Breaking news from DCS….

Just to be sure (and not saying you are connecting), my post is not a comment in any way on dCS.
I know what you meant..The hobby at large. Buyers need to align their purchases with dealers who understand not only the products they sell but also it's often a huge chunk of change for a client to spend (at any level), even if the margins are slim for the dealer.

In the case of Holmes, she just pitched to a bunch of investors who allowed their own greed to cloud their judgement. It's kind of a different path than a hifi purchase.
Just to be sure (and not saying you are connecting), my post is not a comment in any way on dCS.


We are sure you were not considering dCS - you know that dCS is a solid brand with roots in professional audio and military SOTA electronics. Many modern recordings we appreciate a lot were carried using their electronics, they are a transparent company, the audio press has carried several visits to their factory and they have a large dealer network. In fact the opposite of grifters - the only reason I can see why you post such link in this dCS thread is to make people see the difference!

We are sure you were not considering dCS - you know that dCS is a solid brand with roots in professional audio and military SOTA electronics. Many modern recordings we appreciate a lot were carried using their electronics, they are a transparent company, the audio press has carried several visits to their factory and they have a large dealer network. In fact the opposite of grifters - the only reason I can see why you post such link in this dCS thread is to make people see the difference!

You give me too much credit… as I mentioned it was a thread already derailed by mention of Gweneth Paltrow’s gold dildo, I was simply keeping it derailed because the article I linked to referenced Paltrow’s “personal care” products. Probably better to have created a new thread — I was taken by the observation our capitalist system does allow and tolerate a layer of snake-oil salesman and products to exist, and while engineered audio products may or may not qualify, certainly many products in this hobby do — magic clocks, bags of crystals, and many would argue even cables. I usually put into this category any product marketed with mention of “quantum” this or that.

A recent post related to a product offered at “TheCableCompany” ( has all the attributes of snake-oil, including the antidotal “I had the best sleep of my life, and my dreams were so vivid.”

Is always up to the buyer to decide where they want to spend their money. I just found the article I linked to have an interesting take on how this layer of pseudo-scientific, snake-oily products exists in our culture. And that our hobby is far from exempt.
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You give me too much credit… as I mentioned it was a thread already derailed by mention of Gweneth Paltrow’s gold dildo, I was simply keeping it derailed because the article I linked to referenced Paltrow’s “personal care” products. Probably better to have created a new thread — I was taken by the observation our capitalist system does allow and tolerate a layer of snake-oil salesman and products to exist, and while engineered audio products may or may not qualify, certainly many products in this hobby do — magic clocks, bags of crystals, and many would argue even cables. I usually put into this category any product marketed with mention of “quantum” this or that.

A recent post related to a product offered at “TheCableCompany” ( has all the attributes of snake-oil, including the antidotal “I had the best sleep of my life, and my dreams were so vivid.”

Is always up to the buyer to decide where they want to spend their money. I just found the article I linked to have an interesting take on how this layer of pseudo-scientific, snake-oily products exists in our culture. And that our hobby is far from exempt.

No problem with being out of thread - I am apologist of some freedom in this aspect. However resurrecting a thread with a very derailed subject seems bizarre. Particularly when it is a subject that you know it is very controversial, you are professionally involved in the high-end business and you now can't resist posting your opinion on specific items and referring to a known brand.

IMHO in the high-end at some point we are all guilty of unscientific behavior and irrational expenditure for our own pleasure. Educating our preferences could be much more rational and efficient than selecting gear and tuning systems to please our individual preference. :eek: However we consciously choose the second route and IMHO discussion on such approach only is possible if we respect other people choices. Are you going to apply your intransigent rules to all brands sold by Rhapsody Audio? :oops:

And again IMHO we should minimize spending our time debating the absurd marketing claims of the high-end, focusing one the products and their real behavior. Surely MHO, YMMV.

It is curious that you systematically come to an high-end forum where most members are knowledgeable audiophiles trying to nip the hobby and the people involved in it.

IMHO WBF is not a site for luxury audio. This is mainly a site where we debate stereo sound reproduction, the gear used in the hobby, systems, rooms and preferences.

Wadax and dCS are not essentially luxury audio. They represent the SOTA of digital playback, at several prices. People essentially buy them for performance, not status.

Surely using dictionary definitions we can class anything superfluous as luxury. And a few people buy high-end for status and bling, no point hiding it. But fortunately they are not significant in this forum.

