Audio Note vs. Aries Cerat vs. darTZeel


New Member
Aug 26, 2023
United States
I'm looking at 3 integrated amplifiers which (depending on the case) I will be able to do little to no listening to.

Curious any comparative sonic impressions or characterizations any of you have of any combination of these amps:

- Audio Note UK Meishu Tonmeister (any current variant)
- Aries Cerat (Protos or Genus)
- darTZeel (MkI or MkII)

Thank you!
I'm looking at 3 integrated amplifiers which (depending on the case) I will be able to do little to no listening to.

Curious any comparative sonic impressions or characterizations any of you have of any combination of these amps:

- Audio Note UK Meishu Tonmeister (any current variant)
- Aries Cerat (Protos or Genus)
- darTZeel (MkI or MkII)

Thank you!
These are very different amps. It is not only about the sound, it is about ability of the amp to drive the speakers. What speakers do you use?
I'm looking at 3 integrated amplifiers which (depending on the case) I will be able to do little to no listening to.

Curious any comparative sonic impressions or characterizations any of you have of any combination of these amps:

- Audio Note UK Meishu Tonmeister (any current variant)
- Aries Cerat (Protos or Genus)
- darTZeel (MkI or MkII)

Thank you!
The darTZeel products have very little in common with the other two sonically. I think you need to decide what your sonic priorities are and narrow down the field a bit further.
I'm looking at 3 integrated amplifiers which (depending on the case) I will be able to do little to no listening to.

Curious any comparative sonic impressions or characterizations any of you have of any combination of these amps:

- Audio Note UK Meishu Tonmeister (any current variant)
- Aries Cerat (Protos or Genus)
- darTZeel (MkI or MkII)

Thank you!

I agree with above comments, very different sounding. I recently listened to DarTZeel LHC-208 MKII and Aries Cerat Protos at my local dealer, coming from an all tube system of Allnic and LampizatOr I felt the DarTZeel wasn't for me while I instantly fell in love with the Protos. I now have the DarTZeel on loan while waiting for my Protos, and it's not bad at all, but it takes some getting used to from where I'm coming. Ironically though I sold my Lampi the other day to a DarTZeel NHB-108 owner, I listened to his system and it sounded wonderful!

I'd say you would probably not go wrong with any of them, both great products, listening in advance if possible is always preferred of course.

ChatGPT yields this comparison which might not be too far from the truth:

Sound Characteristics: Dartzeel is known for its transparent, detailed sound with a natural tonal balance. It focuses on musicality and clarity. On the other hand, Aries Cerat Protos is often characterized by a more dynamic and robust sound with a rich, full-bodied presentation. The choice here depends on whether you prefer a more analytical and transparent sound (Dartzeel) or a warmer, more dynamic sound (Aries Cerat).

I think you have to ask yourself what kind of presentation you like, and try to be as honest as possible with yourself. For example I can feel that sometimes in writing an "analytical and transparent" description can have a sort of negative vibe to it while "warm and dynamic" sounds like something we all would want, still I know plenty of people who buys into the more natural, analytical and transparent sound as it feels more correct to them. There's nothing wrong with either.
I'm looking at 3 integrated amplifiers which (depending on the case) I will be able to do little to no listening to.

Curious any comparative sonic impressions or characterizations any of you have of any combination of these amps:

- Audio Note UK Meishu Tonmeister (any current variant)
- Aries Cerat (Protos or Genus)
- darTZeel (MkI or MkII)

Thank you!
If your speaker has more than 94db/1watt then definitely Audionote. This amp will cast its spell over you. Good match for Livingvoice speakers. If you need more power I can recommend the Grandinote Shinai amp. Dual mono amp transistor class a with output transformers. One of best integrated amplifier I have heard to date.
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I'm not familiar with either the Dartzeel or the Aries amps, but I have listened extensively to the AN Tonmeister in a variety of settings. I was also pretty close to buying one about four years ago.

It is a fabulous amp, there's no denying that, but there are two things you really need to consider. First is that it is ludicrously expensive for what it is. It is wonderful for sure, but as a 'value for money' proposition, it loses out hugely to other brands. The same is true generally for all Audio Note. My feeling is that AN charges a significant premium for it's equipment because it is one of the few globally established, large scale brands offering low powered SET amp designs into high sensitivity speakers with an established dealer network.

