Echo: I use Ethernet from Statement into network Bridge, then dual aes to Dac.
Does new app require usb to interface with Dac?
I believe the player is still Squeeze - and this can output only via USB.
Echo: I use Ethernet from Statement into network Bridge, then dual aes to Dac.
Does new app require usb to interface with Dac?
Hi there,Have I misunderstood that iPeng will no longer work when InnuOS 2.0 is installed? I have been using InnuOS 2.0 since its release and was just about to delete iPeng from my iPad when I thought to try it just to confirm it no longer worked. I was surprised to find that it still controlled music playing from my Statement just as it did before the download.
I used the browser really - so ip address:9000Hi @Echos,
From your comments in Post #410, can you verify whether your previous "software user" baseline before going to InnuOS v2.x.x was either:
a. v1.4.9 + Roon
b. v1.4.9 + iPeng
I am currently a v1.4.9 + iPeng user, and wanted to get fuller context on your Sonic SQ uplift observations. Thank you!
Hi,i can try, but these are very early days and so i need to listen more.
From a software pov:
1. For me personally its not a game changer - slicker ui et all but the previous experience worked fine for me as well
2. Yeah i suppose with qobuz playlists things are better and you can save stuff.
1. I feel compared to 1.4.9 the noise floor is lower - so this might mean more laid back, less edgy on the high frequencies
2. bass is better - fuller, tighter
3. clarity / resolution is slightly clearer
The diff in my opinion is slight but cumulatively can be felt. I think the fuse will make a bigger diff sonically.
Very similar to my impressions. Lower noise floor, more clarity, resolution and more relaxed presentation than 1.4.9. Still getting used to the software; maybe not as slick as Roon but I could never go back to listening to Roon even in Experimental Mode. I didn't realize how Roon was smearing the sound until I went to 1.4.9.i can try, but these are very early days and so i need to listen more.
From a software pov:
1. For me personally its not a game changer - slicker ui et all but the previous experience worked fine for me as well
2. Yeah i suppose with qobuz playlists things are better and you can save stuff.
1. I feel compared to 1.4.9 the noise floor is lower - so this might mean more laid back, less edgy on the high frequencies
2. bass is better - fuller, tighter
3. clarity / resolution is slightly clearer
The diff in my opinion is slight but cumulatively can be felt. I think the fuse will make a bigger diff sonically.
my previous iPeng experience.
Same here.Have any Statement owners succeeded in installing InnuOS 2.0.4? I just get a static screen with what I assume is a download logo, and nothing else happens. I have to switch off and on again to set everything back to 2.0.2.
Hi there Rhodium,Hello the community,
I am very satisfied with the sound rendering of my system, for which I no longer plan to change the device or the cable. I remind you that I introduced myself and my system here :
I would like to go in the direction of an even more immersive music by various optimizations, in particular of the Innuos Statement. The test of the SR Orange fuses turned out to be a bitter failure (they all blew) ...
My Statement receives the Qobuz stream via wifi through a Netgear Nighthawk Ax1800 and a Sablon Ethernet cable. At this stage, the sound quality of streaming is very close to that of reading the same files recorded on hard disks (up to 96kHz; without fiber, not enough bit rate to stream 192kHz).
I see for myself, in this post, various ways of improvement (and thank you in particular to Blackmorec for all its developments):
_ CMS Stage Center2 or even 2M feet, with the advantage of being able to try them under other devices (DAC, preamp ...); it is probably impossible to have them in test in France.
On this subject, have you opted for the small model or the intermediary? To be placed under the reading unit I think?
_Chord umbilical cords (Innuos does not lend them any sound improvement, and justifies better shielding due to a greater length, to deport the two boxes)...
_ audiophile switch (Aqvox Se for Blackmorec, Ether Regen or other ...) between the wifi recovery point and the statement: even if I have a lot of trouble understanding how it can improve the SQ.
Which of these three options would you start "tuning" with, for the best result?
Intellectually, starting with the switch is the most logical, to improve the musical flow, before tuning the streamer.
What about the importance of improving the SQ, respectively, of these 3 possibilities?
Thanks for your clarification, sorry for my google english!
Hi,Hello the community,
I am very satisfied with the sound rendering of my system, for which I no longer plan to change the device or the cable. I remind you that I introduced myself and my system here :
I would like to go in the direction of an even more immersive music by various optimizations, in particular of the Innuos Statement. The test of the SR Orange fuses turned out to be a bitter failure (they all blew) ...
My Statement receives the Qobuz stream via wifi through a Netgear Nighthawk Ax1800 and a Sablon Ethernet cable. At this stage, the sound quality of streaming is very close to that of reading the same files recorded on hard disks (up to 96kHz; without fiber, not enough bit rate to stream 192kHz).
I see for myself, in this post, various ways of improvement (and thank you in particular to Blackmorec for all its developments):
_ CMS Stage Center2 or even 2M feet, with the advantage of being able to try them under other devices (DAC, preamp ...); it is probably impossible to have them in test in France.
On this subject, have you opted for the small model or the intermediary? To be placed under the reading unit I think?
_Chord umbilical cords (Innuos does not lend them any sound improvement, and justifies better shielding due to a greater length, to deport the two boxes)...
_ audiophile switch (Aqvox Se for Blackmorec, Ether Regen or other ...) between the wifi recovery point and the statement: even if I have a lot of trouble understanding how it can improve the SQ.
Which of these three options would you start "tuning" with, for the best result?
Intellectually, starting with the switch is the most logical, to improve the musical flow, before tuning the streamer.
What about the importance of improving the SQ, respectively, of these 3 possibilities?
Thanks for your clarification, sorry for my google english!
Hi there Carcrashboy,Hi,
I have a Statement and I had Sean Jacobs make me a pair of Mundorf silver umbilical cables. As I understand it the Chord cables are the same as the original Innuos ones, just longer with a more shielding. The ones Sean made are a big improvement on the originals. An improvement across all frequency but particularly around vocals, so much more realism, more natural.
Yes I have read about your adventures on various forums and had seen the direction you were going. That, and the fact that Sean designed the power supply components for the Statement, led me to to Sean. Still considering GIGAWATT etcHi there Carcrashboy,
very interesting. Not sure about the Chord cable construction….there was quite a wait for Chord to refine and test their umbilicals (I understood there were several prototypes) and they do sound a lot better than the standard OEM units….hard (but not impossible) to believe that just adding screening can achieve those fairly profound changes…althought having said that, JSSG360 screening does make a fairly significant difference, even on network DC cables. When I bought the Chords Innuos sent me some to try and when I heard the price (ca £1000) I said to myself that they had to justify it on SQ alone. They did!
Mundorf silver/gold umbillicals definitely sound interesting (‘scuse the pun). I use the cable extensively for all my network power supplies’ internal and external DC cabling, with JSSG360 screens for the external cables (in fact the Chord umbilicals are the only place in all my DC supplies where I don’t use it ) and I really love the qualities it brings to my system…..truly holographic immersion and a wonderful purity, honesty and feeling that you’re listening to real musicians playing real instruments in a real venue acoustic, so i may have a chat with Sean. I compared the Mundorf with some Neotech JSSG360 cables made by Ghent Audio and the Mundorf was way better in every regard. The down side is that it takes months to properly run in and I’m trying to take a break-in break and just enjoy what i have. I’m going to do a major upgrade in November so i may give it a try then.
Based on my experience, if i had to choose without comparison, I’d gamble on the Mundorf Ag/Au simply based on the qualities its brought to the rest of my system .
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