Are low-priced cables a scam?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
Alpharetta, Georgia
I've tried several Blue Jeans and Monoprice cables and they really are not that great in terms of sound quality. If you visit many audio fora you always see these two firms mentioned as standard recommendations like every high end cable, even affordable entry level ones, are a scam.

I think the low end is equally bad. We should let people know that sometimes you do get what you pay for.
I guess we get to disagree. I have used both the expensive spread and BlueJeans cables. BlueJeans are just fine. Clearly YMMV.

As I have stated previously, I am in the John Dunlavy camp of "all competently built" cables are fine. I know I am in the minority on this site but I sure do get to save lots of money (or rather spend it elsewhere:D)
No problem audioguy. I guess our experience is different here. You probably have more money for music than me.
All of my IC's come from BJC. They're well-made and meet all the electrical criteria for audio transparence. They add nothing and omit nothing, which is precisely what I want them to do .

YMMV, IMHO, etc. etc.
This makes an interesting question. So you pick up some bulk cable dress it up, provide a few specs. You appeal to the anti-cable crowd. In fact is not one of those cables called "ANTI-CABLE." yes even inexpensive products can be overpriced. Now that's appealing to bias.
I would hardly call Blue Jean cables over-priced. I think they represent excellent value for the money. They use lots of Belden cable and I think if you peeled back the nice outdressing on lots of cable you would see Belden lurking underneath.
I would hardly call Blue Jean cables over-priced. I think they represent excellent value for the money. They use lots of Belden cable and I think if you peeled back the nice outdressing on lots of cable you would see Belden lurking underneath.

I'm not calling them over-priced. They are probably a good value. I just think you can do better with entry level wire from brands like Kimber, Zu, Transparent and others. At least that has been my experience.
I would hardly call Blue Jean cables over-priced. I think they represent excellent value for the money. They use lots of Belden cable and I think if you peeled back the nice outdressing on lots of cable you would see Belden lurking underneath.

Oh! You don't have to peel .. it is in plain sight on their web site .. HERE ... They make no qualms about using Belden Cables with Canare connectors ...

Trying to answer the OP question with another question: So if you don't like a product, it is a SCAM? :confused:
Scam means a swindle.

I ordered an interconnect from BJC just to try it out. The cable seems to be very well made and I have no complaints about its sound quality. I don't notice any coloration or distortion. The company doesn't make extraordinary claims about its products. Therefore, the scam label seems to be inflammatory and inappropriate. Monoprice cables are not marketed to typical audiophiles and cost next to nothing so it's hard to find a scam there either.
So if you don't like a product, it is a SCAM? :confused:

No, of course not. I was just being provocative and mirroring the "Are high end cables a scam?" thread.

One of the great things about this country is folks can vote with their wallet.
Scam means a swindle.

I ordered an interconnect from BJC just to try it out. The cable seems to be very well made and I have no complaints about its sound quality. I don't notice any coloration or distortion. The company doesn't make extraordinary claims about its products. Therefore, the scam label seems to be inflammatory and inappropriate. Monoprice cables are not marketed to typical audiophiles and cost next to nothing so it's hard to find a scam there either.

See above, again just mirroring the other thread.
Like most of us, if not all, I've had many a contentious discussion about cables in years gone by, so I don't really want to get into here. I will give you my opinion (which btw is NOT up for debate.:p).

I've tried cables from lampcord to middle-of-the-road in pricing ($200 for an 8ft pair). On many I couldn't really tell a difference, but with some they were quite telling. As such, I am a believer in cable upgrades and won't even consider a change to the offerings from monoprice. I can't speak for BJC as I've never heard them in anyone's system. I feel that the cables I am employing currently (VALAB/King Cable) are outstanding and match my speaker/amp combo quite well. Given the price of my speakers, the cables represent about a 10% investment, which I think is a good ratio.

If, or when, I upgrade my speakers to lets say something in the vicinity of $4,000/pair, would I change my cables? I'm not sure that I would, although I'd certainly be open to an audition of some higher end ones. The audible differences would have to be fairly significant though before I'd bite on a more expensive pair.
Like most of us, if not all, I've had many a contentious discussion about cables in years gone by, so I don't really want to get into here. I will give you my opinion (which btw is NOT up for debate.:p).

