Hello all,
Quick pov on my recently acquired Switch, it's the APL "ANS-MR", first and foremost I might add, that in no way, do I profess it's the best switch out there, as I simply have not heard any of the main contenders in my system, just throwing it into the mix.
Before this switch I was running a Ubiquiti switch powered from a Keces P3 LPS, with good results compared to simpler netgear and D-link switches with cheap wall wart power supply's I had tried.
I extensively looked at several switches, including the usual contenders, aforementioned Network Acoustics Tempus, Paul Pang Quad Ediscreation Silent Switch, Innuos Phoenix Net, Jcat M12, Melco S100, Waversa Reference, Ansuz Power switches, Reiki Superswitch Pro, Taiko Switch amongst many others.
I was all set to buy the Reiki Superswitch Pro combo after a more than 30 minute chat with the owner Nigel, very nice guy, very knowledgeable with all things audio and networking.
But then my friend, fellow WBF menber Joao Vieira suggested the APL switch (he is a big fan of APL) , so had a quick peruse on the APL website, custom "Lundahl" transformer, and also has a grounding post to use with my Shunyata Gemini, so this piqued my interest, as I live in Brazil, it's not like when I lived in the UK or Portugal with easy options for doing home demo's, so when Joao kindly offered to lend me a unit for a home demo with my system, I jumped at the chance,(silver version will arrive next week).
When I lived in Lisbon until a few years ago, I had heard on one ocassion at Ultimate Audio a system which included a reference APL Dac (think it was the DSD SR SE), I was very impressed, the owner Alex Peychev certainly has a well deserved reputaion has a bit of a digital wizard, I was certainly very impressed that day.
Now it's a little hard to put this into true context, because when I introduced the Switch into my system, it was at the exact same time as I introduced Shunyata Omega grounding cables in combination with my Shunyata Gemini from all of my other components, however, this combination made a very good and real improvement to the SQ, the usual plethora of audio plaudits can be attributed, but in short, a much improved lowering of the noise floor, which in turn lead to improved and clearer micro detail retrieval in recordings, tonality was another noticeable improvement which personally for me is easily the most important SQ attribute I look for in components, their is more weight to instruments.
I have been blessed to have worked and toured all over the world for well over 44 years and luckily still active, with some of the worlds very biggest recording artists (my profile photo shows me on stage one day during the lighting focus on a David Gilmour tour I did) , and have heard up at close quarters virtually every musical instrument there is to hear, along with some of the worlds leading f.o.h sound mixing engineers, so imho I would like to think I am qualified to know what a real instrument sounds like, having heard them before and after amplification in most of the worlds most revered venues.
I am a firm believer in that everything counts in an audio system, especially when your front end is digital, this includes cables, isolation feet, racks and of course cables, get this right (synergy) and it can make a profound difference, thank goodness this site has very few naysayers sprouting "It's all snake oil".
Looking at maybe getting a Synergistic Research router sometime this year to see what that might bring to the table.
Cheers, wishing a great weekend to all.