Analog vs Lampizator

I have one of the very first hardwired 6X5 B7 with no DSD as I have never really be a fan of it owning an SACD player beforehand - though don't get me wrong in can sound great in many ways, I think it lends itself better to classical music.

I'm interested in this as I came to the conclusion the USB interface wasn't as good as the optical one.

Can use a soldering iron...:)

I posted some details here which should help, testing Diyinhk XMOS 768Khz USB card at the moment an sounds great as well, works fine on all PCM but I have not gotten DSD to work yet,

Hi Sligolad,

Have you tried an isolation and reclocker board after the interface yet?

Hi Sligolad,

Have you tried an isolation and reclocker board after the interface yet?


Hi Bill,

I did not see the need as the JL Sounds card has re clocking after isolation built in and the I2S lies have a short run to the DAC.
I have he Intona already on the USB in and was surprised how another level of Isolation on the card added further improvement.

There is a guy here working on a new isolation and USB re generator that is battery powered so hope to have a group test in the coming weeks for all these USB to I2S cards, USB regens, and isolation devices.

A group of us had a preview a few months back on an early prototype and it did sound impressive and beat the Intona on the day.
Cheers, Pearse.
From Lampi facebook page:
Breaking News: from July 2016 we offer Atlantic DAC with DSD-ONLY version that plays DSD512x . This DAC is released especially to honor the fantastic music server from SOUNDGALLERIES MONACO presented in BMW showroom in Munich 2016 show. There is no PCM but automatically selected DSC64/128/256/512 that is at the moment of launch the FIRST DSD triode DAC in the World.

The price is actually 3900 Euro, which is 100 Euro LESS than the R2R Atlantic. It comes in SE version only, no balanced, sorry. For balanced DSD512 with triodes you need to order Big 7 or the Golden Gate.
From Lampi facebook page:
Breaking News: from July 2016 we offer Atlantic DAC with DSD-ONLY version that plays DSD512x . This DAC is released especially to honor the fantastic music server from SOUNDGALLERIES MONACO presented in BMW showroom in Munich 2016 show. There is no PCM but automatically selected DSC64/128/256/512 that is at the moment of launch the FIRST DSD triode DAC in the World.

The price is actually 3900 Euro, which is 100 Euro LESS than the R2R Atlantic. It comes in SE version only, no balanced, sorry. For balanced DSD512 with triodes you need to order Big 7 or the Golden Gate.

I don't understand this - if it's a triode dac, what is the difference between it and a SE Big 7 DSD 512?
Price for one thing, Ked.
Its a DH Pentode Dac running in triode mode.
No tube swapping allowed.

Apparently these Pentodes have greater high frequency
extension compared to DHTs.
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Anymore feedback from users with the Tak rectifier? Have you used it with the PX4? Also, to those with the Tak rectifier and Elrog 300b, what equipment do you have downstream from the DAC, and what what are the qualities of the tube complement that make this a synergized system?
Anymore feedback from users with the Tak rectifier? Have you used it with the PX4? Also, to those with the Tak rectifier and Elrog 300b, what equipment do you have downstream from the DAC, and what what are the qualities of the tube complement that make this a synergized system?
I am using Tak recti with Elrogs at the moment. It is a good combination, but I still think, that 101ds with Takatsuki give a more natural, less coloured presentation. I have not done a direct comparison yet, as I want to give Elrogs more time to fully burn in before I do it. Downstream I have Coincident Statement line stage into Border Patrol S10 EXD amplifier with Tak 300bs into Coincident Total Victory V speakers.
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Hi Abeidrov,

Are those Border Patrols SETs? Btw, the CSL will be my go to linestage if I could only find one with a remote. I have the Elrogs in my Line Magnetic 508ia, and in my experience, it doesn't go through too much break in. Please follow up with impressions down the line.
Hi Abeidrov,

Are those Border Patrols SETs? Btw, the CSL will be my go to linestage if I could only find one with a remote. I have the Elrogs in my Line Magnetic 508ia, and in my experience, it doesn't go through too much break in. Please follow up with impressions down the line.
Hi Adamaley,
Yes, I have the SET version. Will do some comparison tomorrow and post the results in the Lampi tube rolling thread. Btw, Coincident has just released an improved, MKII version of the CSL, but unfortunately, it’s without a remote control. I was concerned about not having a RC, but you get used to it pretty fast, and some exercise is always a good thing in our hobby:cool:.
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Earlier this year I jumped on the Singxer F1 bandwagon and this was a major step up for the Big7 both on I2S and over Spdif replacing the Amanero board.

Hi , I originally reached out to Lukaz for the following 2 updates on my Golden Atlantic TRP.

1. Addition I2S input
2. Switching my Amanero USB to JL Audio.

do you think #2 is redundant if I do #1 ? Thanks in advance.

"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,/Who is already sick and pale with grief"?​

I wonder should this thread be entitled tube solid state?
Hi , I originally reached out to Lukaz for the following 2 updates on my Golden Atlantic TRP.

1. Addition I2S input
2. Switching my Amanero USB to JL Audio.

do you think #2 is redundant if I do #1 ? Thanks in advance.

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