I've tried cables from lampcord to middle-of-the-road in pricing ($200 for an 8ft pair). On many I couldn't really tell a difference, but with some they were quite telling. As such, I am a believer in cable upgrades and won't even consider a change to the offerings from monoprice. I can't speak for BJC as I've never heard them in anyone's system. I feel that the cables I am employing currently (VALAB/King Cable) are outstanding and match my speaker/amp combo quite well. Given the price of my speakers, the cables represent about a 10% investment, which I think is a good ratio.

If, or when, I upgrade my speakers to lets say something in the vicinity of $4,000/pair, would I change my cables? I'm not sure that I would, although I'd certainly be open to an audition of some higher end ones. The audible differences would have to be fairly significant though before I'd bite on a more expensive pair.

John, I think you have the right idea. Auditioning is critical in my experience. There are a lot of variable for cables and an in-home audition on one's own stereo is a must. That is why I try all sorts of cables at home.
Monoprice all the way, here. A good cable is one that doesn't alter the signal that passes through it, and keeps external noise out. Since this is achievable at a low cost, anything beyond that is 'for feel only'.
:cool:I was forced by my system to pick the right cables. Nothing but the best would do. I lucked out in the best turned out not to cost much money.
One could say all high-priced cables are a scam.

OK, without going into a 3-page diatribe, let me float this one past the readers:

Around 20 years ago, we tried to sell a sub-$100 digital cable. No dealer would touch them.

"Get that thing out of here. It makes everything under $200 sound bad, and is about as good as the ones that cost over $200. Are you trying to ruin our business?"


"Get out, and come back when you have something that costs $200, or more."

We did. And did. Come back, that is.

"This is great! How much does it sell for?"
"You said make something that costs $200, so we did. What is wrong now?"
"Whaddya mean what is wrong now? It wipes out everything under $600. Find a way to sell it for $600-800, and we will sell them."
"But it is just wire."
"And your point is?"
"Well, we think it is worth $200, based on what it costs to make."
"No, you stupid hillbilly. You price it based on how it sounds to the competition."

So, I ask again: are all expensive cables a scam? They are all just wire. Unless they are made with silver, or some other pricey conductor, they are just wire. Sure, they all sound different, but they are all still just wire. I'm sorry, but I can see no reason why good wires should cost so much. I do not want to hear lectures on magical construction or other such stories. They are wire, plain and simple. No way a cable should cost more than the gear it is connected to. But, I know lots of you will spend lots of money on cables.

I see no way to say all cheap cables are bad, any more than expensive ones are better.

Having said all of that.................

There are some small, niche cable companies, that make cables, by hand. Some are really good. As they are hand-made, they cost $$$. In this case, you are paying for the labor. I can think of one brand that is of this genre. They sound good. But, they didn't sell, because they were expensive. (I should point out I am most familiar with their power cords. Yes, I was told why they are supposed to sound better. Whether that is the reason or not, their power cords do sound good.)

Enter some guy, who is known in the industry, and has a good clientele.............he gets involved................price goes up, say factor of 10, and.............

They sell all they can make.

So, need I ask the question, again?
Part deux..........

Someone mentioned Blue Jeans Cable Company.........

I know nothing about them, other than their ads. I see some cables are (proudly) displayed as being made by Belden.

Does anyone think Belden makes crappy wire? (Maybe.) Some of their wires are pricey, because of the construction and materials. So, any wire made with them will have to be expensive. But, are they necessarily better than the inexpensive Belden cables?

So, if you do not use Belden, who do you use?

New England Wire Company.

Wanna guess how many audiophile cables come from them?

A lot!

And how does one go about buying some?

Last time we inquired (many years ago), if you can afford a 5000' run, you are in the cable business. Just look through their catalog, and say "We want that one." Or, "Can you take the one on page 51, and combine it with the one on page 56, and..............."

If you can afford 5000', the answer is yes. Complete with your company name.

So, which wire company is better? Chances are your cable comes from one of those sources. Or a few other bit players. It does not take a lot of creativity, to be in the wire bidnis. Just enough money to buy a 5000' run.

And chutzpah. And marketing techno-babble. Some nice pictures.

(Having sold your first 5000' run, you call them up, and say "Hey, can you make this version where you.....................blah blah...................")

And think up some more techno-babble, on how your "engineers" have made a breakthrough.

Hope I didn't burst anyone's bubble.

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