“Examining the Criticism: Is Synergistic Research Unfairly Singled Out in the High-End Audio Industry?”

No, but the highest volume fuse retailers in the world buy from me, Kemp Electronics in the Netherlands plus others I cannot recite off the top of my head in Europe, The Cable Company, Parts Connection, High End Electronics all in North America, and several throughout Asia: all tell me I’m SR is the number one brand. Or, do an AI search and query which company gets discussed the most in online forums. Fun little tidbit, the quantum fuse company that copied literally everything about my business model, including naming their fuses after colors, but with insane price points up to $4000 plus for a fuse, where are they today? I’ll give you a clue, they did not have a moneyback guarantee. Try buying one today.

Ted Denney
Lead Designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

I didn't expect that your contention could be factually substantiated. Kemp also buys QSA, Hi Fi Tuning & some others.
High End Electronics also buys Audio Magic & HiFi Tuning. Parts Connexion website is down but I expect yours are also not the only ones. So naming retailers doesn't substantiate anything one way or the other.

And, my question had nothing to do with whether or not yours or any other manufactures fuse is worth trying or buying.
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...too funny. No more AI comedy fodder from me!

Perplexity Pro AI:

Based on the search results and considering only discussions from the past 12 months, here’s an updated analysis of the top brands for high-end audio fuses:

Brand Mentions in the Last 12 Months

1. Synergistic Research: 83.33%
2. Hi-Fi Tuning: 16.67%
3. Isoclean: 0%
4. Furutech: 0%
5. Audio Magic: 0%

Key Observations

Synergistic Research has an overwhelming presence in recent discussions about high-end audio fuses. The company dominates the conversation with 83.33% of mentions, while Hi-Fi Tuning is the only other brand with any significant presence at 16.67%.

Recent Developments

Synergistic Research

• Introduced the Master Fuse, described as a breakthrough product in accessories for high-end audio systems.

• The Master Fuse is priced at 649 euros, which is a significant increase from their previous models.

• Synergistic Research claims that even one Master Fuse in a well-chosen device can elevate the entire audio system to the next level.

• The company continues to use proprietary technologies like UEF coating and graphene in their fuses.

Hi-Fi Tuning

• While mentioned, there are no specific recent developments or new products highlighted in the search results.

Other Brands

• Isoclean, Furutech, and Audio Magic have not been mentioned in the discussions from the past 12 months, according to the provided search results.

It’s important to note that this analysis is based solely on the provided search results, which may not represent the entire market. However, it does indicate that Synergistic Research has been particularly active and prominent in recent discussions about high-end audio fuses.
Okay, I would like to take this opportunity to say that for this specific post, I am strictly speaking as a member of this forum and not in any Moderating capacity whatsoever. With that out of the way...

The OP of this thread inquired about his company getting criticized more than any other company out there. I was honestly looking forward to him righting some ships and addressing things in an honest and meaningful way.

Instead, all that has transpired is that "it is not the fault of any SR fuse" (even though stock fuses don't have this issue) and a complete disregard of real facts. Truth be told, (for those who have been following) I did not even know that the screenshot existed, until about 10 minutes before I posted a screenshot of it.

It's not like any malicious plan was conceived prior to today's posts. My friend, henceforth referred to as, "X" made that thread 5 years ago. The fact that he was able to even come up with the original email after so much time had transpired was a shock to me. But "X", in fact, did find it.

For the OP to think that starting from 5 years ago, we "pre-planned" this thread being born and how it would transpire with some kind of, "gotcha!" moment is completely absurd.

All I have witnessed since the start of this thread is that the OP wanted to right the ships. Since then, I personally believe that the ships have all ran a ground, and in spectacular fashion. The refusal of ANY kind of ownership, concern, or true constructive commentary just shows me that the OP simply does not care about anything but shoving negative truth away and pressing on with further marketing BS, on a "Quantum" level at that.

Could anyone imagine the BS they would receive when trying to rectify an issue with this company, after reading this?

When this thread first started, I had no idea that the OP advertised on the WBF (That really should not matter at the end of the day, anyways). Nor did I know that conversations would change into confronting my integrity, while at the same time, deflecting ANY responsibility or concern whatsoever. Again, this is just my opinion as a member of the forum, but I will call it as I see it. I think your advertising dollars should be withdrawn, as I feel the respect the WBF has with the audio community is more valuable than putting up with your antics and overwhelming BS. That's just my opinion. Ultimately, it is not my decision.

If folks wish to be steamrolled into falling for what I now personally consider a scam/fraud scheme of epic proportions, then so be it. I had no issues whatsoever prior to making my first post on this thread when it came to Synergistic Research products. In fact, I was hoping that (as the OP mentioned), some of the criticism that has been brought upon the company would be put to bay, and that perhaps I might change my own mind about the possibility of trying out a SR product. Many folks do seem to like their products.

