CJ Preamp with "mono" Feature.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
Pacific Northwest
I am trying to find out which preamp model(s) possess a "mono" feature either on the face plate or remote. I've tried to find through reviews, CJ's web site, etc., but no answer found.

I have never seen a cj preamp with a mono switch. At least from now going back to the prem14.
The XP-30 has inputs that are mono summed, so you can just choose that by the remote.
Bummer! I was hoping the LS16 did but I don't think it does. It wasn't a consideration till recently when I found that my mono cart. sounds better via my "mono" through my preamp vs. "mono"" via my phonostage. This is totally opposite if I use my stereo cart. and play mono LP's in that my phonostage gives better performance in "mono" vs. my preamp. So, I just assumed that it would be the case and used it that way. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy with the results I was getting. So on a whim I played LP's through my preamps "mono" setting and things sounded different but definitely better. Nothings easy!!
The XP-30 has inputs that are mono summed, so you can just choose that by the remote.

Is that Pass Labs mono feature easily transplanted into a conrad johnson pre amp ? :rolleyes:
Bummer! I was hoping the LS16 did but I don't think it does. It wasn't a consideration till recently when I found that my mono cart. sounds better via my "mono" through my preamp vs. "mono"" via my phonostage. This is totally opposite if I use my stereo cart. and play mono LP's in that my phonostage gives better performance in "mono" vs. my preamp. So, I just assumed that it would be the case and used it that way. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy with the results I was getting. So on a whim I played LP's through my preamps "mono" setting and things sounded different but definitely better. Nothings easy!!

Hi Grooves. I used to own the prem16 - awesome preamp, but no mono button.

If you have a mono cartridge you don't need a mono button. Just enjoy the glorious mono cartridge.

BTW, which mono cartridge did you buy?
I have the Miyajima Zero. As far as the "mono" feature, if I use it w/o engaging the "mono" button I have a hum issue. I suppose I could just use an adapter but since the mono button works to rid the hum I was fine with that. It's just that I'm now on the fence again re: my Naim gear since the 10yr. updates are do and that will be costly. So, now that I find that the "mono" feature works better on the preamp side vs. the phono side I'm happy and sad at the same time.
As far as the Zero is concerned, it's still needs some hours on it. But, at this point I'm still on the fence as to whether I'd buy it again. The LP-S in "mono" sounded pretty good, about 90% of what the Zero brings. Now, Sat. was a big improvement when I used my preamp's "mono". It really kind of added to the enjoyment and performance aspect. The only big issue I'm having, as usual, is this upper-mid to lower treble peak I get. This isuue happens with all my cart.'s but since I usually only have one cart. I just tuned things to help off set the peak. But while the LP-S is doing fine the Zero has this added peak for me. I'm really hoping that it's all part of the breaking in period. Cause everything else about it sounds good. Great bass and treble. Unfortunately, it's not as forgiving as my LP-S (not all that forgiving) on slightly "hot" reissues.

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