Abbas dac 2.1 se

Had a chance to compare Lampi pacific with horizon, different architecture and both (like "old" GG2) are exceptional! Whould I spent that money? NO, because for me personal I found my satisfaction with Abbas 3.2SE (+ new one with PCM 63-J) streaming + cd, PS Audio DirectWave Transport to I2S with Holo Audio May KTE (SACD), Grimm MU2 for Streaming + DSD native.

Gerald, this sounds like a sensible approach that gives you the BEST of (!!) both CD, streaming, SACD and DSD. A thorough exploration if I may say and to be applauded.

For in some ways only, direct comparisons can call out the better DAC amongst similar topologies perhaps ? But mostly i think it is a nonsense and mute in comparing unless we are speaking of the music that each can bring.

Different topologies play differently in different systems for sure and it is no small achievement even in 2 separate hifi chains to achieve this!!

I dont stream as yet so CD redbook even from SACD at 16:44 gives me all the excitement I need.
The newer Wolfson receiver chip in the Hermes and Psyche range allowing 24/192 is going to be an interesting development of the Abbas sound and more particularly for pushing me into streaming.
The older model Spdif to USB convertor is sold out and I am told a newer better version is something to look forward to in 2025 hopefully. The old one was a game changer in my listening sessions with Brian.

So if I want I2S and or DSD I will need to look elsewhere :)
And develope a second system.

Abbas is very reserved if you ask him *what is your best dac?* - because he has a different approach as the usual DAC vendor I know that, because asked him the last couple years several times :rolleyes:

So what I can tell you:
- all his "Signature" (not being confused with type SE, different!) specific named models are his highest grade and highest effort of time & material. After that model type it would be "SE" ones

- TDA1541x are the more top models (sure will change with the newer PCBs) and more complex to build, as many different tube stages are needed

- Than you can choose from various other DAC chips and it is all about your flavor.

- His new PCB layouts (Hermes/Psyche) also includes new digital output boards and therefore he offers now also AES/EBU and well: Hand made copper foil capacitors!!

So my DAC he just finish, will be one of the first ones "Hermes Signature 24/192 with PCM63P-J, AES/EBU, XLR and RCA". Takes some time, because he is very cafefully evaluating his new design. My order is from January this year..

I'd also recommend to go for his new Psyche/Hermes DAC, even the older models are still outstanding!

Hope helps a bit
Hi Gerald.
Has your Hermes arrived yet? I can't wait to hear your impressions. I never heard an Abbas dac I didn't love (assuming you give it great tubes which makes such a huge difference to the sound).

Even the base models are wonderful music making pleasure machines. The Hermes will be a truly special piece. Very interested in the sound considering it uses a totally different receiver chip to the older / other non-Hermes / Psyche models.

Counting the days for my Psyche to arrive.

Warm regards from Australia,

LPG (Bryan).

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