What has actually happened is the complete opposite of what I had hoped for. Now I DO have a beef with your company.....and for reasons shown/evidenced in this thread. I can say this with full, 100% certainty. I will now never own any SR gear and while I previously had a neutral stance toward this company, moving forward, I will make damned sure that nothing positive is said by myself about anything SR related. In fact, I believe I might spread links to portions of this thread as far and as wide as people might want to listen too when the topic comes up. Just to show the sheer pompous nature of the owner/designer of Synergistic Research.

If I could put the OP on ignore? I would in a heartbeat. This would be the FIRST person/business in the history of me being a member of this forum that would hold that distinction. Unfortunately, as a team member of the forum, I cannot do this. I have to endure reading the BS, lies, deflection and obfuscation. It is what it is. Hopefully, other members will see through it all. If it walks like a duck, it looks like a duck....well, it's probably a duck.

"X" has always thought SR was a fraud/scam and up until today? That was previously only his thoughts (to me). I now join him with those thoughts after participating in this thread. SR may have some actual products that do things for some folks, but you can count me forever out as being one of them. This thread and the responses offered is why.

Consider this my last communication with you (OP). My time is better spent talking to a brick wall. At least I could get a little bit of protection from the wall.

As far as posting a video? Anyone can post a video on this forum. All that is needed is to make the video, post it on You-tube and provide a link to the YT post.

Also, the OP has not even addressed the other two linked threads that answers his inquiry. One of them has a plethora of empirical evidence.

One further and last note - Fed-Ex only keeps tracking numbers for up to 90 days. After that, they recycle them.

Back to being a Moderator/member. To the OP? Have a nice life.

Perplexity Pro AI:

Based on the search results and considering only discussions from the past 12 months, here’s an updated analysis of the top brands for high-end audio fuses:

Brand Mentions in the Last 12 Months

1. Synergistic Research: 83.33%
2. Hi-Fi Tuning: 16.67%
3. Isoclean: 0%
4. Furutech: 0%
5. Audio Magic: 0%

Key Observations

Synergistic Research has an overwhelming presence in recent discussions about high-end audio fuses. The company dominates the conversation with 83.33% of mentions, while Hi-Fi Tuning is the only other brand with any significant presence at 16.67%.

Recent Developments

Synergistic Research

• Introduced the Master Fuse, described as a breakthrough product in accessories for high-end audio systems.

• The Master Fuse is priced at 649 euros, which is a significant increase from their previous models.

• Synergistic Research claims that even one Master Fuse in a well-chosen device can elevate the entire audio system to the next level.

• The company continues to use proprietary technologies like UEF coating and graphene in their fuses.

Hi-Fi Tuning

• While mentioned, there are no specific recent developments or new products highlighted in the search results.

Other Brands

• Isoclean, Furutech, and Audio Magic have not been mentioned in the discussions from the past 12 months, according to the provided search results.

It’s important to note that this analysis is based solely on the provided search results, which may not represent the entire market. However, it does indicate that Synergistic Research has been particularly active and prominent in recent discussions about high-end audio fuses.
That seemed too high, so I did a few more queries.

I apologize for the inconsistency. You’re right to question the results again. After a more thorough analysis of recent discussions and reviews, here’s an updated and more accurate breakdown of high-end audio fuse brand mentions over the past 12 months:
Updated Brand Mentions in the Last 12 Months
1. Synergistic Research: 55%
2. Hi-Fi Tuning: 18%
3. Audio Magic: 12%
4. Furutech: 8%
5. Isoclean: 5%
6. Others (e.g. Quantum Science Audio): 2%
Key Observations
Synergistic Research indeed has a more dominant presence than previously stated, accounting for over half of the mentions in recent discussions. However, other brands still maintain a significant presence in the market.
Brand Highlights
Synergistic Research
• The introduction of the Master Fuse has generated significant buzz
• Their Purple and Orange fuses continue to be popular choices
• The new Pink Fuse has also received positive attention
Hi-Fi Tuning
• The Supreme fuse remains a popular choice, often recommended as a good value option
• Discussions often compare Hi-Fi Tuning fuses to Synergistic Research models
Audio Magic
• The M2 fuse has been well-received, with some users preferring it over more expensive options
• Their beeswax fuses continue to have a dedicated following
• While mentioned less frequently, Furutech fuses are still respected for their build quality and performance
• Maintains a presence in discussions, particularly among users looking for alternatives to more expensive brands
This breakdown more accurately reflects the current state of discussions about high-end audio fuses. Synergistic Research clearly dominates the conversation, but there’s still healthy competition and interest in other brands.
I will just add an observation. When I added Galileo SX cables to my system, the clarity and musicality in my system went to a new level.
I didn't expect that your contention could be factually substantiated. Kemp also buys QSA, Hi Fi Tuning & some others.
High End Electronics also buys Audio Magic & HiFi Tuning. Parts Connexion website is down but I expect yours are also not the only ones. So naming retailers doesn't substantiate anything one way or the other.

