Don't just keep it for upgrades, a Aesthetix owner needs to keep extras for all the months it is broken down and waiting for repairs too !
Trying to have mine fixed at the moment, findings someone qualified locally is hard, the best repair guys here don't want to touch it, one told me "you start repairing it in one end, and something breaks in the other ! The circuit boards are crap, badly designed, sell it as fast as you can, it will keep breaking" another elaborate " the circuit board design has high power and low power too close to each other just a little humidity and dust can short circuit it some places " none of them wanted to repair a Io again.
That said, i had mine running with just one channel playing yesterday to mark the broken power supply for a future repair guy, and the left channel sounded great, my foot was tapping and bass lines where amazing, i am not giving up, i am apparently a masochist
It must be possible to find one brave man in the Kingdom of Denmark !