OK. So I finally got around to setting up Dirac live, do measurements and create some filters. I have been using Trinnov, but wanted to simplify my signal path and am running USB into the MSB DAC, rahter than doing USB to AES/EBU conversion to be able to go through the Trinnov,
Measurements went fine. Then created three filters;
Filter one: +5db to 0db in 20Hz-200Hz range, flat in 200Hz - 1Khz range and 0dB to 5db in 1Kzh to 20Khz range - this is pretty much the same target curve I am using on my Trinnov
Filter two: +5db to 0db in 20Hz-300Hz range, no correction at all on anything above 300Hz
Filter three: flat from 20Hz to 20Khz.
Then kicked back, played some music, switching filters in real time and switching filter on/off to compare DRC with no DRC.
Huge disappointement. First, I honest to God barely noticed a difference between any of the filters, and no filters at all. I am 100% sure I could not pick out a preference I was doing this blind. On Trinnov, there is always a clear difference between engaging DRC and bypassing it.
Am I doing something wrong? I'm very puzzled.
The way it stands right now, I'll just forgo DRC completely, at least for 2 channel. Still have my Trinnov processor for multi channel.
You must be doing something wrong. Each filter should sound different. By the way, why did you not try the default filter?
I have been tweaking the default filter and miniscule changes are audible. I have used Ominmic measurements to confirm that I am actually listening to each filter as designed. Do you have a way of confirming you are listening to each filter. They will measure differently and should be audibly distinct.