Coronavirus ...

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To add, copied and pasted straight off the CDC sight, in the USA,

CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season. This burden was similar to estimated burden during the 2012–2013 influenza season1.

Come on guys relax and be smart. Look at the numbers, and yes I am aware its not over but find some levity, this is not Stephens Kings novel The Stand playing out here.

Looking for new numbers and stories all day long 24 hours a day is going to drive you insane and its not serving any purpose except to amplify unnecessary fear.

Regarding your comments.

influenza numbers from previous years don’t pertain to this virus. It’s origins are such that the herd hasn’t built up a resistance in an particular group and it is reported to be much more contagious than a garden variety flu. The potential for deaths in the tens of millions exists. This is why these drastic measures are warranted.

Relax and be smart is good advice. It‘s easier to relax when you know what’s going on. Recent herd behavior suggests there is some stress due to the lack of credible information. But I think this situation is improving.

there was a lot of new discovery in the last couple days regarding world lock down policy. Hopefully most people are now prepared and have reached a safe place. To be sure there are some who haven’t. I wish them the best.
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Nope....the explosion is real. You can see it in the hospital and the rate of contraction shows that it took off in early Feb.
Army of the 12 Monkeys ?
Citizens of the UK can only hope those watching the data are paying the utmost attention. These are some of the most critical numbers ever.
That leadership depends on all of us, not just few ...
Because no one knows exactly how to fight efficiently an invisible common enemy (deadly virus); not me, not you, not the Pope, not anyone because this is a new virus and there's no data.
They are gathering data as we speak, and they are working on a cure (vaccine) as we speak.

We sure could use the expertise of previous fighters and history.
We could use the examples of Asian countries in counteracting.
They have more experience than say North and South American continents on that matter.
...And of most European countries.

I think.
Very salient Bob, it is also up to us to show qualities of good leadership within ourselves and our families as well as at work and within our community. These truly challenging times are when greatness can arise in us all and we can put away petty things and have lives of greater value. That is the potential open to us all, even in our smallest ways we can become greater.

Most great things in history have come from the street level not from government dependence.
This will be the case here to, people on the street being smart and helping others.

It bothers me to think that there are people that are so scared they are literally afraid to go out side until big brother says its OK. That's not people helping people. How many people are we going to find deceased in homes because they literally scared them selves to death and were afraid to go outside and seek help.
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Cheap and safe to try... clinical study testimonials Heat kills Sars-Corona

"The laboratory science on coronavirus survivability studies seems to speak with a single voice. Numerous researchers has come to the same conclusion. "Coronavirus is easily killed at 56° C. (133° F.) in less than 15 minutes." Here are a few. (There are many more.)

Biomed Environ Sci 2003 Sep:16(3):246-55

J Med Virol, 23 (3), 297-301 Nov 1987

Any "expert" choosing to dismiss these widely corroborated, peer-reviewed studies is left with an enormous burden of proof."

I like Norm ^
And I also like one of your other previous posts with this data, accurate or not ...
Most great things in history have come from the street level not from government dependence.
This will be the case here to, people on the street being smart and helping others.

It bothers me to think that there are people that are so scared they are literally afraid to go out side until big brother says its OK. That's not people helping people. How many people are we going to find deceased in homes because they literally scared them selves to death and were afraid to go outside and seek help.

Thing is Mike; not everyone seeking help can get help.
We simply don't have the resources to handle this.
We have to rely on good common sense and helping ourselves @ home by washing our hands and stay home. If we go out we risk the lives of others...IMHO

Tomorrow morning I'm going to get milk @ the grocery store ...
Forget the milk I'm staying home with my dogs and cats.
But they need dog and cat food ...

See, it's very tricky. We should all wear masks, wash our hands before going shopping, and even wear surgical (plastic) gloves when shopping for food we put in our baskets (carts); tomatoes, avocados, onions, potatoes, lettuce, etc., that everyone touch including the grocery store personal staff (workers). And just forget it about toilet paper ... we are the most intelligent animal species on Earth.
Is the public right this time? From my perch in the eastern Sierra, the VIA (virus Intelligence agency) it's hard to say. But the Public is voting with their pocket book as shelves are bare from Bishop to Reno or getting damn close.
Regarding your comments.

influenza numbers from previous years don’t pertain to this virus. It’s origins are such that the herd hasn’t built up a resistance in an particular group and it is reported to be much more contagious than a garden variety flu. The potential for deaths in the tens of millions exists. This is why these drastic measures are warranted.

Relax and be smart is good advice. It‘s easier to relax when you know what’s going on. Recent herd behavior suggests there is some stress due to the lack of credible information. But I think this situation is improving.

there was a lot of new discovery in the last couple days regarding world lock down policy. Hopefully most people are now prepared and have reached a safe place. To be sure there are some who haven’t. I wish them the best.