Happy New Year!


I respectfully disagree with you. To be honest, I just got a good belly laugh when I read your post. But I also sense some anger in your comments. Obviously, we view and evaluate the audio hobby from completely different frames, and enjoy different audio experiences.

I gave you my definition of luxury, vs. what humans need to survive. If Guys sitting in a dedicated 20 x 30 foot room , listening to several top systems costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, sipping $160 bottle of cognac and tequila while smoking weed famous rappers will kill for , I’m told, with several 6 figure dacs and half a dozen turntables, is not a luxury, I’m not sure what is.

And as I mentioned, aesthetic is elements have been incorporated into all types of products since the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and have come to high end audio as well. Even in your system (more below)!

And again, I’m not knocking that. Please re-read my post. This is not your typical definition of luxury . I believe that people want high end audio , not to show off in many cars, but because it makes their life more beautiful and more enjoyable. And it’s a great thing!

As to performance, high end audio is a subjective experience. I recently heard the newly hyped up Wilson model with dcs. And nothing personal, but I prefer listening to music in my car radio while driving at 85 mph, with 85 db of ambient noise. All I heard on that system was the “big soundstage”, “pinpoint imaging” , “depth “, “tight bass”, “clean sound”, "dynamics", vocalist in a booth in NYC, the drummer in a booth in Nashville, etc. It was not music. It was just sounds and noises. There was No human emotion conveyed. It was an electro-mechanical fake, and not real humans playing music created by real humans.

And that’s what people who are not audiophiles, including musicians, perceive also. Step away from audiophilia, and just ask an outsider to listen with you… I have listened to very high end systems with non- audiophile musicians and that is exactly their perspective…

But this mechanical sound is what old audiophiles have learned to like and consider as “high performance”. And this type of sound has the imprimatur of the audio elites. ( I can’t believe I just typed “ imprimatur” . Can I get 50 percent off an Avantgarde trios horn system I’ve been craving for using the the thesaurus, like that bombastic Wilson reviewer, “grandiloquent “ Jakob Heilbronn got for his Wilson wamm system and all the ancillaries ? :) maybe something like $500K discount !!! For looking things up in a thesaurus once or twice a year?!? I guess I will have to work my tail off to get my favorite and dream systems)

And many of those "experienced" guys sit in a small room, with 2-4 foot speakers, pretending the instruments played on 20-30 of the same recordings on their system sound like a real classical performance. But it’s a free society and very rich men in their late 50s, 60s, and 70s , locked in to a certain philosophy and preference, can do whatever they want…

Music is a $50 billion plus industry, yet high end audio is a tiny fraction of that. I know hundreds of millionaires who can easily afford this stuff and love music but don’t care for high end audio, maybe if this stuff sounded great, they would get it also. On the other hand, a friend whose preferences are very similar to mine, recently heard the same Alsyvox that Bobvin has, with a SET and he said he had chills up and down the spine for the whole time he listened to it. I’m sure I’d feel exactly the same. Yet guys who are used to the audiophile- accepted / approved sound will say it’s a euphonic coloration. But so is vinyl , to many of those guys. :)… And , of course, guys who have a rule in their head that gear must measure great - before they can enjoy the sound , would have a different opinion altogether.

No one’s preferred sonic signature/ coloration, even if approved by the elite, is better than another man’s coloration… togas were preferred by the elites a while back in human history, but we prefer blue jeans now …One man’s high performance is another man’s drek…. And Just great marketing :) … so ignore economics at your own peril …

So again, our society is flush with cash. If high end audio were a better experience , more people would grin and immediately arouse emotional reactions upon hearing music on these Uber expensive systems. They would flock to this hobby like kids to a park!

As to your bling comment, there’s a “bling” component to majority of gear, and aesthetics matter more and more. Not only superficial people are attracted to aesthetically beautiful gear. As I mentioned, other values such as “high performance” do not go away. Mobile phone can sparkle and work at the same time. Alsyvox speaker can look stunning and sound stunning - to those who like that type of sound.

(And smart business people should offer an option of plain or the aesthetic option for an extra charge. Not everyone is a technologically earnest but aesthetically clueless geek, and vice versa. The economic term for this is called price discrimination.)

