As far as the theory goes, my understanding is that stylus in the groove does present a drag, and thus a load to the motor, but it is far from constant. The stylus drag actually changes considerable with different music passages, higher drag for louder passages and lower drag for softer passages. It is exactly this constantly changing drag creating a challenge to the motor / controller unit to maintain speed.
So, some designers believe a bearing with higher drag would mask the effect of this constantly changing stylus drag. For example, if the stylus drag would change between 1g and 2g (just pick a number for the discussion, I have no idea what the exact number is) and the bearing drag is 1g, then the total drag would be between 2g and 3g, a 50% difference, which could be harder for the motor / controller to maintain speed. However, if the bearing drag is 100g, then the resulting total drag of 101g to 102g, a less than 1% difference, would be a much more consistent load to the motor controller.
That is just my understanding of the theory, please correct me if I am wrong!