Oh, I don't think those are the two groups at all. Show me a post, any post on WBF, where anyone here has taken that position. I think the two groups you're talking about are actually people who believe there's a lot to be gained from existing science and expect that manufacturers are using it if it's real, and those who obsess over, or profit from, that which cannot be heard, has not been tested, and will not be verified because scientists and the big manufacturers with the resources won't chase those ghosts.
But at the fringes of the high end, John, baseless speculation, even about the limits of human hearing, is an opportunity. Go for it. There are more than enough audiophiles who already believe they hear what mortals and the best testing equipment available cannot, and they'll hear everything you imagine.
Tim, it's ironic that you deny what I wrote & then proceed to confirm it by the rest of the contents of your post