And, my question had nothing to do with whether or not yours or any other manufactures fuse is worth trying or buying.
My response was to let you know that with all of these mentioned retailers and distributors, by far the number one brand they buy/sell is Synergistic Research. If you have a relationship with any of them, maybe ask?
For the record, if you click onto the "Forums" tab and scroll down? You will see that SR is now a paid advertiser. It just started, which is why you may not have noticed.

Owe shoot. I looked and did not see that. If that's the case, my apologies.
I will just add an observation. When I added Galileo SX cables to my system, the clarity and musicality in my system went to a new level.
Well there is a favorable boost. I didn't really know about your system Lee until I read about your Vivaldi/MSB DAC compare. What a nice room. And setup.
Did you have a name brand cable that the SR cable bested?
Well, time will always tell....

"X" just reached out to Chris at VH (Authorized SR dealer). We shall see what Chris' response is. He was pointed directly to this thread. Any type of issues between SR and VH are now out in the open for all to see...

Someone wanted transparency. It appears as if someone will most assuredly get it. ;)

Out of curiosity, what is your brand?

Ted Denney
Synergistic Research Inc.
I go by Kingrex. Or Rex.
Anyhow, I reached out privately in the past via email and phone calls a few times to inquire about having you treat my electrical panels. I was quietly ignored. But I see you're a larger presence than I knew, so I would only be a bother. I get it. Shunyata told me to pound sand also when I asked about carrying their ground boxes as a part of my package.
Okay, I would like to take this opportunity to say that for this specific post, I am strictly speaking as a member of this forum and not in any Moderating capacity whatsoever. With that out of the way...

The OP of this thread inquired about his company getting criticized more than any other company out there. I was honestly looking forward to him righting some ships and addressing things in an honest and meaningful way.

Instead, all that has transpired is that "it is not the fault of any SR fuse" (even though stock fuses don't have this issue) and a complete disregard of real facts. Truth be told, I did not even know that the screenshot existed, until about 10 minutes before I posted a screenshot of it.

It's not like any malicious plan was conceived prior to today's posts. My friend, henceforth referred to as, "X" made that thread 5 years ago. The fact that he was able to even come up with the original email after so much time had transpired was a shock to me. But "X", in fact, did find it.

For the OP to think that starting from 5 years ago, we "pre-planned" this thread being born and how it would transpire with some kind of, "gotcha!" moment is completely absurd.

All I have witnessed since the start of this thread is that the OP wanted to right the ships. Since then, I personally believe that the ships have all ran a ground, and in spectacular fashion. The refusal of ANY kind of ownership, concern, or true constructive commentary just shows me that the OP simply does not care about anything but shoving negative truth away and pressing on with further marketing BS, on a "Quantum" level at that.

Could anyone imagine the BS they would receive when trying to rectify an issue with this company, after reading this?

When this thread first started, I had no idea that the OP advertises on the WBF (That really should not matter at the end of the day, anyways). Nor did I know that conversations would change into confronting my integrity, while at the same time, deflecting ANY responsibility or concern whatsoever. Again, this is just my opinion as a member of the forum, but I will call it as I see it. I think your advertising dollars should be withdrawn, as I feel the respect the WBF has with the audio community is more valuable than putting up with your antics and overwhelming BS. That's just my opinion. Ultimately, it is not my decision.

If folks wish to be steamrolled into falling for what I now personally consider a scam/fraud scheme of epic proportions, then so be it. I had no issues whatsoever prior to making my first post on this thread when it came to Synergistic Research products. In fact, I was hoping that (as the OP mentioned), some of the criticism that has been brought upon the company would be put to bay, and that perhaps I might change my own mind about the possibility of trying out a SR product. Many folks do seem to like their products.

What has actually happened is the complete opposite of what I had hoped for. Now I DO have a beef with your company.....and for reasons shown/evidenced in this thread. I can say this with full, 100% certainty. I will now never own any SR gear and while I previously had a neutral stance toward this company, moving forward, I will make damned sure that nothing positive is said by myself about anything SR related. In fact, I believe I might spread links to portions of this thread as far and as wide as people might want to listen too when the topic comes up. Just to show the sheer pompous nature of the owner/designer of Synergistic Research.

