not patented, so either it’s extremely unlikely to be discovered and therefore not worth the patent costs (which are considerable) or the treatment itself isn‘t patentable ie. Isn’t non-obvious or novel
3. The treatment can be applied to any cable or plug so isn’t product dependent
4. There appears to be no outward signs of any modifications to any treated products
5. There’s a scale of products, so it seems the process can be either tuned, adjusted or dosed to modify/enhance the effect on the treated cable
6. Listeners have observed that the effect of the treatment is greater on less pure metals i.e metals with greater level of impurities
7. Listeners have observed that the closer the treated product is to the ‘end point’ the greater the effect i.e downstream untreated conductors reverses some of the benefit
8. Its claimed that over 22 years of R&D went into the process but my own key-word searches revealed no related or relevant publications, so its likely the R&D was performed either in a private or commercial capacity rather than as part of a research institution e.g university that depends on publishing results to justify its funding.
9. Humans have studied the structures and behaviours of metals and their related molecules and atoms for well over a century, but not as they apply to their ‘sonic qualities and attributes’ .
10. QSA- Lanedri claims that the treatment occurs at the ‘molecular or atomic level‘ and is ‘quantum‘ in nature
11. QSA-Lanedri list the following technologies as key attributes:
- Metal Molecular Activation Technology
- Musical Metal Molecule Alignment Technology
- Skin Deep Compensation Technology
12. The cables themselves start out life as complete $50 - $100 Blue Jeans and Iconocast cables that following treatment sell for $2,500 - $6,000. Power cables are based on Sablon Prince ($3,250) and Sablon King ($3,950) which following treatment sell for $6,000 - $9,000 and $8,000 - $12, 000 respectively.
13. Iconoclast and /Blue Jeans cables are themselves made from bulk off the reel Belden and Canare cable
14. Listeners have observed that the greater the metal content of the cables and plugs, the greater the effect of the treatment
Good idea to create this thread outside of the commercial QSA - Lanedri thread. While at the same time making an inventory of experiences and try to get a grip on this discovery.

The only thing I would leave out is the price (see 12.) since it distracts and does not help explain anything about the quality of the discovery. As soon as the process is not unique anymore (which today we seem to think it is) comparing with similar “products” at a different price point makes sense to me.

I also see similarities with the treatment process of the metal strip (w/o the melting part) for the huge range of Audio Fuses available to audiophiles today. The knowledge how to treat the tiny current-conducting strip or wire of metal to create different audible results, altering to some degree the sound while improving it.
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