Ron Resnick Launches Audio Cafe LLC, a New Clarisys Audio Dealer

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Hi Brad, Lloyd,

It's not that simple. I can't just casually double up on reproduction of 200Hz and down. (Which is not to say I didn't try precisely this at a low volume setting on the woofer towers just for fun!)
What is the cutoff level of the towers? Presume you could start by running them in parallel and cutting them off around 35hz-45hz depending on your room, Auditoriums?
What is the cutoff level of the towers? Presume you could start by running them in parallel and cutting them off around 35hz-45hz depending on your room, Auditoriums?
Its Studio Plus model not Auditoriums afaik
What is the cutoff level of the towers? Presume you could start by running them in parallel and cutting them off around 35hz-45hz depending on your room, Auditoriums?
The Gryphon woofer towers have no cross-over frequency adjustment.
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I have Studio Plus, the middle-sized model.
Yes...I was just sticking to my original observation that Auditoriums plus Gryphon sub towers could prove to be an ideal configuration for you.
The Gryphon woofer towers have no cross-over frequency adjustment. if you did decide to experiment you would need to introduce a crossover. Got it.
What's preventing it?

I don't own them; I haven't bought them; I haven't borrowed them; they are not in my house; I have bigger fish to fry presently.
That's correct maties! Ron has bigger fish to fry... he's busy packing up the Pendragon's... those big fishies are frying!

Once all done, let me know I'll come over with a bottle of wine. I prefer salmon though grilled that is.

I'm just kidding Ron, don't mean to be poopy... I'm reading all this with much enthusiasm and always learning how high performance systems are improving. One thing I'm looking forward to is seeing a nice pair of Clarisys speakers in your listening room, that you'll be the proud owner of one fine day. Looks like a work of Art, indeed!

Woofty woof'n!
More crushed pyramid slaves hauling the Pendragons out and the toe stubbing mono blocks in? Being a dealer must have some kind of elaborate casualty insurance.
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The Gryphon woofer towers have no cross-over frequency adjustment.
one wonders about whether perfect bass tower integration with your Gryphon's might have changed your Clarisys path? might it have 'filled in' any high frequency issues in your room? i know how it worked for me, when i attained bass integration 'singularity' everything gelled.

there were many posts 3-4 years ago addressing proper bass tower integration thinking and approaches to crossovers, preamps, and such things. foretelling of this situation.

mostly great music reproduction performance comes down to bass integration and frequency balance. you got it, or you don't got it. sure there are different driver types and matters of taste, but musical rightness needs balance. or the magic is missing. and we keep searching.

and when lower octaves are concerned, sins of omission are preferred. but the better the deep bass, the more complete and natural are the highs.
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My own humble opinion is any fault was probably Pendragon bass tower integration, not ribbon related. All of the solutions were pursued through the ribbons.

Although the preamp was tubed, a nice 300b line buffer would have done nicely to the bass towers. As mentioned, the towers would still have some localizable sound at their frequency crossover, and proper bedding of the upper bass and lower midrange with the midrange ribbon can be key to the warmth and success of the integration.
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Eulogies for the Pendragons are pre-mature. I simply wanted to hear the Studio Pluses in the better acoustic location.
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