Okay, I would like to take this opportunity to say that for this specific post, I am strictly speaking as a member of this forum and not in any Moderating capacity whatsoever. With that out of the way...
The OP of this thread inquired about his company getting criticized more than any other company out there. I was honestly looking forward to him righting some ships and addressing things in an honest and meaningful way.
Instead, all that has transpired is that "it is not the fault of any SR fuse" (even though stock fuses don't have this issue) and a complete disregard of real facts. Truth be told, I did not even know that the screenshot existed, until about 10 minutes before I posted a screenshot of it.
It's not like any malicious plan was conceived prior to today's posts. My friend, henceforth referred to as, "X" made that thread 5 years ago. The fact that he was able to even come up with the original email after so much time had transpired was a shock to me. But "X", in fact, did find it.
For the OP to think that starting from 5 years ago, we "pre-planned" this thread being born and how it would transpire with some kind of, "gotcha!" moment is completely absurd.
All I have witnessed since the start of this thread is that the OP wanted to right the ships. Since then, I personally believe that the ships have all ran a ground, and in spectacular fashion. The refusal of ANY kind of ownership, concern, or true constructive commentary just shows me that the OP simply does not care about anything but shoving negative truth away and pressing on with further marketing BS, on a "Quantum" level at that.
Could anyone imagine the BS they would receive when trying to rectify an issue with this company, after reading this?
When this thread first started, I had no idea that the OP advertises on the WBF (That really should not matter at the end of the day, anyways). Nor did I know that conversations would change into confronting my integrity, while at the same time, deflecting ANY responsibility or concern whatsoever. Again, this is just my opinion as a member of the forum, but I will call it as I see it. I think your advertising dollars should be withdrawn, as I feel the respect the WBF has with the audio community is more valuable than putting up with your antics and overwhelming BS. That's just my opinion. Ultimately, it is not my decision.
If folks wish to be steamrolled into falling for what I now personally consider a scam/fraud scheme of epic proportions, then so be it. I had no issues whatsoever prior to making my first post on this thread when it came to Synergistic Research products. In fact, I was hoping that (as the OP mentioned), some of the criticism that has been brought upon the company would be put to bay, and that perhaps I might change my own mind about the possibility of trying out a SR product. Many folks do seem to like their products.
What has actually happened is the complete opposite of what I had hoped for. Now I DO have a beef with your company.....and for reasons shown/evidenced in this thread. I can say this with full, 100% certainty. I will now never own any SR gear and while I previously had a neutral stance toward this company, moving forward, I will make damned sure that nothing positive is said by myself about anything SR related. In fact, I believe I might spread links to portions of this thread as far and as wide as people might want to listen too when the topic comes up. Just to show the sheer pompous nature of the owner/designer of Synergistic Research.
If I could put the OP on ignore? I would in a heartbeat. This would be the FIRST person/business in the history of me being a member of this forum that would hold that distinction. Unfortunately, as a team member of the forum, I cannot do this. I have to endure reading the BS, lies, deflection and obfuscation. It is what it is. Hopefully, other members will see through it all. If it walks like a duck, it looks like a duck....well, it's probably a duck.
"X" has always thought SR was a fraud/scam and up until today? That was previously only his thoughts (to me). I now join him with those thoughts after participating in this thread. SR may have some actual products that do things for some folks, but you can count me forever out as being one of them. This thread and the responses offered is why.
Consider this my last communication with you (OP). My time is better spent talking to a brick wall. At least I could get a little bit of protection from the wall.
As far as posting a video? Anyone can post a video on this forum. All that is needed is to make the video, post it on You-tube and provide a link to the YT post.
Also, the OP has not even addressed the other two linked threads that answer his inquiry. One of them has a plethora of empirical evidence.
One further and last note - Fed-Ex only keeps tracking numbers for up to 90 days. After that, they recycle them.
Back to being a Moderator/member. To the OP? Have a nice life.