the culture of Lampi and Taiko are unique and happened organically. those owners were forum participants prior to growing the brands. it's not the normal thing.
Hi Mike,
I respectfully disagree. I don’t think any of this is organic per se. Adoption follows a fairly steady pattern of moving from an early market, dominated by few rich guys interested in luxury for its own sake in this case, to a more “mainstream “, “larger” block of more pragmatic customers who need to understand concrete differences between products before jumping on the bandwagon.
For Wadax, the early stage has been dominated by guys who are seeking a personal luxury. And yes, high end audio is a personal luxury that is no different than someone buying a $750 toilet brush or Gwyneth Paltrow’s $15k gold dildo - for people's own personal identity. Pleasure of luxury of very nice things for their own sake is a real thing as we all know in this hobby for many people who do not invite visitors to their house (vs. buying an expensive car or wearing a huge hunk of diamonds that others see).
The more mainstream customer, on the other hand, is driven by a strong sense of practicality because so many audio products are just passing fads. So they are willing to wait and see how other people are making out before they buy-in themselves. They want to see well-established references before investing substantial skin in the game.
So things move from an early market stage to the mainstream market stage, and Lamipizator and Taiko have gone through the same process already (as have dcs and msb earlier). Like everyone else, they found a few dogs who ate the dog food and like it. They now have a small minority of vocal consumers and fans who evangelize and proselytize on their behalf. Those companies have crossed the “chasm”, if you would. It’s not an easy transition and many companies fail. And although is seems organic at this point for taiko and lamipizator , it wasn’t always this way.
Wadax needs to do the same to be successful or it will fade away like so many audio companies. So far we have only pretty much heard from mis-incentivized “audio journalists”, who have just stroked their egos and have oiled the audiophile’s machinery of desire by saying the product is THE BEST.
Yet If a true value proposition is discovered, rather than empty claims from disgusting “audio journalist” scumbags, wadax will be successful. Marketing is all about associations, and wadax shot themselves in the foot by associating with the worst elements in the industry
(Latest example from these scum bags : $200K plus CH amp is best. But for every taste and every situation???? Why do these despicable guys choose to mislead people?)
And the time may for wasax be right, as Dcs is still trying to milk their older platform and not ready to release a new one. It will be interesting to see if wadax will turn out to be a disruptive innovation at the high end of the hifi “audiophile market” and displace dcs and Msb . (I'm sure when dcs is ready with the new platform , they will waste no time to send it the stereophile wilson reviewers like Fremer and others.)
But I’m equally interested to hear if wadax will appeal to guys like me , who could care less about the audiophile sound (big soundstage, pinpoint imaging, sounds and noises one only heard on a recording ), but are
interested in the emotion of music .
Alex Halberstadt has a superbly written review of the latest jadis dac in Stereophile. He claims that Jadis , unlike many expensive audiophile dacs that only excel at audiophile vocabulary, has an ability to breathe life into just about any recording. If wadax can do that, I’ll be a big fan.
(Damn, Alex Halberstadt is GOOD! What a brilliant writer! A real breath of fresh air! If he had mainstream tastes, he could be the next Valin. But I hope his tastes stay just like they are.
Anyways, looking forward to reading your comparisons to discover that true value proposition.