Here is a slightly annoying question for Art88 owners who are familiar with GAT 2, but you will know what I'm talking about.
Compared to the sound of GAT 2 does the sound of Art88 take you slightly towards or slightly further away from a neutral, solid-state type of sound? Putting the exact same underlying question another way, which of these two CJ preamps leans to the Jadis direction, and which of these two CJ preamps leans to the Boulder direction?
(Don't debate the question! You know what I'm asking.

That's quite a difficult question Ron, one that has many twists and turns and if taken too sharply can roll over the truck!
However, I will answer the CJ GATS2 and ART88 preamp comparo, since I've had the GATS2 for over a few months (was looking after one when the owner went overseas) and also had the opportunity to audition the ART88 last July. In fact, I've addressed this very comparison before... can't remember where but I think my most recent post on this comparison was in CJO. Anyway here goes:
GATS2- solid preamp, gets everything right. Fantastic elements on top to bottom freq spec, superb soundstage depth and well controlled LF detail, also fully controls the driving power amps with ease. With a great sense of authority, no flinching one bit. Very neutral sounding too, almost as if there's no preamp!
ART88- all of that above greatness of the GATS2 but with a higher level of drive and control. This is mainly due to one huge difference in its output stage design and that is, in the ART88, it uses a full tooob layout from top to bottom / Input - Output stage. Hence, there's no "SS buffered" output stage, which is found in the GATS2 and all other CJ preamps, including the original ART preamp, which I actually did own in a galaxy far far away. BTW, the original ART preamp was a two chassis unit, big enough to bench press!
This is the very first time that CJ has omitted the buffered output stage and designed an All-Tube preamp. It uses 6 tubes in pairs, and the last two solely for impedence matching for each channel on the output stage. As a result, it has this uncanny ability to completely get out of the way and allow the music to flow with a sense of freedom and sheer brilliance, without any artificial enhancements. It's also even more neutral than the GATS2 or at least this is what I experienced on the two systems that I auditioned.
Having been through the CJ top line series, from the ACT2, CT5, ET5, ET7S2 and GATS2, there's a good difference in overall performance and sonic quality but only by a small margin. Definitely not my benchmark of 40% in improvement. So owning either of these is still just as good and that's one reason why I'm so damn happy with my CT5. Call it vintage fully engages my listening experience to high quality recordings.
However, the ART88 is all that! And it definitely crosses the line of my personal benchmark of 40%, and it does that supremely well. In which case, maybe I should get one! Being thinking about it... but at 40grand $AUD I don't think so. There aren't any used or pre-owned ART88's here as yet. Even if there were, it would still be close to 30grand AUD. That's just our market trend here.
The other issue is, if I do go for an ART88, I may have to upgrade other gear... and the vicious cycle begins!!! So no thanks, I'll draw the line at this point. It's good enough. The usual dog house issues still linger in this neighbourhood...
As for comparing which preamp is a Jadis and which is a Boulder...uh?
Sorry matey, that type of question is beyond my pay grade.
Until such time, do enjoy those fine tunes!
Woof! RJ