Congratulations Dave - I had great times with Jadis. They make wonderful tube equipment. But soon you should be dreaming about a JP80 - IMHO the ideal companion to your monoblocks. I have owned it and it is one of the few pieces I really regret having sold. But laziness asked for a remote and the JP80 had a double switched volume ...
Congrats! I had the same thought as Microstrip: you going for a Jadis pre-amp? 20+ years ago that JP80, along with CAT, was one of the pinnacles.
View attachment 36953The Jadis JA 30mk2’s arrived yesterday. I have not set them up yet, but they are incredibly well put together and I have a feeling they will be magical.
These have the silver faceplates and silver tranny tops, which I like a lot better than the gold.
That definitely should be a magical sound in everything- soundstage, presentation and most of all musicality. I still think that tubes amps have it, although some SS are getting there or at least trying to get there...
Tube amps, may it be stereo or in mono form, will always bring out the best on recorded music. Just refer to the notes from Kondo San (audio note founder & guru) he's always stuck to the notion that the finest sound does come from tubes.
Cheers mate and have a wonderful one!
Big woofey! RJ
That definitely should be a magical sound in everything- soundstage, presentation and most of all musicality. I still think that tubes amps have it, although some SS are getting there or at least trying to get there...
Tube amps, may it be stereo or in mono form, will always bring out the best on recorded music. Just refer to the notes from Kondo San (audio note founder & guru) he's always stuck to the notion that the finest sound does come from tubes.
Cheers mate and have a wonderful one!
Big woofey! RJ
These amps are by far the best I have ever had in my system, and they are probably as good as I have ever heard....anywhere!!!
The synergy with my CAT Preamp is absolutely fantastic. Superb rendition of highs, the mids are more fleshed out than ever before and even the bass tightened up and expanded....very very impressive. Plus, I had a fairly inexpensive power cord loaner on them and barely got them warmed up...
If anyone has a chance to hear the new generation of Jadis, I strongly recommend that you do so....its an eye opener.
Thanks Al. These Jadis amps are really a jaw dropper for me. I have heard a number of good amps in my system, from BAT to ARC to C.J. to others...and several ss amps, none hold a candle to these amps. I think the new KT150’s in this design are a game changer.
Aah, those KT150 tubes. Ian (Madfloyd) has those in his CAT JL7 monoblocks, and the sound is fabulous. Both naturalness of sound and resolution are incredible. Of course, you need not just great tubes but also great engineering of the amps, but I have no doubt your amps have it just like the CAT amps (of CAT I don't need to convince you, you have the CAT preamp).
I plan to audition in my system the Octave MRE 130 monoblocks, which Goodwin's carries, sometime in the spring. They also feature those tubes, and amp engineering seems special as well. First upgrade though will be speakers (the Reference 3A top monitors, the Reflector).
I had in the past Jadis 30. 80. 200. 500
500 too many valves and sound little dark and slow but other 3 I think around the 3/4 best tube amp
The best,for me ,is Jadis 80 with new kt 120 or 150
Pure sound with enough power
I had in 1982 ARC D 250 MKII Servo
And I had at home Jadis 80 to test
Much better in everything
I never owned and always listen in exhibitions or from Italian distributor
I never put attention to his sound because my mind was only in triode amp like Kondo,ANJ and Audio tekne