Taiko Audio Extreme Music Server

Taiko had me attach a monitor to my Extreme and they remote viewed the diagnostics on the screen.
They believe the C-Drive failed and are sending me a replacement.
Will have to keep you posted once it is installed.
Successfully installed the new C-Drive replacement sent to me from Taiko (Netherlands).
Everything working great except I lost my Playlist I had made on Roon.
Guess I will have to make another.
Here is a quick interior shot of the Extreme before I switched out the C-Drive.
Thanks Taiko!

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Congrats on what always boils down to superb Taiko customer service. Glad to hear about the quick resolution and as all things Taiko, IMO customer service is the best on the planet even with their recent growing pains which are quickly being resolved
Just got XDMS-NMS installed.
Hoping I hear improvements over Roon.
Time will tell!
Lol!! (xdms nsm)
Imho - it blows Roon to pieces on the Extreme.
Please let us know your impressions..
As always, ymmv..
Not on my extreme. I hear greater ambience and a wholeness with Roon whereas XDMS is more lifelike but less depth to soundstage and less ambient clues.
The simple access to all albums under artists whether file or streamed is a huge plus for Roon.
Oh! and streamed 16bit sounds better in most cases than my CD rips.
So, don’t discount Roon.
If it’s good enough for Olympus, it’s good enough for me.
Same here. I slightly prefer the sound of Roon to XDMS on my Extreme. The usability and functionality of Roon as compared to XDMS are not currently comparable.

Having said all that, Ed is working hard to get XDMS to beta and I am happy to do anything to help him reach that goal.
Same here. I slightly prefer the sound of Roon to XDMS on my Extreme. The usability and functionality of Roon as compared to XDMS are not currently comparable.

Having said all that, Ed is working hard to get XDMS to beta and I am happy to do anything to help him reach that goal.
Im running the newest server version and scan now. Scan started at 1000 last night and is still running. Ed warned the first scan is long. Im at 12 hours and almost 100%
For me XDMS-NSM is 1.618 parsecs better than Roon (that’s a lot). There isn’t any single aspect of Roon SQ that is better. I don’t have the Taiko Router so maybe this factors in considerably? However, Roon’s interface is far superior. If the base Olympus is equally good with either, this is the single most important reason for me to spend big money on the Olympus. XDMI, well that’s just another step beyond.
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Im running the newest server version and scan now. Scan started at 1000 last night and is still running. Ed warned the first scan is long. Im at 12 hours and almost 100%

I ran that last week. It took a very long time and my library is much smaller than yours.
For me XDMS-NSM is 1.618 parsecs better than Roon (that’s a lot). There isn’t any single aspect of Roon SQ that is better. I don’t have the Taiko Router so maybe this factors in considerably? However, Roon’s interface is far superior. If the base Olympus is equally good with either, this is the single most important reason for me to spend big money on the Olympus. XDMI, well that’s just another step beyond.
Yeah, but, who shot first?
As stated earlier, Ed with Taiko Audio in Paris, remotely installed the newest XDMS Alpha software for my Extreme.
He also remotely checked all my software settings to make sure everything is tweaked to my EMM Labs DV2 DA/Preamp.
Have to say XDMS is better than Roon audibly - My system has never sounded this refined and 3Dimensional!
Only caveat is that I need a new iPad to accept the new remote software - iPad is probably 10 years old!
A new ipad needed …

I consider acquiring some new tablet for XDMS use only.
I remember a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 mentioned in these pages as better sounding or introducing less unwanted things resulting in better sound.
What are the current recommendations for a tablet to run XDMS?
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Have any of you tried putting your Extreme on a Seismion platform, Reactio or Reactio Plus? If so, how did you like it? If possible, could you mention the other support platforms or footers you compared with the Seismion?
I use Critical mass Systems Ultra Diamond platforms throughout my entire front and rear end components. All components are on Center Stsge Ultra TT footers including the Taiko Audio Router, Switch and DCD. My Extreme however sits on Center Stage LS Ultra 2.25. Isolation devices make a huge difference

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