No reason to assume something is worthless because it comes in a pretty package. But then again, “high performance” is judged completely personally based on taste and preference…so thus, to some pretty stuff lacks substance…

Why do you think your Wilson speakers have fancy car paint finish ? You didn’t notice your speakers have that? And how much money do think the consumer can save if the speaker came as plain as Mao-like drab, gray suit? (That’s part of the genius of Wilson marketing!)

And how much are the fancy dcs face plates on your Dac and other dcs boxes ? One face plate probably costs more than the whole system that measurement guys have . And how much do 4 dcs plates cost? And what about Mike L’s dartZeel? (Mike L. is the respected audiophile who will try to get wadax across the chasm to the more mainstream market of dcs and msb owners… sure anyone can get lucky after making a wrong decision, but personally, I think the dac designer should help evangelize his brand like Steve Jobs did, but seems like he would rather work behind his desk and chance the opportunity pass by with dcs not yet ready with their new platform , but I don’t want to digress.) Why is dartZeel in beautiful in orange (or is it mustard yellow) with red edges? It’s not for aesthetic pleasure? It’s only for function ? Seriously?

Economics is a hidden order that exists whether or not we choose to notice ....

Furthermore, the audiophile culture you support for has failed! Its an illiberal culture, with guys thinking because they heard something, and like something, and imagine it as “real”, everyone else should love it also. If they don’t, they are an idiot, or worse! Imagine if these guys had baseball bats or guns they could take to those they disagree with… we see this type of stuff on this site frequently, and we have already seen fights between “experts” at audio shows, but I wouldn’t be surprised if things get kicked up a notch at future events ( no pun intended) …

If the audiophile culture were real life, life would nasty , brutish, and short.

I’m sure the Taliban is proud of what the audiophiles have accomplished.

But let’s put the disgusting Audiophile culture else aside and judge things by the results: Thanks to the audiophile culture you seem to admire, the industry is near death. I sincerely feel bad for some of the dealers here, pushing new stuff stuff, and dividing the ever dwindling market, getting the shrinking group of customers to switch to their more obscure , less proven, and less culturally accepted products … good luck in a culture that allows a very specific sensory experience of the accepted audiophile taste, override the rational….

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So whether we talking about the perception of audio or seeing the industry from a more holistic perspective, here’s a quote from Sir John Lubbock that can also shed some more light on where I’m coming from :

“What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. ... In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.”

Obviously, we see the world from completely different frames. And for some reason you’re assuming every one is just like you, in terms of your deep knowledge , goals, and preferences. In this hobby, we place value on completely different things, and I prefer application of reason to achieve human happiness over blindly following existing irrational customs and myths in the audiophile culture, and accept others' contradictory definitions of high performance. If all of this bothers you and you want to focus on “high performance “ - whatever it is to you, please put me on Ignore.

But, If you have an interest in behavioral science to better understand and explore this industry more fully and evenhandedly, and as applied to the rest of life, I recommend book called “ Influence “ by Robert Cialdini and “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Danny Kahneman , winner of the Nobel Prize in economics for his work on behavioral economics. And , of course, there’s Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, which must be re-read every 2-3 years to make the most of life, because Aristotle puts human reason , not mythology or custom, as the ultimate driver of human happiness . My suggestions are Much better intellectual company than the silly myths audiophiles have bought into and repetitively fight about. :)

So sounds like we will have to agree to disagree on this. :) remember IGNORE is your friend, but it will not change any of the economics and social realities above.

Anyways, it’s a new year. Got a lot of work to do. Will be watching as Mike L. takes on the Magico / MSB crowd , dealer network on one flank and the Wilson/ dcs dealer network supported by the Wilson stereophile reviewers on the other side. (even friggin Herb Reickert , who is supposed to be the cheap gear/ high efficiency guy is now a dcs guy). Things will be interesting to watch!
The Dvorak controller is like Vivaldi upsampler. It is a network bridge. Vivaldi transport can be used with Dvorak. There is a problem in sourcing a high quality SACD/CD transport mechanism, so they have to wait and see.
I am surprised that DCS hs not sourced or developed a new transport, considering that the Vivaldi is over 10 years old at this stage. The competition was not sleeping and CH precision recently developed a new transport, as did Wadax, Esoteric, T+A and others. I hope they introduce Dvorak soon as the rumors have been flying around since early last year and it is hardly a secret at this point.
I am surprised that DCS hs not sourced or developed a new transport, considering that the Vivaldi is over 10 years old at this stage. The competition was not sleeping and CH precision recently developed a new transport, as did Wadax, Esoteric, T+A and others. I hope they introduce Dvorak soon as the rumors have been flying around since early last year and it is hardly a secret at this point.

