Nice one Lampie!
Like I said sky's the limit...
What are those DACs mate? Are you using mono dac config in your system, if so what are the improvements? (Soundstage depth, timing, definition, resolution etc.)
Very interesting topic I must say.
Speaking of which when Vrac started out this thread asking if any Esoteric users are out there... hello? ET phone home run!!!
Great thread Vrac.
Cheers, RJ
Like I said sky's the limit...
What are those DACs mate? Are you using mono dac config in your system, if so what are the improvements? (Soundstage depth, timing, definition, resolution etc.)
Very interesting topic I must say.
Speaking of which when Vrac started out this thread asking if any Esoteric users are out there... hello? ET phone home run!!!
Great thread Vrac.
Cheers, RJ