If you have a Tascam BR-20 or UHA tape deck here"s is a trick that these decks are able to do, if you have The Tape project tapes or any other tape that you store tails out, before you rewind the tape to play reset the counter to “0” wind the tape to the start of the first track (song) and note the numbers on the counter readout, and write them down, now next time you want to play the tape and before you rewind set the counter to “0” then enter the numbers you wrote down, then select Meno1 and then push Loc1 the tape will wind to the first tack ready to play, to me this better than watching for the white leader that Tape project uses or tape to wind off the reel, this is one of the nice feature the BR-20, UHA tape decks have and most other tape decks don’t have, also you can use this to locate a song or track on a reel of tape, now I’m sure some of you already know about this feature, but for those of you who didn’t give it a try and let me know what you think, for more detailed information on how to program these tape decks consult the owner manual.