My 2 cents, is the Vivaldi Transport is likely one of the best, arguably the best, the others were reacting to them given they were in market early with a top end transport (Esoteric there too at the time..I am sure others). I do think the market has changed a lot in 10 years, away from spinning discs and into streaming/nas/servers. So I suspect the hi end transport market is small. I do wonder what a Vivaldi Transport would sound like with a next gen dCS DAC/Clock/Upsampler or whatever next gen config they go with...
it like we are in for some dCS news on Tuesday February 1. Price increases and possibly some APEX iterations. Waiting to see.
My 2 cents, is the Vivaldi Transport is likely one of the best, arguably the best, the others were reacting to them given they were in market early with a top end transport (Esoteric there too at the time..I am sure others). I do think the market has changed a lot in 10 years, away from spinning discs and into streaming/nas/servers. So I suspect the hi end transport market is small. I do wonder what a Vivaldi Transport would sound like with a next gen dCS DAC/Clock/Upsampler or whatever next gen config they go with...

In a Vivaldi stack with the Vivaldi Clock, the transport that uses a top CD/SACD reader mechanism from Teac Esoteric is synchronous with the DAC - I doubt that they can improve on it. But the clock and AES/EBU cables still make a lot of difference.

Many excellently sounding CD transports have a strong sound signature, as shown in their jitter analysis.
it like we are in for some dCS news on Tuesday February 1. Price increases and possibly some APEX iterations. Waiting to see.
Got this from a friend in Europe. I have no idea what APEX is all about.WhatsApp Image 2022-01-28 at 1.00.26 PM.jpeg
Is this a software upgrade I wonder? The last SW upgrade was significant....

I respectfully disagree with you. To be honest, I just got a good belly laugh when I read your post. But I also sense some anger in your comments. Obviously, we view and evaluate the audio hobby from completely different frames, and enjoy different audio experiences.

I gave you my definition of luxury, vs. what humans need to survive. If Guys sitting in a dedicated 20 x 30 foot room , listening to several top systems costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, sipping $160 bottle of cognac and tequila while smoking weed famous rappers will kill for , I’m told, with several 6 figure dacs and half a dozen turntables, is not a luxury, I’m not sure what is.

And as I mentioned, aesthetic is elements have been incorporated into all types of products since the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and have come to high end audio as well. Even in your system (more below)!

And again, I’m not knocking that. Please re-read my post. This is not your typical definition of luxury . I believe that people want high end audio , not to show off in many cars, but because it makes their life more beautiful and more enjoyable. And it’s a great thing!

As to performance, high end audio is a subjective experience. I recently heard the newly hyped up Wilson model with dcs. And nothing personal, but I prefer listening to music in my car radio while driving at 85 mph, with 85 db of ambient noise. All I heard on that system was the “big soundstage”, “pinpoint imaging” , “depth “, “tight bass”, “clean sound”, "dynamics", vocalist in a booth in NYC, the drummer in a booth in Nashville, etc. It was not music. It was just sounds and noises. There was No human emotion conveyed. It was an electro-mechanical fake, and not real humans playing music created by real humans.

And that’s what people who are not audiophiles, including musicians, perceive also. Step away from audiophilia, and just ask an outsider to listen with you… I have listened to very high end systems with non- audiophile musicians and that is exactly their perspective…

But this mechanical sound is what old audiophiles have learned to like and consider as “high performance”. And this type of sound has the imprimatur of the audio elites. ( I can’t believe I just typed “ imprimatur” . Can I get 50 percent off an Avantgarde trios horn system I’ve been craving for using the the thesaurus, like that bombastic Wilson reviewer, “grandiloquent “ Jakob Heilbronn got for his Wilson wamm system and all the ancillaries ? :) maybe something like $500K discount !!! For looking things up in a thesaurus once or twice a year?!? I guess I will have to work my tail off to get my favorite and dream systems)

And many of those "experienced" guys sit in a small room, with 2-4 foot speakers, pretending the instruments played on 20-30 of the same recordings on their system sound like a real classical performance. But it’s a free society and very rich men in their late 50s, 60s, and 70s , locked in to a certain philosophy and preference, can do whatever they want…

