Thanks Tango. I hear one as slightly cooler and brighter and the other as slightly warmer and darker. Hard to say which is more representative of the original event. Four variables: turntable, arm, cartridge, and phono cable (assuming Axiom cable is captive and different from SME cable). Can't tell what is contributing to what. Long term, I might prefer the second video as it seems more saturated tonally, sounds richer, but the first captures a liveliness right from the beginning that reminds me of a live concert. It also seems that the first video might be outside in a larger venue, less personal, while the second video is more intimate, indoors and on a smaller stage. And I imagining these differences? Interesting contrast.
One is a beat to the windward mark during a big regatta on a sunny, hot afternoon. The other is a slower evening pleasure sail, calmer seas, wind at your back approaching the sunset. I like both, but prefer the latter.