Aries Cerat Ianus Essentia Owners thread

Just wanted to share some initial thoughts on the new AC Aperio integrated amp.

The first thing that shocked me was how transparent this amp is! I have revealing speakers and thought I was hearing everything I could especially since the recent Taiko Extreme updates, but the AC has a way of revealing more information without sounding analytical or cold. The AC sound is something I’m not familiar with, but it displays a vivid, wholesome and realistic sound. The amp itself is fast, dynamic, detailed and very musical.

There is lots of tune-ability to this amp, great if you are happy to play around, with the 2 current and 2 offset dials in addition to changing tubes. So far I’m liking the sound but it does require some time I think to get the sound that you most like - poor recordings have nowhere to hide given the revealing nature the amp has.

I’ll share a bit more as I do more listening over the coming week.
Hi Levitator,
What is the rest of your system? Just curious about what you have inserted the Aperio into.
Hi Levitator,
What is the rest of your system? Just curious about what you have inserted the Aperio into.
Alsyvox Botticelli X speakers, Taiko Extreme, Lampizator Baltic 3 or MSB Select DACs trying with the Aperio integrated and Kassandra Mk2 DAC. Cables are a combination of Elrod and Shunyata…
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Alsyvox Botticelli X speakers, Taiko Extreme, Lampizator Baltic 3 or MSB Select DACs trying with the Aperio integrated and Kassandra Mk2 DAC. Cables are a combination of Elrod and Shunyata…
I guess the Kassandra drives the Aperio the has high output with low impedance.
The decision has been made - very impressed with the Aperio but decided to go one better, Essentia’s ordered today! Kudos to Stavros for designing this series of amplifiers…
The decision has been made - very impressed with the Aperio but decided to go one better, Essentia’s ordered today! Kudos to Stavros for designing this series of amplifiers…
Do you think the Essentias are significantly superior?
Congratulations on your order. What was the deciding factor on your decision?
Congratulations on your order. What was the deciding factor on your decision?
I could have been very content with the Aperio, and to me its the best integrated amp I’ve heard. Part of me was already contemplating monos as I’ve got the space for them, but I wasn’t able to demo the Essentia’s. After chatting to Stavros and my dealer, it became clear that going with the Essentia’s and then adding an external preamp would bring quite a significant uptick in sound, plus some extra power and greater flexibility with adding other components. At this stage the Impera with low gain is the likely path I’ll go - as much as I’d like to pair with the Ageto, the price point is right up there!
I probably have at least 500 hours in the Essentia's now without a Preamp. They are so crystal clear and silent. I can only imagine what they would sound like in a studio. They are super detailed and linear. Sometimes I will be on my computer and I have to look up because I hear this instrument in the background that I have never heard before. I marvel at Essentia's ability to capture these instruments and images.
I have played with the settings of the Essentia a little bit over the last month. Original settings...M1 30; M2 120. Stavros mentioned his favorite at 20 and around 90. I tried 21 and 92. For me slightly more musical and lush. I am now back to 30 and 105. That might be my sweet spot for detail and overall musical enjoyment.
Hello gents

We are extremely proud to announce that the review of our Essentia amplifiers is out, from Mono and Stereo, resulting in "2023 Editor's Choice" Award.
"..To put it succinctly. These are the dream devices..."
A big thank you to Matej Isak

Enjoy the reading.
Congrats on getting the reward. I have not come across many fellow Essentia owners. Could you please provide insight on a comment the writer made regarding feedback settings'.

But, that's not all. There is another unusual feature that has been seen but not implemented in this form. Essentia offers four different feedback settings.;0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB and 16 dB.

What does that mean to me? How does it affect SQ? What are the factory settings? Thanks for explaining.
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Congrats on getting the reward. I have not come across many fellow Essentia owners. Could you please provide insight on a comment the writer made regard feedback settings'.

But, that's not all. There is another unusual feature that has been seen but not implemented in this form. Essentia offers four different feedback settings.;0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB and 16 dB.

What does that mean to me? How does it affect SQ? What are the factory settings? Thanks for explaining.
Hello Will

The amps leave the factory on zero feedback setting. There is a quide on manual for how to use but feel free to ask for any clarifications here.

I am not sure how many users use feedback after trying it.So far i know none ,and for good reasons :)

Hello Will

The amps leave the factory on zero feedback setting. There is a quide on manual for how to use but feel free to ask for any clarifications here.

I am not sure how many users use feedback after trying it.So far i know none ,and for good reasons :)

Stavros, hi.

In my understanding many single stage amps invert phase. Does Ianus Essentia invert phase?

Thanks for answering.
Stavros, hi.

In my understanding many single stage amps invert phase. Does Ianus Essentia invert phase?

Thanks for answering.

It can be either,inverting or non inverting. The output is floating secondary,so it can be inverted or not,depending on what you use as positive as a user.
The key point is that the amp behaves exactly the same if you choose to connect positive terminal as positive or treat it as negative terminal.

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Hi .
Long time I just read all conversations about Aries Cerat . Now I‘m here . :)
Have AC Ianus Essentia monos ( End gamer in my opinion with amplification ) and Heléne DAC with Incito S pre . Just appreciated to join to the Aries Cerat family after long audio journey from late 80‘s .
If it will be interesting my instagram :
Best wishes to all audiophiles and music lovers!


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Hi .
Long time I just read all conversations about Aries Cerat here. Now I‘m here . :)
Have AC Ianus Essentia monos ( End gamer in my opinion with amplification ) and Heléne DAC with Incito S pre . Just appreciated to join to the Aries Cerat family after long audio journey from late 80‘s .
Lovely system Alex … Vintage Eames lounge chair ? or do you fidget a lot ;)
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Hi Doc Alex!

Welcome to the Aries Cerat Forum and congratulations on your components! It looks very good. I wish you a lot of fun with it! And you have very cool speakers. Nice!

I don't know if you have any further plans. I can't see the other equipment very well, but I can see a record player. I just want to mention it: The Aries Cerat Talos is an incredibly good phono stage at an acceptable price. And I know phono stages for 30 - 40 k€ that can't get past the Talos. You can also get Talos used for a good price from time to time. But you may already have a very good phono stage.

Regardless: have fun with your system and have fun here in the forum.

PS: I also use Essentias. Very good power amplifiers!
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Hi Doc Alex!

Welcome to the Aries Cerat Forum and congratulations on your components! It looks very good. I wish you a lot of fun with it! And you have very cool speakers. Nice!

I don't know if you have any further plans. I can't see the other equipment very well, but I can see a record player. I just want to mention it: The Aries Cerat Talos is an incredibly good phono stage at an acceptable price. And I know phono stages for 30 - 40 k€ that can't get past the Talos. You can also get Talos used for a good price from time to time. But you may already have a very good phono stage.

Regardless: have fun with your system and have fun here in the forum.

PS: I also use Essentias. Very good power amplifiers!
Thank you Verdier!
Now i have Luxman EQ500 phono but thinking about AC Talos phono sometimes :)
P.S . Read a lot about your audio system
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