A new star in 2019 : Innuos Statement Server

A big thank you Blackmorec for your wise and thoughtful advice.
I read your developments about the Phoenix Net, always very detailed, not to mention your literary phrasing when you mention the improvements in sound quality and especially the emotions and the connection with the musical work that they generate ... .

Given the extensive optimization, implemented before bringing the PN into play, there is no doubt about the quality of this device, which, moreover, is designed in-house from A to Z, with the same attentions as the Statement (and common elements). Being zero in computer science, with a system comprising a significant number of devices, the concept of all in one is also a major asset for me.
If I understood the diagram of your system, the PN is only connected at the output, to your Statement, is that it?

Thanks also to Carcrashboy for submitting an alternative to Chord cables, which nobody knows much about, in fact (other than the price).
The fact that your cables have been designed by Sean Jacobs himself, who is perfectly familiar with the Statement's power supply diagram, is an undeniable pledge of confidence.
Did you choose the nature of the material and the Mundorf brand or was it Sean Jacobs who advised you?
Would it be too intrusive to ask you their price before tax?
I guess I can easily apply for him through his website; man is reactive?

(English by google translate, sorry)
Hi Rhodium,

I had discussed with Nuno Vitorino, who owns Innuos, Sean’s involvement and designing the power supplies for the Statement and other models, so when I read about the Chord cables I thought I would contact Sean. Sean had just been asked to make a prototype pair of umbilical cables for a customer, so I waited for feedback, which was positive, and then placed my order. Sean is very easy to deal with and very responsive to emails.

As these cables are not on a price list I think it better to discuss costs with Sean.
Hi Rhodium,

I had discussed with Nuno Vitorino, who owns Innuos, Sean’s involvement and designing the power supplies for the Statement and other models, so when I read about the Chord cables I thought I would contact Sean. Sean had just been asked to make a prototype pair of umbilical cables for a customer, so I waited for feedback, which was positive, and then placed my order. Sean is very easy to deal with and very responsive to emails.

As these cables are not on a price list I think it better to discuss costs with Sean.
Thank you, I will contact him.
I too am interested in upgrading umbilicals, how do we contact him?
Sean is very reactive , but no order before 2022 , because a lot of work ....
2 ou 3 satisfied customers before us with Silver-Gold Mundorf umbilical cables ...
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Don't understand the pricing in the above news.
Anyone know price for upgrade if u hv one?
Hello everyone ,
I acquired from Sean Jacobs a pair of gold-silver plated umbilicals; the person is available and responsive. The profit is interesting and here is the feedback I gave to this cordial person :

# Hello Sean,

I confirm the beneficial effects of your Umbilicals.
According to the descriptions on What best Forum I expected a little more; maybe the other experimenters have a more resolving system...

I previously had a nice, wide sound bubble, well filled with well-separated performers. Now I have lost this spatial delimitation, that I had not apprehended until then, in particular there is no longer this feeling of a rear wall and a sound ellipse integrating the two speakers. The instrumental players are better differentiated without being more outlined and the voices are more intelligible especially when they are superimposed a little less "nasal or sinusian".
Not spectacular, but more immersive, with this feeling of no longer listening to a sound volume but of being integrated into it , in other words, of having stepped over the window sill on which I was leaning.

Big thank's . #

His answer :

# Hi Denis, thank you for the feedback! Glad to hear that you're getting some good benefits from the cables - you are right, other clients will probably have different systems to you and they might be more resolving in certain areas. But perhaps overall, it was still worth getting the cables - the soundstage improvements have worked well for you at least, which I am pleased about. They are probably doing quite well with burn-in now, after about 4 weeks, I think you might get some more small gains still but this can take some time to fully develop (and it's probably only maybe 5-10% improvement over what you have had to until now). #
I of course took advantage of this conversation with Sean to get his opinion on the addition of a Phenix net to the Statement versus the Next Gen upgrade .... I reproduce these comments here with his authorization :

# The new Next-Gen upgrade for the Statement is a massive improvement - far bigger than what a Phoenix NET would give you (the Statement does already have the equivalent of a Phoenix NET on board anyway, adding the separate Phoenix to a Statement might give a small improvement still though but not significantly better). The new PSU upgrade is based on my own ARC6 DC4 PSU design, with some extra modifications to better suit the Statement architecture (high current Boost modules added for the CPU, amongst several other things - I can't give full precise details though).

The other good news is, my upgraded umbilical cables will still work with the PSU upgrade in the same way as they do with the standard Statement, and by having the upgraded umbilicals it means that you will get even more out of the PSU upgrade, if you do choose to get it. Innuos were doing A-B demos of standard versus Next-Gen Statement at AXPONA last weekend, and the feedback was excellent from show attendees - there is an immediate and massive improvement going from standard to Next-Gen. They might do a similar demo at Munich, I don't know for sure but it would make sense that they will.

I can confirm that there will definitely be an upgrade option available for standard Statement owners, where you can have your standard Statement upgraded to full Next-Gen spec by Innuos, but I do not have price details of this myself. I expect Innuos will announce the price in the near future though. One of my own ARC6 DC4 PSUs, if built separately by my company for a Statement, would probably cost around 12,000 GBP - the upgrade path that Innuos will be offering is going to be significantly cheaper than this of course, so you'll actually be getting an extremely well-specified upgrade at a massive discount. There's a lot of superb feedback out there on just how good my DC4 design is, and I can assure everyone that it's a killer combination when paired with Statement hardware. #

# And to answer your question, the upgrade concerns both boxes - apart from the sockets and the mains transformer, the entire PSU is replaced, this includes all the modules inside the PSU chassis and also the two big regulator boards in the server chassis (each of which has multiple different regulator circuits for the various devices/sections of the motherboard). The umbilical cables are kept the same, though - so anybody that has upgraded umbilicals can keep using them as before. #
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thanks for sharing. Sean is a genius and a nice man.
Strange that there are no photos on the net showing the interior and the differences between the two versions.
Evidently Innuos prefer to let curiosity boil.
I'm undecided between the Innuos Statement Next-Gen PSU and Aurender N20e. Did anyone get to compare them? And what do you think about Aurender N20?
Thank you,
Best regards,

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