I completely agree which is why I commented that the numbers are not all in yet but at the same time we cant collapse a world economy either. Yes there are a gazillion things than can/need and are being done but at the same time the world must continue to function. Are you expecting people to go outside and risk their lives coming up with a cure while you sit in your hidey hole waiting for the magic shot or are you going to help in however small of a way you can.

Cancelling mass groupings of people goes with out saying, being smart and sanitary also falls in line too.
Went to Target today and they were all out of everything, this is unnecessary behavior. After every single person went through the cashier stand the entire cashier stand was wiped down top to bottom in including the belt,every single transaction, I am OK with that.

I still go to work every day and deal with multiple customers every day. Our showroom was swamped with people this week, went out to breakfast with my wife this morning and business was great as well as the food. If we all go into hiding the consequences worldwide will be irreversible for years or decades to come.

People with money hording toilet paper and other supplies into extinction when its not necessary and is robbing the less fortunate that might only be able to afford a pack a week. There is no supply shortage there is however mass over compensation going on here, especially if you have running water in your home, there are those that don't and the hording is taking that away from them.

Cooler heads must prevail.
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Just for a second; you buy couple tomatoes with the right ripeness, tomatoes that others before you checked also for their own ripeness. You get home and you eat them...with your mouth, inside a sandwich or with cucumbers on the side in your plate.
Are you going to disinfect them first?
Some people have hands on skills. I can literally say that as an osteopath. I've already heard of a chiropractic office w multiple therapists go into deep freeze as patients cancel en masse. Luckily I can get away w 50% contraction before things get unbearably tight. I'm just hoping my being open w patients on Corona risks, practice hygeine, and my informal geeing up of patients, plus my reputation for down to earth friendly compassion gives me JUST enough of an edge to keep afloat during this period.

I will be honest. Boris not pushing lock down/social distancing is maybe the only thing stopping my practice of 25 years from completely folding.
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Another thing I'm in the process of finishing my condo....full speed a head before the world ends and I can't find any subs to do the work. My timetable is end of April or sooner. Life is a beatch and then there's the virus...I'm not retreating....always advancing...sounds like Patton.

Front Porch and hope my security doors get done in time to stop the barbarians at the gate.


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I quite agree about the hoarding. Supply chains are intact. There is enough to go around unless some overreact throwing off sales projections.
No doubt these measures are wreaking havoc on the economy. There is a price to pay. Hopefully these are short term, but more likely 6 to 10 weeks, which is a really long time. At some point leadership will have to decide the balance between the death rate and the fate of the living. Heavy decisions. I have a hard time understanding how anyone with a clear head would want the job of leading a country.
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I completely agree which is why I commented that the numbers are not all in yet but at the same time we cant collapse a world economy either. Yes there are a gazillion things than can/need and are being done but at the same time the world must continue to function. Are you expecting people to go outside and risk their lives coming up with a cure while you sit in your hidey hole waiting for the magic shot or are you going to help in however small of a way you can.

Cancelling mass groupings of people goes with out saying, being smart and sanitary also falls in line too.
Went to Target today and they were all out of everything, this is unnecessary behavior. After every single person went through the cashier stand the entire cashier stand was wiped down top to bottom in including the belt,every single transaction, I am OK with that.

I still go to work every day and deal with multiple customers every day. Our showroom was swamped with people this week, went out to breakfast with my wife this morning and business was great as well as the food. If we all go into hiding the consequences worldwide will be irreversible for years or decades to come.

People with money hording toilet paper and other supplies into extinction when its not necessary and is robbing the less fortunate that might only be able to afford a pack a week. There is no supply shortage there is however mass over compensation going on here, especially if you have running water in your home, there are those that don't and the hording is taking that away from them.

Cooler heads must prevail.
The unequallety of toilet paper?
Wait and see what’s going to happen
when they run out of respirators :rolleyes:
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Past year's or this year's data about normal flu running its course means nothing really. Death numbers for car accidents are irrelevant.

The fear of this new Coronovirus comes from its POTENTIAL, not it's current performance.

We see that 34K people died from normal flu in 2019 so what's the deal with only 4K deaths all around the world right?

The problem is if its not contained, if it spreads just like the normal flu, you'll have devastating numbers in 2020 data. 34K deaths will look like pennies.

So data of "how many people died of what" are irrelevant on the severity of this new virus. When this new flu spreads fast, health system collapses. You can't treat people who has already serious illnesses when a devastating flu like Corona is on the loose. Think of all cancer patients. Think of all people, young and old, who are fighting for their lives with serious illnesses at the moment. Corona will be a death sentence for them directly and indirectly.

