My Bespoke Silver preamp is on the road again!
It's because I am sending it back to Harry & Lucy for upgrading to the spec of Ultimate Silver version, similar to the one owned by Matej Isak of
This is the photo of such version :
The main difference is the cowls (outermost enclosures of the transformer).
For the usual Besopke models, the transformers are put inside mu metal shields first and then into aluminium alloy outer enclosures.
This is the internal photo of my Bespoke Silver :
On the contrary, the cowls of Ultimate version are made with brass and are of bigger size :
They are also beautifully plated with true gold :
Due to the diff materials and sizes of the Cowls, the Ultimate version gives a significantly more effortless sound and a much bigger 3-dimensional soundstage.
Initially I was uncertain whether the upgrade was feasible or not, but Ben Lau, the HK dealer asked Harry & Lucy at the Munich Show last year and the answer was affirmative.
Therefore I laision and group together several Bespoke owners in HK and send our Bespoke, some copper some silver models to UK for the upgrade.
Will update you on the progress.