Music is a $50 billion plus industry, yet high end audio is a tiny fraction of that. I know hundreds of millionaires who can easily afford this stuff and love music but don’t care for high end audio, maybe if this stuff sounded great, they would get it also. On the other hand, a friend whose preferences are very similar to mine, recently heard the same Alsyvox that Bobvin has, with a SET and he said he had chills up and down the spine for the whole time he listened to it. I’m sure I’d feel exactly the same. Yet guys who are used to the audiophile- accepted / approved sound will say it’s a euphonic coloration. But so is vinyl , to many of those guys. :)… And , of course, guys who have a rule in their head that gear must measure great - before they can enjoy the sound , would have a different opinion altogether.

No one’s preferred sonic signature/ coloration, even if approved by the elite, is better than another man’s coloration… togas were preferred by the elites a while back in human history, but we prefer blue jeans now …One man’s high performance is another man’s drek…. And Just great marketing :) … so ignore economics at your own peril …

So again, our society is flush with cash. If high end audio were a better experience , more people would grin and immediately arouse emotional reactions upon hearing music on these Uber expensive systems. They would flock to this hobby like kids to a park!

As to your bling comment, there’s a “bling” component to majority of gear, and aesthetics matter more and more. Not only superficial people are attracted to aesthetically beautiful gear. As I mentioned, other values such as “high performance” do not go away. Mobile phone can sparkle and work at the same time. Alsyvox speaker can look stunning and sound stunning - to those who like that type of sound.

(And smart business people should offer an option of plain or the aesthetic option for an extra charge. Not everyone is a technologically earnest but aesthetically clueless geek, and vice versa. The economic term for this is called price discrimination.)

No reason to assume something is worthless because it comes in a pretty package. But then again, “high performance” is judged completely personally based on taste and preference…so thus, to some pretty stuff lacks substance…

Why do you think your Wilson speakers have fancy car paint finish ? You didn’t notice your speakers have that? And how much money do think the consumer can save if the speaker came as plain as Mao-like drab, gray suit? (That’s part of the genius of Wilson marketing!)

And how much are the fancy dcs face plates on your Dac and other dcs boxes ? One face plate probably costs more than the whole system that measurement guys have . And how much do 4 dcs plates cost? And what about Mike L’s dartZeel? (Mike L. is the respected audiophile who will try to get wadax across the chasm to the more mainstream market of dcs and msb owners… sure anyone can get lucky after making a wrong decision, but personally, I think the dac designer should help evangelize his brand like Steve Jobs did, but seems like he would rather work behind his desk and chance the opportunity pass by with dcs not yet ready with their new platform , but I don’t want to digress.) Why is dartZeel in beautiful in orange (or is it mustard yellow) with red edges? It’s not for aesthetic pleasure? It’s only for function ? Seriously?

Economics is a hidden order that exists whether or not we choose to notice ....

Furthermore, the audiophile culture you support for has failed! Its an illiberal culture, with guys thinking because they heard something, and like something, and imagine it as “real”, everyone else should love it also. If they don’t, they are an idiot, or worse! Imagine if these guys had baseball bats or guns they could take to those they disagree with… we see this type of stuff on this site frequently, and we have already seen fights between “experts” at audio shows, but I wouldn’t be surprised if things get kicked up a notch at future events ( no pun intended) …

If the audiophile culture were real life, life would nasty , brutish, and short.

I’m sure the Taliban is proud of what the audiophiles have accomplished.

But let’s put the disgusting Audiophile culture else aside and judge things by the results: Thanks to the audiophile culture you seem to admire, the industry is near death. I sincerely feel bad for some of the dealers here, pushing new stuff stuff, and dividing the ever dwindling market, getting the shrinking group of customers to switch to their more obscure , less proven, and less culturally accepted products … good luck in a culture that allows a very specific sensory experience of the accepted audiophile taste, override the rational….


As much as Cesar rambles sometimes/often, this is a very good post with lots of truths
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Is this a software upgrade I wonder? The last SW upgrade was significant....

I suspect not for that price increase; note the DACs are already "2.0" so I suspect this is higher quality hardware with the existing software.
Tick, tick, tick... any news? The working day is over in the UK. Who's got the dirt?
Apex? Maybe a new name tacked onto their products to “justify” the price increase?
dCS posted on their board the other day that announcements would be coming later in the month.
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