So yes 4K people dead from a virus now is more important than 1.25 million people dying from car accidents each year. Because the latter is very random, predictable, has no or minimum effect on others. On the other hand the first follows a trail, grow exponentially, have effect on everybody. If the virus enters a company of 500 people without any precautions and measures, it can make the company inoperative in couple of weeks for a period of months.
Just for a second; you buy couple tomatoes with the right ripeness, tomatoes that others before you checked also for their own ripeness. You get home and you eat them...with your mouth, inside a sandwich or with cucumbers on the side in your plate.
Are you going to disinfect them first?

Absolutely not, and I didn't today when we went out to eat and had our food prepared by other people. I also am not going to live in a state of paranoia and fear. If this is the oogie boogie disease that ends the world, you are not going to find me dead sitting inside a house wishing I had done more than hide.

Rereading your question that's silly. I always clean or cook raw food before I eat it, but that being said every single thing in your life has been touched and handled by many people before you consume it, even if its inside a sealed hard container you can clean, whats in it was touched at some point by someone.

On that same note, we have open fruit baskets at work for clients and yesterday there was two kids rummaging through it touching every piece of fruit in it. I watched and waited until they were done and then threw it all away and told the boss no more fruit baskets for awhile. They have been canceled for the time being. And for the record I never eat out of it anyways, I bring my own. All open foods for clients in the nineteen brands we have here are canceled, probably indefinitley.
Another thing I'm in the process of finishing my condo....full speed a head before the world ends and I can't find any subs to do the work. My timetable is end of April or sooner. Life is a beatch and then theirs the virus...I'm not retreating....always advancing...sounds like Patton.

Front Porch and hope my security doors get done in time to stop the barbarians at the gate.
Thank god you guys all have guns;)
Past year's or this year's data about normal flu running its course means nothing really. Death numbers for car accidents are irrelevant.

The fear of this new Coronovirus comes from its POTENTIAL, not it's current performance.

We see that 34K people died from normal flu in 2019 so what's the deal with only 4K deaths all around the world right?

The problem is if its not contained, if it spreads just like the normal flu, you'll have devastating numbers in 2020 data. 34K deaths will look like pennies.

So data of "how many people died of what" are irrelevant on the severity of this new virus. When this new flu spreads fast, health system collapses. You can't treat people who has already serious illnesses when a devastating flu like Corona is on the loose. Think of all cancer patients. Think of all people, young and old, who are fighting for their lives with serious illnesses at the moment. Corona will be a death sentence for them directly and indirectly.

So yes 4K people dead from a virus now is more important than 1.25 million people dying from car accidents each year. Because the latter is very random, predictable, has no or minimum effect on others. On the other hand the first follows a trail, grow exponentially, have effect on everybody. If the virus enters a company of 500 people without any precautions and measures, it can make the company inoperative in couple of weeks for a period of months.

Agree, the fear of the unknown, its pretty debilitating if you let it get to you.
By the way those states I posted were USA only not world wide.

Dont get me wrong here, I am not trying to be a hard ass here, I had a two day period where could not form a cognitive thought, but decided to move on with life. I am not without worry, its just not going to win and steal my joy.

World wide numbers below and I agree with the last paragraph, and have forever.

According to new estimates published today, between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses each year, higher than a previous estimate of 250,000 to 500,000 and based on a robust, multinational survey.

The new estimate, from a collaborative study by CDC and global health partners, appears today in The Lancet. The estimate excludes deaths during pandemics.

“These findings remind us of the seriousness of flu and that flu prevention should really be a global priority,” says Joe Bresee, M.D., associate director for global health in CDC’s Influenza Division and a study co-author.
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Most great things in history have come from the street level not from government dependence.
This will be the case here to, people on the street being smart and helping others.

It bothers me to think that there are people that are so scared they are literally afraid to go out side until big brother says its OK. That's not people helping people. How many people are we going to find deceased in homes because they literally scared them selves to death and were afraid to go outside and seek help.
There are people over-reacting and there are those under-reacting and there are those appropriately reacting but it will only be in hindsight that we’ll know which ones are which and which one’s are we. I try and start from the middle ground generally but even that is hard to call at the moment.

I figure doing what is absolutely necessary and delaying the unnecessary, ensuring the most vulnerable are safest placed and the strong should help out more where possible when they can.

Accepting that we will make errors simply because we are travelling in the unknown and while minimising unnecessary contact may also carry with it negative impacts but it is shaping up as generally the wiser path.

Clearly not a great week to be hugging and kissing strangers but an opportunity to take time to make sure your loved ones and those around you are OK as well as looking after ourselves as best we can and simply trying to stay true to our compass.
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