Even when you can't get all the way there, the experience can still be incredibly amazing - a reason many of us continue to try.
I still have problems with the 'resolution' word. If it is either a bucket for multiple attributes or a way of saying "more of" those attributes, then let's talk about them instead It's either too broad or too amorphous to have real commication value. Perhaps it would be simpler if it just meant 'more detail.' The whole 'jargon' issue is a constant for me as a reviewer. Threads like Peter's 'attribute priorities' and this portion of this thread are very healthy and interesting, and we seem to be comporting ourselves quite well.
When I was a younger audiophlle, there were a couple times I went to concert with the purpose of gauging the natural performace against reproduction. At that time what I came away with was the absolute criticality to stereo reproduction of the lower mids on down where the ground, the foundation of support was laid for all else. And secondly the importance of tone, pitch differentiation, and dynamics to grasping that foundation. Sure its a treat to hear from our stereo a rosiny bow on a cello, the resonance of its sounding chamber or a tight pizzicato arpeggio from a section of basses along with the style and nuances of individual musicians - and such hearings help believability or suspension of disbellief. Who are the performers and what are they playing influences how I react to my stereo; at times I'll stop thinking and simply listen in awe to Horowitz. At the end of a side I find myself blinking and looking around the room as my mind comes back to me.
I probably will never get to hear an AS2000, but having been enlightened by my Monaco, I will raise my glass with you to say: Transducers, yeah baby!