A world first? Passive v active isolation platforms test

This must take the cake for a topic derailing drastically LOL
Being vegetarian for 17 years, the smell of "stinking tofu" in Taiwan
almost made me resign from eating at all ;)

Have you tried eating this? Only the smell is stinky. It is not stinky at all when you put it in your mouth.

It is the same case for durian.
There are two steps to making good Tofu
Step 1. Throw it in the trash
Step 2. Grill real meat

Really? As I grew older, my diet has changed. I can't imagine 7 days a week eating meat. I can eat tofu all the time. There are so many varieties and ways of cooking tofu. I think you know very little about tofu.
Stacores, Sablon Elites power cords, just getting my digital to dish up that midrange magic that up to now has SO been the absolute preserve of good analog.
This does nothing other than inspire me to get the best out of my current analog or push on for a better tt/arm.
And yes, unpalatable as it is to analog diehards, I do plan to use my impvd digital as somewhat of a benchmark in my choice of any future analog/reason to stay current analog.
With my tt going on the Stacore and Elite pwr cord going on my new bespoke psu for Straingauge energiser, I'm really chomping at the bit to play my first lps in more than 18 months.

Marc, when contemplating your next analog direction, will you be more influenced by the digital that you have been hearing, or by the live unamplified music performances that you have attended recently? It seems odd to me that one would use digital music as a reference upon which to judge the quality of a pending analog front end purchase.
Have you tried eating this? Only the smell is stinky. It is not stinky at all when you put it in your mouth.

It is the same case for durian.

I like durian, they so good durian desserts here in a couple of restaurant. Regarding Tofu, yes I eat some good Tofu at whole foods but I don't do that as meat substitute. But it is considered all good humor to make fun of tofu here
Soy is amazingly damaging for one's health. I would only eat it if I were literally starving and nothing else was available.
Soy is amazingly damaging for one's health. I would only eat it if I were literally starving and nothing else was available.

Really? Worse than eating hormone enhanced beef or antibiotics chicken. I would like to point out Japan and Hong Kong people have the longest lifespan in the world and their meals are soy based.
Really? Worse than eating hormone enhanced beef or antibiotics chicken.


I would like to point out Japan and Hong Kong people have the longest lifespan in the world and their meals are soy based.

Based? Based means largest component in the diet.

Based? Based means largest component in the diet.

If soy is so damaging as you said, daily consumption will kill you easily. I don't see that happening in most of Asian countries. I don't want to hajick the thread here. If you want, we can continue to discuss in PM.
A guy who daily ate hormone fed chicken breasts developed moobs
I wish all soy eaters to eat a lot more of it.

The active anti-vibe platform has auto leveling feature. How do you level the platform of Stacore?

Kind regards,
Peter, basically in the late 00s my analog fell behind my digital in lots of respects.
My Michell Orbe/SME V/Transfiguration was sounding a bit wooly and overly warm compared to my Emm Labs CDSA SE cdp.
I actually identified the shortfall and used it as a measure for my analog upgrade.
And on still noticing some bloat on the belt drives I auditioned at the time incl TW AC3 demo at home, I settled on my rim drive/linear air arm.
This reset the pre eminence of analog in my room, and pushed ahead of my Emm.
I now used my analog as the benchmark to push on to improve my digital, choosing w the invaluable help of JackD201 to go for my current Eera Tentation.
Now things nicely converged, w my analog having the speed and certainty of tone I had been missing, and my digital having the tonal discrimination and natural warmth closer to good analog.
Now, esp w my exposure to three dozen live unamplified gigs in the last couple of months, some ongoing exposure to good analog, and my digital being transformed by maximised by Stacore and Sablon Elites, I do feel the inherent reason why I bought my Eera cdp that was so superior to every digital I heard up to that time (and I've auditioned a LOT) is even more compelling than ever.
And now this move into hallowed analog territory is startling.
So, yes this will be ONE benchmark I measure my current analog against when it's installed and obv any compare to comparable rigs.
If different approaches all make a leap towards Truth, they will literally sound more alike as opposed to more distinct from one another.
Theophile, I think so.
For Audio to go soundwise in radically different directions rationally indicates that there are modifications of the Truth. One might be closer to the Truth or none. However if different approaches are actually drawing closer to sounding like the Truth. they will be drawing closer to sounding alike.
Theophile, I like yr references to the Truth, but I suspect like organised religions, there are many "truths" out there.
However, one truth I totally subscribe too is that analog is the best, er, analog of the tone density and timbral accuracy of live unamplified.
For my digital to even make an attempt in this area let alone be very successful, is one of the most pleasing suprises I've ever had in this borderline insane hobby.
Theophile, I like yr references to the Truth, but I suspect like organised religions, there are many "truths" out there.
However, one truth I totally subscribe too is that analog is the best, er, analog of the tone density and timbral accuracy of live unamplified.
For my digital to even make an attempt in this area let alone be very successful, is one of the most pleasing suprises I've ever had in this borderline insane hobby.

There might be many proposed versions of the sonic Truth. Only one thing is actually the Truth. It is the non-reproduced version. Any that become more closely corresponding to it having come from a position of lesser correspondence can be said to be moving towards the Truth. Any that go from a closer correspondence to it to a position of lesser correspondence can be said to be moving away from the Truth. A format is either going backward in this respect, marking time or moving forward. Any formats which are more closely approaching live sound, by way of improving their fidelity to live sound, will by definition be moving closer together in sonic presentation. Their differing approaches from different directions will bring them to converge. Any two points on a circumference which make progress toward the center will eventually converge.
Don't bring religion into a discussion which is not about it.
Personally, I was a lot more miffed that so much Tofu descended on my thread.
I'm afraid Sir if you mention Truth with a Capital T, you potentially stray into philisophical and religious territory.
And I only mentioned it as an aside in a light hearted manner, don't take it all too seriously.

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