I was not born in the U.S., although I am now an American.All this Uber / whats best BS stems from the US where you re valued according to your bankaccount
I can unequivocally state that - generally speaking - your statement is untrue. I am confident that one is mostly valued according to his or her accomplishments in the U.S. Those accomplishments may certainly result in financial wealth, but they do not always. I have spent my career in close contact (on boards, committees, working groups, and otherwise) with literally dozens of people whose wealth is 10x to100x mine, and I have never been disregarded, devalued, or dismissed because of that..
One particular shortcoming that can sometimes be too prevalent in the U.S. is a tendency to judge too quickly or evaluate over too short a time span. In many cases, however, that may be preferable to never evaluating at all...