Hey all you (lucky) WBF CH P1 Owners....wondered if anybody can help me make some decisions in what I should do next in my UK hifi system upgrade path journey i.e.;
- Buy a CH X1 first to go with my P1 ?
- Upgrade my MSL Eminent Ex cartridge first (instead of the X1) to say a MSL Gold Sig or Platinum Sig ?
I will end of having both of the above upgrades (hopefully by the end of this year).
As well as the two upgrades above, have been wondering if it is well worth the money to also buy the Kuzma Outer Ring Clamp & Kuzma Ebony Spindle Clamp / Weight for my XL DC first before buying either the X1 or upgraded MSL cartridge (whichever I buy first) again with the plan to have all four at some point by end of this year or spilling over into next year (finances permitted of course).
A second tonearm and cartridge is also in my future plan for next year that will complement my 4Point 11" with the upgraded MSL cartridge, as I already have a second Kuzma Arm Tower with VTA. Maybe a suitable arm with a Koetsu ????.
For my long term hifi system plan / goal, I am also considering in building up a complete CH Precision 1 System over the coming 5+ years (i.e. CD1.5, C1.2, L1 & A1.5 x 2 or M1.1) to go with my P1 and to replace my current Chord DAVE & Hifiman EF1000 Headphone & Speaker Amp (with maybe possibly in some distant future a P1 x 2 with X1 x 2) system.
In the meantime I am fully enjoying my P1 with my Kuzma XL DC & 4Point 11" TT system connected to my Hifiman EF1000 & Susvara headphone system.
I also have in my home in Spain a full Chord Electronics Choral system (Blu MK1 Transporter, QBD76 DAC, Prima Pre-Amp, Mezzo 140 x 2 Power Amps mono blocked) mounted in the Chord five tier Aspire Rack connected to Focal Electra 1038 Be Floor Standing Speakers.
And in the UK a similar full Chord Choral system (with numerous Chord Aspire racks i.e. 2 tier, 4 tier & 5 tier racks) with a Chord Blu MK1 upgraded with the in-built M Scaler connected to the Chord DAVE via High Fidelity STORM BNC digital interconnects, Chord Prima and one Chord Mezzo 140 linked to Focal Electra 1008 Be stand mount speakers. The Chord Blu & DAVE also currently feed my Hifiman EF1000 Headphone & Speaker Amp.
So these two full Chord Choral systems will be sold off in my long term 5+ year plan to purchase CH Precision equipment through my upgrade path journey.
Your thoughts on the above would be much appreciated.
p.s. sorry for the long post, lots of questions and some off topic subjects not directly relating to the P1. Just thought it being appropriate for members to see my overall hifi upgrade journey.