Yes there are plenty of other options for SET amps but most of them are very low volume manufacture and therefore represent more of a purchase risk. For example, my own SET amps are Silvercore 833s, made by one guy in Leipzig. If anything were to happen to him I'm not sure where the support would be (or will be when he inevitably shuffles off this mortal coil!)

Second, the Tonmeister is a 300B design. Apart from the maximum 10 watts you can get from that approach (at least in this design execution so there is an important speaker sensitivity question to answer), you also need to like the 300B sound and that is very much a love or loathe thing. If you love the 300B way of doing things then really the cost of the Tonmeieter is moot, or at least the question of VFM is less relevant. But a lot of people don't like the 300B approach, finding it too woolly, nebulous and lacking in drive and leading edge dynamics. The proponents adore 300B for its rich dark tones, graceful transparency and ability to be all this as well as dark, brooding and, in its own way, authoritative.

The Dartzeel would, I imagine, be so styalistically at odds with the Tonmeister that I'm surprised you have those two in your short list, as others have also commented.
My best information (from several different sources) is that Dartzeel is out of business and has been for several months - although nobody seems to be talking about it and I have been unable to verify that this is indeed so. I would certainly want to clarify the situation before sinking any money into one of their products, new or used.
My best information (from several different sources) is that Dartzeel is out of business and has been for several months - although nobody seems to be talking about it and I have been unable to verify that this is indeed so. I would certainly want to clarify the situation before sinking any money into one of their products, new or used.
Care to present evidence?
My best information (from several different sources) is that Dartzeel is out of business and has been for several months - although nobody seems to be talking about it and I have been unable to verify that this is indeed so. I would certainly want to clarify the situation before sinking any money into one of their products, new or used.


If this is true I'd hate to try to sell DartZeel if this is confirmed. The gear will be worthless.

If this is not true it's very dangerous and harmful to be spreading such things.
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I wouldn't buy a DeLorean, service in the future difficult and expensive. Hopefully not true, but I bet more and more show up on the pre-owned site, I know one pair available.

I agree with above comments, very different sounding. I recently listened to DarTZeel LHC-208 MKII and Aries Cerat Protos at my local dealer, coming from an all tube system of Allnic and LampizatOr I felt the DarTZeel wasn't for me while I instantly fell in love with the Protos. I now have the DarTZeel on loan while waiting for my Protos, and it's not bad at all, but it takes some getting used to from where I'm coming. Ironically though I sold my Lampi the other day to a DarTZeel NHB-108 owner, I listened to his system and it sounded wonderful!

I'd say you would probably not go wrong with any of them, both great products, listening in advance if possible is always preferred of course.

ChatGPT yields this comparison which might not be too far from the truth:

Sound Characteristics: Dartzeel is known for its transparent, detailed sound with a natural tonal balance. It focuses on musicality and clarity. On the other hand, Aries Cerat Protos is often characterized by a more dynamic and robust sound with a rich, full-bodied presentation. The choice here depends on whether you prefer a more analytical and transparent sound (Dartzeel) or a warmer, more dynamic sound (Aries Cerat).

I think you have to ask yourself what kind of presentation you like, and try to be as honest as possible with yourself. For example I can feel that sometimes in writing an "analytical and transparent" description can have a sort of negative vibe to it while "warm and dynamic" sounds like something we all would want, still I know plenty of people who buys into the more natural, analytical and transparent sound as it feels more correct to them. There's nothing wrong with either.
Are you going to use an AC DAC with your Protos?
My best information (from several different sources) is that Dartzeel is out of business and has been for several months - although nobody seems to be talking about it and I have been unable to verify that this is indeed so. I would certainly want to clarify the situation before sinking any money into one of their products, new or used.
Hopefully it will happen to all companies with that pricing strategy ! If not enough people buy overinflated high-end gear, reasonable prices will return. :)
There is no pleasure in seeing someone’s life work and dedication to Audio fail , Its sad really ..!

Who gets pleasure from this ... :(
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There is no pleasure in seeing someone’s life work and dedication to Audio fail , Its sad really ..!

Who gets pleasure from this ... :(

Totally agree.

Whether you like their pricing strategy, products, people, etc. or not, it's always sad as it always affects more than just one person.
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My best information (from several different sources) is that Dartzeel is out of business and has been for several months - although nobody seems to be talking about it and I have been unable to verify that this is indeed so. I would certainly want to clarify the situation before sinking any money into one of their products, new or used.
Roy, you aren’t a good enough source for this.

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