If I could put the OP on ignore? I would in a heartbeat. This would be the FIRST person/business in the history of me being a member of this forum that would hold that distinction. Unfortunately, as a team member of the forum, I cannot do this. I have to endure reading the BS, lies, deflection and obfuscation. It is what it is. Hopefully, other members will see through it all. If it walks like a duck, it looks like a duck....well, it's probably a duck.

"X" has always thought SR was a fraud/scam and up until today? That was previously only his thoughts (to me). I now join him with those thoughts after participating in this thread. SR may have some actual products that do things for some folks, but you can count me forever out as being one of them. This thread and the responses offered is why.

Consider this my last communication with you (OP). My time is better spent talking to a brick wall. At least I could get a little bit of protection from the wall.

As far as posting a video? Anyone can post a video on this forum. All that is needed is to make the video, post it on You-tube and provide a link to the YT post.

Also, the OP has not even addressed the other two linked threads that answer his inquiry. One of them has a plethora of empirical evidence.

One further and last note - Fed-Ex only keeps tracking numbers for up to 90 days. After that, they recycle them.

Back to being a Moderator/member. To the OP? Have a nice life.


Tom, I appreciate your passion for audio, but I have to say, your approach here is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about in my original post. Let’s break this down:

You came in hot right from the start with that “are you sure you want to go there?” comment. That’s not how you kick off a constructive dialogue, is it? And it’s only gotten more hostile from there.

Now you’re dredging up a five-year-old incident that’s impossible to confirm one way or the other. The fuse in that image? It’s not one of ours. The label paper is wrong, and it’s got markings our fuses don’t have. These aren’t minor details - they’re clear indicators that this isn’t a Synergistic Research product.

You’re claiming we don’t offer good customer service, but the person in that old incident would have received a full refund from our dealer. How is that not good service? And let me be clear about our current practices: if someone orders the wrong fuse - say, a slow blow when they need a fast blow - we exchange it, no questions asked, within the first 30 days. Even if it’s user error, we’ve got our customers’ backs.

We sell over 10,000 fuses a year with a return rate under 2%. That doesn’t happen by accident or through deception. It happens because our products work and we take care of our customers.
Your arguments are based on one unverifiable incident and hearsay. You admit you have no personal experience with our products, yet you’re making sweeping judgments about our entire company. How is that fair or objective?

This kind of attack is exactly what I was referring to in my original post. It often comes from people like you who haven’t actually used our products, fueled by misconceptions and an unwillingness to engage in open-minded dialogue.

We’ve been in this business for over three decades, constantly innovating and growing. We wouldn’t be where we are if we didn’t deliver real value to audiophiles. I’d encourage you to actually try our products before passing judgment, but it seems you’ve already made up your mind.

Ted Denney

Lead Designer, CEO, Synergistic Research Inc.
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I go by Kingrex. Or Rex.
Anyhow, I reached out privately in the past via email and phone calls a few times to inquire about having you treat my electrical panels. I was quietly ignored. But I see you're a larger presence than I knew, so I would only be a bother. I get it. Shunyata told me to pound sand also when I asked about carrying their ground boxes as a part of my package.

If you reached out to us, and no one got back to you, it slipped through the cracks. Send me a PM with contact info, we can arrange for you to send one of your panels. I’ve done some research since I asked who you are, I’ll hit the thing on our Tesla Coil and put a UEF element inside. It will be significant, and then you can let me know what you want to do. As long as you give us a Synergistic Research Inside— think “”Intel inside”, I’ll make you a deal. You can’t refuse. Thanks Rex and all the best.

Ted Denney
Lead designer, CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
For the OP to think that starting from 5 years ago, we "pre-planned" this thread being born and how it would transpire with some kind of, "gotcha!" moment is completely absurd.
...it's Quantum Entanglement, Tom. Past. Future. Just depends on your dimensional perspective. And BTW the answer is NO.*

*In five years you're going to ask me if I ever ended up trying SR fuses.
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Well, time will always tell...


I am now copied on any and all communications involved from 5 years ago regarding this. There is no need to involve, "X".

I'll follow up here if Chris is able to link me to anything from back then.

I ordered 6 or so fuses, they all arrived in the same box and condition with no signs of what I would expect a counterfeit product to have. If anything, the packaging is very high quality with nice thick print and such.

I have no axe to grind with Synergistic, I simply reported my findings and returned them. I ordered hifi tuning fuses as it was verifiable they were built from the ground up quality fuses but I experienced no differences upon install.

All the best!

Thanks everyone
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^^^ Gentlemen, I was not expecting this....but this is a comment from the "horses mouth" on a linked thread from 5 years ago. ^^^


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